I live in a zone of silence To decipher my hostile past. No, my life is not A speck of dust Flawed and doomed to nothingness. Useless words I pronounced. Therefore suicide I committed Time and again. In my life from now on Only The essential is permissible. No more shall I pretend to be What I am not: IGNORANCE
Age: 125
6669 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
When I Love ---------------
When I love the steps of my thoughts, My life becomes a series of calamities. When I love the flights of my will, My life becomes a series of daring visions. When I love the boat of my life, My life becomes the divine compeer Of perfection's heights.
Age: 125
6669 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
It Steals Into My Heart -------------------------------
There was a time when I loved The fantastic fabrics of the mind. There was a time When I lived my life Based on culled fictions. There was a time When I was satisfied With a fragment of reality, Splintered, broken and smashed. But now a lucid illumination Steals into my heart. The eternal Presence Of Infinity's Light Feeds my Vision's Dawn.
Age: 125
6669 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The Soul-Bird -----------------------
O world-ignorance, Although You have shackled my feet, I am free.
Although You have chained my hands, I am free.
Although You have enslaved my body, I am free.
I am free because I am not of the body. I am free because I am not the body, I am free because I am the soul-bird That flies in Infinity-Sky. I am the soul-child that dreams On the Lap of the immortal King Supreme.
Age: 125
6669 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
My Rights ---------------
I stood up for my rights. My rights demanded The life of universal acceptance And the life of universal recognition. I stand up for my rights. My rights demand My heart's cry and my life's smile.
I shall stand up for my rights. My rights shall demand The surrender-moon From the world of aspiration-sun.
Age: 125
6669 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Without ----------
Love without wisdom Is today's lover. Wisdom without love Is today's saviour. Beauty without duty Is today's choice. Duty without beauty Is today's noise.
Age: 125
6669 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
His Personality And His Individuality ----------------------------------------
No length, no breadth His personality has. No height, no depth His individuality has. Total and perfect isolation His real name is. He is a body With no voice of the soul. He is a soul With no life of the body.
Age: 125
6669 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Not Now ---------
My light shall flood the world. Not now, not now, not now! My will shall feed the world. Not now, not now, not now! My smile shall lift the world. Not now, not now, not now! My boat shall sail the world. Not now, not now, not now!
My light, my will, my smile, My boat, shall change the face Of earth and inspire the world To win the Godward Race.