"The Butterfly Theory"

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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I saw a
once, it's left
wing was
crumpled, tipping
it off-balance
as it crawled
the window sill

It's right wing
was still
smooth and
gaily coloured in
a pretty
pastel pink -

It looked so
cheerful and delicate,
as it beat
the air, the
struggling vainly
to lift itself
back into
flight -

And then a
breeze came along,
nearly tumbling
the crippled
out into
dangerous wide-open

But I cupped
my hand
around it's
frail form, protecting
it until the
wind had passed
by in it's

And I continued
watching it.

You came and stood
beside me, and we
watched together
for a moment,
silent in our
personal musings...

Then, suddenly,
you brought your
down on the
smashing it against
the window sill

You kept your hand
over it, just
for a moment, and
then lifted it,
staring at the
crushed form of
the forever-broken
butterfly -

When you looked at me,
you smiled
and shrugged, and said
that it didn't matter, that
the damned thing
might as well have
been dead already,
that you had
done it a
favour -

And you walked
whistling an
almost familiar

And in that moment,
was the

Posted 15 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
woweee esha
Posted 16 Aug 2007

eshajam says
thanks tasha
thanks KING
Posted 17 Aug 2007

^dewaja^ says
Posted 17 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
eshajam said:

thanks tasha
thanks KING

most welcome
Posted 18 Aug 2007

eshajam says
Alone in a world brought to mind by ones own delusions,
Lost in-between thoughts of these harmonious illusions,
Toxic butterfly's glisten from the colors of sparkling gold,
As they fly gently throughout a pink sky towards the stars,
Leaving a trail of blue upon the brains already marked scars,
While tired eyes hallucinate the colors of a pastel rainbow.

A heaven so beautiful, painted upon the mist of butterfly's,
Escaping painful reality from the truth of misfortunate lies,
A land of fairytales so admired deep within ones heart,
Although ill to the core, affection is still what they seek,
As a child with schizophrenia lays their head to sleep,
For another day goes by, colored within depths mind.
Posted 19 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 20 Aug 2007

eshajam says
thanks tasha
thanks KING

Posted 21 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 21 Aug 2007

eshajam says
Posted 22 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
eshajam said:

Posted 23 Aug 2007

eshajam says
nahi karsakta
Posted 25 Aug 2007

eshajam says
Posted 29 Aug 2007

eshajam says
......Butterfly With Midnight Wings.......

The moon shimmers upon the lake,
A midnight found in dark,
The bench cold and lonely,
Though the ripples do embark,

The frogs immersed in water,
Sing forgotten songs,
Crickets are the symphony,
Correcting all the wrongs,

Fireflies light the stage,
And hum softly to the tune,
As the dancers fly in flutterby,
To entertain the moon,

Moths flap their beaters,
And warm the seats to show,
The butterfly with midnight wings,
In all grace was to glow,

Fluttering her wings,
The world stopped in awe,
A spectacle of beauty,
Of which was to applaure,

The morning broke the dancing,
As warmth stole the dark,
Unhidden from the eyes,
And subsided from their hark,

Leaving all but ripples,
The moon now unseen,
No music and no dance,
No knowing of what been.

Posted 29 Aug 2007

eshajam says
Posted 29 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
I'm grown
like wild buds in May

prancing amongst the sigh
of serenity
and graced in the afterglow
of a brand new morning.

Hushed winds
kiss my soul
bringing me back
to a place I long to be ~

cradled by limbs
that only seek silence
and the symphony of seasons in prayer.

I'll whisper
summer's praise
curled inside the harmony of magic

where dew drops bow
on evergreen palms
swaying to the melody of life.

My wings unfold
reborn of light
breathing you into my song ~

I'm in your world
satin and strings
one moment

of Heaven on earth...
Posted 10 Oct 2007

~tasha~ says
white butterfly flutters before my gaze
thoughts of mortality ghost across the mind
wondering about the direction of my life
many twists and turns that have flittered my way
times I have been up, those being none to many
times I have been low, pick a date, probably there
yet I fly on and see the light before me
hoping it doesn't burn my little wings
Posted 10 Oct 2007

Mr Twisty says
Posted 10 Oct 2007

~tasha~ says
thx twisty
Posted 11 Oct 2007

Mr Twisty says
u welcome
Posted 11 Oct 2007

^dewaja^ says
Posted 17 Oct 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 18 Oct 2007

^dewaja^ says
Posted 20 Oct 2007

eshajam says
white butterfly flutters before my gaze
thoughts of mortality ghost across the mind
wondering about the direction of my life
many twists and turns that have flittered my way
times I have been up, those being none to many
times I have been low, pick a date, probably there
yet I fly on and see the light before me
hoping it doesn't burn my little wings

so nice n so sad
Posted 20 Oct 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 21 Oct 2007

^dewaja^ says
Posted 21 Oct 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 21 Oct 2007

eshajam says
Orange and black butterfly girl
What will it be like when your wings uncurl
When you burst out of your involuntary chrysalis
The sun bends down and with a kiss
Dries the tears from your immaculate wings
When it’s your name the dawn chorus sings
When you can fly as fast and high
Without needing to answer to how and why

Underestimated butterfly girl
I hope I can be there when your happiness unfurls
When the sky is brightly painted
With a hundred colours untainted
By all this not getting what you’re due
And you finally see yourself how we see you
Posted 22 Oct 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 22 Oct 2007

eshajam says
Posted 22 Oct 2007

eshajam says
I watched a Butterfly today,
She seemed to know the right way.

She would flutter here and flutter there
And then she landed on my chair.

The sunlight glistened off her beautiful wings
And I swear I heard her begin to sing.

Her colors were all purples and pinks
And I could feel an emptiness in me begin to sink.

A Coldness in my heart began to melt
And a warmness replaced it, which I have never felt.

With one last chorus she fluttered high
I thought if I lost her I just might die.

Then I heard a voice, crystal clear
You shall never loose me; I will always be near.

So I have planted a butterfly garden you see,
For a butterfly must always be free.

And I watch my butterfly every day,
So that I too, now know the way.

Posted 22 Oct 2007

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