Love Of My Life

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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Love of my life - you've hurt me
You've broken my heart and now you leave me
Love of my life can't you see
Bring it back, bring it back
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know -
What it means to me

Love of my life - don't leave me
You've stolen my heart and now desert me
Love of my life can't you see
Bring it back, bring it back
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know -
What it means to me

You will remember -
When this is blown over
And everything's all by the way -
When I grow older
I will be there at your side to remind you
How I still love you - I still love you

Back - hurry back
please bring it back home to me
Because you don't know
What it means to me

Love of my life
Love of my life ...
Posted 15 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says

You're always there for me
You've even held my hand
Whenever I had problems
You would always understand
I'm so glad to have you
As such a close friend
I'm truly glad to say
On you, I can depend
Now, you better believe
This is only the start
You mean so much to me
That I give you
~ My Heart! ~
Posted 17 Jun 2008

Rapunzel says
Posted 18 Jun 2008

^dewaja^ says
Posted 18 Jun 2008

~tasha~ says
thanx darling rapu n balqis
Posted 19 Jun 2008

~tasha~ says

Loving you is so very easy,
Living with you is ecstasy,
You're every fantasy I've had,
You are life without the bad.

I look in your eyes and see
All that matters to me,
There is nothing on this earth
That can measure your worth.

How could one measure
The everyday pleasure
You give at just being here,
Loving me year after year.

There is no magic way to show
How my love for you grows
And mere words can't describe
The emotions I feel inside.

There is not enough time
To explain this love of mine
And if I could find a way
It would take forever and a day.

From our first date until now
I've always known somehow
Our hearts would beat as one
Through our lives and beyond.

Though time may take its toll
And together we grow old
You'll always be my husband,
Forever we'll be side by side.
Posted 19 Jun 2008

Rapunzel says
welcum dear

beautiful sharing
Posted 20 Jun 2008

~tasha~ says
thanx sweeto
Posted 20 Jun 2008

^dewaja^ says
Posted 20 Jun 2008

~tasha~ says
^dewaja^ said:


Posted 21 Jun 2008

~tasha~ says
I thought my loving days had ended
My heart had been torn apart
Now I find my life worthwhile
With much love inside my heart.

Now I wish time would stand still
So I could feel this way forever.
How beautiful it is to love again
Not wanting you to leave me ever.

You brought me up when I was down.
You brought sunshine into my days.
The feelings I have in my heart for you
Are embedded there to stay.

I thought I would never love again.
Love was something I could live without.
Now each new day is better than before
As I remember what love is all about.

Who would have thought someone my age
Could feel so alive and young again
Like a teenager experiencing a first love
Never wanting each day to end.

When we are together it's like
We are the only people in the world.
If it were possible to stop the time
And stay this way forever - I would.

I thought I could live without love,
Now I know it isn't true.
My life would be so empty now
After experiencing my love for you.
Posted 21 Jun 2008

~tasha~ says
A time to be happy
A time to be sad
A time for laughter
A time to be mad.

A time to hug someone
A whisper, a kiss
Moments without you
Are the ones that I miss.

A love so pine
One honest and true
I describe the kind
That I have with you.

Be mine for tomorrow
And mine for today
Be mine when you are close
And far, far away.

Know that I love you
With all my heart
Always together
And never apart.
Posted 21 Jun 2008

Miss mine says

beautiful collection sweets
Posted 22 Jun 2008

Miss mine says
~tasha~ said:

Posted 22 Jun 2008

~tasha~ says
Miss mine said:

beautiful collection sweets

Posted 22 Jun 2008

~tasha~ says
Miss mine said:

~tasha~ said:


ten Q sis
Posted 22 Jun 2008

sun_shine says
    Assalam O Allaikum

*Really Beautiful sharings...!

Posted 23 Jun 2008

~tasha~ says
w'salam, thx ss
Posted 23 Jun 2008

~tasha~ says
Posted 26 Jun 2008

~tasha~ says
As I walk the shoreline
The aroma of salt in the air
Feel the sand between my toes
Neither worry nor a care.

Thinking of you fondly
Wanting to be with you
Loving you so very much
Hope that you love me too.

The sea gulls dip in the waters
Seeking out their prey
The sun is slowly going down
Gone is a beautiful day.

Hear the waves rushing
Gentle breeze upon my face
Makes me want you even more
No one can take your place.

I'll sit awhile and ponder
Watch the day pass me by
Long for your presence beside me
While the sunset covers the sky.
Posted 27 Jun 2008

Miss mine says
~tasha~ said:

Be mine for tomorrow
And mine for today
Be mine when you are close
And far, far away.

        lovely poem

Posted 28 Jun 2008

Miss mine says
~tasha~ said:

awwww beautiful
Posted 28 Jun 2008

~tasha~ says
thanx mm sis
Posted 28 Jun 2008

Rapunzel says
Posted 28 Jun 2008

~tasha~ says
Rapunzel said:


Posted 30 Jun 2008

~tasha~ says
Love is beautiful, unpretentious,
Love is pleasing, a soft delight,
My prayer for you is to soon meet,
Love with a gentle kiss to light.

A warming fireplace speaks love aglow,
A flame kindles the heart inside,
To spark love and ignite even more,
And love beautiful will abide.

Love is beautiful, endures all things,
Love is a flower unfailing,
My prayer for you is a sweet rose,
When God’s one for you’s unveiling.

To receive and live love that ne’er fails,
Comes from God above and is rare,
For He has decorated two hearts,
Graced both to e’er be in His care.

Love is beautiful, as euphonies,
A sweet piano plays of love,
Treasures tasted in hearts remembered,
Are e’er set out by God above.

For God’s love for two is ne’er unkind,
Remembering ‘close to you’ first,
Is a cherished flower of beauty,
Sweetly refreshed, for love’s athirst.

Love is beautiful, love lives in hearts,
Wherever God takes you in life,
Love is always to be shared as one,
As He gives a husband and wife.

My prayer for you is love always,
As two ‘special friends’ have and live,
How love is beautiful so precious,
To them, and for you God will give.
Posted 30 Jun 2008

Posted 30 Jun 2008

~tasha~ says
ten q
Posted 06 Jul 2008

~tasha~ says
Eyes gaze off in the distance,
past the setting sun.
There is beauty and such purity,
when each day is done.

The magic of the moonlight,
will soon be at bay.
Overshadowing the splendor ,
of this passing day.

Sun sets where he waits for me,
bringing warmth of love.
Drifts to him on sunbeams soft,
feathered wings of dove.

Fiery crimsom for passion felt,
thoughts of sheer delight.
Specks of gold caress horizon,
day turns into night.

Heavenly, to sooth the sense,
behold day's afterglow.
Filled with love so intense,
beaming down below.
Posted 06 Jul 2008

~tasha~ says

Pearls of wisdom round my neck,
thoughts of you in retrospect.
Look back to love once shared,
to each other souls were beared.

Broken heart and broken strand,
single pearl held in my hand.
All that is left of you and me,
one round and white memory.

Within my clasp love held tight,
I lay and dream of you tonight.
Each star I see, a tiny pearl,
strand of love in my mind swirl.

In hearts where true love lay,
feelings shall never go away .
One pearl from broken strand,
held here with heart in hand.
Posted 06 Jul 2008

~tasha~ says
I have come to know what loneliness means,
how much a heart can truly break.
How my longing wells up tears shed for you,
as my heart fills up with heartache.

I try to forget but my heart won't let go,
to cling to each other is so wrong.
Both try to hold on to what we can not have,
in your arms I do not belong.

There is where I want to be most of all,
to have time stand still one night.
No other place on earth I want to stay,
why does something wrong, seem so right?

Missing you is now a part of my day,
some days it tears me apart.
I ask myself why did I let this happen,
fall in love with all my heart.

Dying a little more each day we are apart,
too many tears are taking its toll,
What a price to pay just for loving you,
gave you all my heart and soul.
Posted 06 Jul 2008

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