I live in a zone of silence To decipher my hostile past. No, my life is not A speck of dust Flawed and doomed to nothingness. Useless words I pronounced. Therefore suicide I committed Time and again. In my life from now on Only The essential is permissible. No more shall I pretend to be What I am not: IGNORANCE
Age: 125
6669 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Within The Span -------------------
Within the span of a single human life I shall see the Eye of God's Vision-Boat. Within the span of a single human life I shall feel the Hand of God's Reality-Sun.
Within the span of a single human life I shall become the Heart of God's Perfection-Goal,
Within the span of a single human life I shall hide Eternity's ignorance.
Within the span of a single human life I shall embody Immortality's Shore.
Within the span of a single human life I shall reveal Infinity's Bliss.
Age: 125
6669 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
A Yawning Gulf ---------------------
A yawning gulf between My vision-tree and my reality-plant. A yawning gulf between The place I love to live and the place I live. I love to live under the vault of heaven. Alas, my existence lives In the valley of the shadow of death. Peace has escaped my remembrance; Delight, too.
But I know a swing of the pendulum Will change my face and fate. My surrender supreme Shall marry my dream-boat With my reality-shore.
Age: 125
6669 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
He Found, He Finds ----------------------
At the rim of sorrow He found his heartless mind. On the brink of despair He found his soulless heart. In the sea of destruction He found his goalless soul. Centuries dropped dead.
Now On the shore of Time He finds his searching mind He finds his crying heart He finds his illumining soul.
Learned the best things in life are not free, everything has it's price for you and me. There is no free ride for anyone, Do it yourself if it must get done.
I learned love hurts, it's not trusting or sure, but through the pain I learned to endure. Lessons to be learned and not forgotten, I always found that one apple rotten.
Life is a bowl full of cherries it is said, soon found out life was the pits instead. Bittersweet love brought unbearable pain, it made me tough to endure and sustain.
I learned we never run out of teardrops, like a dripping faucet it never stops. Life taught me to smile no matter what, that life still goes on, no if, ands or buts.
The most important thing I have learned, true friends really care and are concerned. Through thick or thin they will stand beside you, cherish their friendship and all that they do.
Age: 125
6669 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
When memories start creeping back and darkness begins to take it's toll let your emotions spill out on the paper it's time for some poetry for the soul
Let the sadness fall with each letter let each line be full of yesterdays when loves promises were broken instead of being forever or always
Let all of the heartache be hidden with each syllable and every word written without a rhyme or reason words just wanting to be heard
Fill each stanza with pure passion your feelings will flow so easily teardrops roll down your cheeks as you recall bittersweet memories
Each stanza contains such sorrow it is too soon to let the past go then the crying turns into sobbing unbearable pain interrupts the flow
Bearing your deepest emotions found in the recesses of your mind penning words to describe love such as pain, betrayal and unkind
You stare at the pain on the paper longing for the happiness of yesterday crunched and thrown on the floor just as your heart was tossed away