Once again tomorrow

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Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Yesterday was just a thing of the horrendously
treacherous past; fading and dissipating rapidly into
thin wisps of obsolete oblivion,
Lets unite in strings of perpetual harmony and
compassion today; to blossom into a vibrantly
optimistic and spell binding tomorrow….

Yesterday was just a thing of the diabolically heinous
past; pathetically blending with insipid bits of raw
Lets unite in whirlpools of insurmountable solidarity
today; unflinchingly facing even the most acridly
mighty challenges; proudly sprouting into the blissful
civilizations of tomorrow….

Yesterday was just a thing of the lecherously
abhorrent past; stinking like a million rats; beneath
the dungeons of manipulative malice,
Lets unite in irrefutable rings of truth today;
massacring every iota of horrifically despairing lie
and sadness; culminating into a wonderfully brilliant

Yesterday was just a thing of the remorsefully morbid
past; rapidly deteriorating to coalesce with the
murderous graves,
Lets unite in clouds of celestial peace today;
indefatigably fantasizing above a land of enchanting
paradise; to give birth to a divinely non-violent

Yesterday was just a thing of the devastatingly evil
past; sinking into an sea of baseless nothingness to
melange with the inconspicuously mundane sands,
Lets unite in winds of uninhibited sharing today;
ubiquitously commiserating with shivering mankind
around; to fulminate into a fountain of irrevocably
bestowing tomorrow….

Yesterday was just a thing of the ominously ghastly
past; stabbing like a trillion malevolent daggerheads;
before it eventually blew with the infinitesimally
capricious dust,
Lets unite in tornado’s of untamed passion today;
incinerating flames of overwhelming desire even in the
most frozen of waters; to majestically bloom into a
intrepidly flamboyant tomorrow….

Yesterday was just a thing of the savagely decaying
past; perpetuating its deplorably surreptitious shadow
into the fabric of the blissful society; before it
finally withered into a corpse of absolute submission,
Lets unite in skies of philanthropic benevolence
today; endeavoring our very best to alleviate
debilitatingly deprived society; escalate exuberantly
into an Omnipotently egalitarian tomorrow….

Yesterday was just a thing of the insidiously remote
past; ludicrously baring its meaningless fangs before
it wholesomely lost every iota of its voice,
Lets unite in the religion of humanity today; to
unequivocally disseminate the immortal virtue of
mankind; dazzle into a bountifully royal tomorrow….

And yesterday was just a thing of the tragically
shattered past; profusely betraying light and hope;
before it was ferociously punished to the island of
satanic hell,
Lets unite in beats of immortal love today; embracing
one and all irrespective of caste; creed and color;
alike; to sway forever in the corridors of marvelous
heaven; everytime the Creator wanted us to be born
once again tomorrow….

Posted 07 Mar 2007

excellent lyrics!
Posted 07 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 07 Mar 2007

Posted 07 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
thanx jee
Posted 08 Mar 2007

Posted 08 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 08 Mar 2007

Posted 08 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 08 Mar 2007

kOoLeSt1 says
Posted 08 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 08 Mar 2007

~CHANDNI~ says
Posted 08 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
thanx jaan
Posted 08 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
Day is breaking, you are gone,
oh how I wish that you could stay.
You leave me every morning,
where do you wander each day.

A mere shadow in the distance,
you have gone so far from home.
You must leave before the sunrise,
where is this place you go to roam.

Left breathless at the sight of you,
I shall wait here for your return.
Embrace your beauty in my mind,
throughout the day for you I yearn.

As the wind whispers behind you,
the horizon becomes unclear,
Storm clouds off in the distance,
I slowly watch you disappear.

I shall see your beauty once more,
you always return, though wander free.
As I gaze upon the horizon,
for the moon has returned to me.

Posted 14 Mar 2007

Posted 15 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 15 Mar 2007

Posted 16 Mar 2007

valandrian says
Posted 06 May 2018

Posted 22 Sep 2018

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