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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Bleeding heart,
Pierced by an arrow of uncertainty,
calmness it`s enemy,
Madness it`s friend.

Blood runs dry,
empty shadows take the warmth that once was,
leaving a still stagnant heart wanting.

Time flowing out,
like a river,
in a barren land,
vains of emotions,
waiting eargerly,
for red velvet pulsating liquidious rain,
to fill the empty shadowed place called,
Posted 26 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
My sewer drain is my best friend
Its the only thing that holds my hand
As the broken ones clatter
And my aching heart shatters
My sewer drain is all I have

Like the pitch of the dusk toil
As it tears upon your face
And remains eternally regrettable
A deep pulsating slash of disgrace
An unmarked grave
For things I couldnt save
My sewer drain to ease the pain

Of long dim hallways where light waves
Not quite level leading you down
Remarking of safety and pleasantry
But leaving vestiges instead
An ash that lines your hand
From the wall so bland
Shouldnt have drawn yourself across
Remembering this to clench your fist
My sewer drain ending the sound

To you theres no point to try
After all we all die
Nothing can last so hold onto past
Only with strength to endure
Like a fingernail under my skin
The pain it sends as it digs within
Yet emotes in droves to soothe my soul
Theres so much reason why cant you see
All the people just clamoring to be
It isnt for naught or nothing or nil
My sewer drain to hearken the ill

Alas no they are pointless words I speak
And there you are so careless and weak
I wish I could watch you suffer and burn
But unfortunately to the world I see
Your suffering is just a yearn for me
As they go about to toil and play
To dream of things they could be today
But sad to say they will accomplish none
Their day will go as my love has done
And be bitter not sweet
With betrayal in the ultimate defeat
Once again my sentiments rise too high
And my sewer drain is at it again

Posted 26 Feb 2007

Posted 26 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 26 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
The madness of this world
Cannot be conquered
By the sadness or the power
Of the world,
But only by the oneness
Of the world – hearts

Posted 26 Feb 2007

kOoLeSt1 says
Posted 26 Feb 2007

Fairl_Girl says
Posted 27 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
thanx mansoor, dark & fg
Posted 27 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
sometimes I whisper
hope that you hear
heart to heart
that you'll be near
close enough to hold
close enough to say
I wish you were mine
for each night and day
I wish I could hug you
never let go
know we're forever
know that it's so
know that these dreams
I have all the time
are from the heart
sending a sign
I wish I could tell you
from my heart to yours
all that I feel
how I soar like a bird
in the winds in my dreams
always with you
I wish that I could
speak from my heart to yours
I once was a stallion
valiant and strong
I'd speak to the heavens
and nothing was wrong
then it was over
I fell to my knees
not once not twice
I failed to see
my heart was broken
shredded to tear
stil I stand now broken
as one who fears
yet I am still a stallion
though I walk all alone
in the woods of despair
I created on my own
so I dream of forevers
I dream of loveI
dream of what if's
of heaven above
I grin and I laugh
though my heart sometimes weeps
for the loss for the wanting
of a heart that I seek
so I whisper in the winds
in the shadows of my dreams
in the blindness of my seeking
for the one heart who will see
the heart of a stallion
in the body of a man
who writes what he dreams
who dreams cause he can
Posted 28 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
From heart to heart though far apart
from birth to berth none shall depart
where part seeds part in more than art
where start none chart nor ends, bends smart
may go go cart - Earth's applecart upset,
kick-starts fresh hope impart...

Posted 28 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
My heart beats faster
every time I see or hear your name.
My heart beats faster
every time I see your face.
My heart beats faster
every time I talk to you.
My heart beats faster
every time I talk about you.
My heart beats faster
every time I think about you.
My heart beats faster
every time I dream about you.
My heart beats faster
every time I see you smile.
My heart beats faster
every time I hear your voice.
My heart beats faster
every time I see your picture.
My heart beats faster
every time you're there.
My heart beats faster
for you.

Posted 28 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
Mind makes words but heart makes you feel,
Makes you feel like more, makes you feel liked more.
Heart shows.

Heart is not fooled by pretty prose,
Smiley looks or fancy clothes.
Heart knows.

Heart sometimes falls, weeps at its chances,
Laughs and learns, still sings and dances.
Heart grows.

Heart is always full, yet has room for more,
Sees gold within, behind the door.
Heart glows.

Heart never quits, never quits giving,
Longs for other hearts to celebrate living.
Heart overflows.

Posted 28 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
When all was broken
I gave you my heart
When hate was spoken
I gave you my heart

When you were in pain
I gave you my heart
when your faith would wain
I gave you my heart

When you would fall
I gave you my heart
When you would call
I gave you my heart

When tears reached your eyes
I gave you my heart
When lovers told lies
I gave you my heart

when wars would start
I gave you my heart
I gave you it so
cos then you would know

gave you all i could give
the soul reason i live
gave my heart its true
and you broke it in two
Posted 28 Feb 2007

valandrian says
Posted 06 May 2018

Posted 22 Sep 2018

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