I saw a butterfly once, it's left wing was crumpled, tipping it off-balance as it crawled along the window sill
It's right wing was still smooth and perfect, gaily coloured in a pretty pastel pink -
It looked so cheerful and delicate, as it beat against the air, the butterfly struggling vainly to lift itself back into flight -
And then a slight breeze came along, nearly tumbling the crippled butterfly out into dangerous wide-open spaces
But I cupped my hand around it's frail form, protecting it until the wind had passed by in it's mini-fury.
And I continued watching it.
You came and stood beside me, and we watched together for a moment, silent in our own personal musings...
Then, suddenly, you brought your hand down on the butterfly, smashing it against the window sill
You kept your hand over it, just for a moment, and then lifted it, staring at the crushed form of the forever-broken butterfly -
When you looked at me, you smiled and shrugged, and said that it didn't matter, that the damned thing might as well have been dead already, that you had done it a favour -
And you walked away, whistling an almost familiar tune...
Age: 37
6452 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Alone in a world brought to mind by ones own delusions, Lost in-between thoughts of these harmonious illusions, Toxic butterfly's glisten from the colors of sparkling gold, As they fly gently throughout a pink sky towards the stars, Leaving a trail of blue upon the brains already marked scars, While tired eyes hallucinate the colors of a pastel rainbow.
A heaven so beautiful, painted upon the mist of butterfly's, Escaping painful reality from the truth of misfortunate lies, A land of fairytales so admired deep within ones heart, Although ill to the core, affection is still what they seek, As a child with schizophrenia lays their head to sleep, For another day goes by, colored within depths mind.
Age: 125
6680 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
white butterfly flutters before my gaze thoughts of mortality ghost across the mind wondering about the direction of my life many twists and turns that have flittered my way times I have been up, those being none to many times I have been low, pick a date, probably there yet I fly on and see the light before me hoping it doesn't burn my little wings
Age: 37
6452 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
white butterfly flutters before my gaze thoughts of mortality ghost across the mind wondering about the direction of my life many twists and turns that have flittered my way times I have been up, those being none to many times I have been low, pick a date, probably there yet I fly on and see the light before me hoping it doesn't burn my little wings
Age: 37
6452 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Orange and black butterfly girl What will it be like when your wings uncurl When you burst out of your involuntary chrysalis The sun bends down and with a kiss Dries the tears from your immaculate wings When it’s your name the dawn chorus sings When you can fly as fast and high Without needing to answer to how and why
Underestimated butterfly girl I hope I can be there when your happiness unfurls When the sky is brightly painted With a hundred colours untainted By all this not getting what you’re due And you finally see yourself how we see you