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Age: 124
Total Posts: 11119
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
salamz ppl hope every1 is fine
i just wanted to say that everyone will be missed
but i am leaving for a short while because i am going to Venice (ITALY) for 7 weeks
I hope everyone will miss me especially mujrim KING JB london girl Badshaa every1
take care of urselfs
Posted 19 Jul 2007

Mujrim says
yea nw im bak to wht i was b4 enterin JB

so no1 rlly noes hw weird am i
Posted 14 Apr 2008

I knew just how weird you were long ago!
Posted 14 Apr 2008

lol at ya man
leave muji...

Posted 14 Apr 2008

I'm angelic!!

Can't you see the halo above my head?

Posted 14 Apr 2008

oh yeh there it is
Posted 14 Apr 2008

Can you see the horns holding them up now?

Posted 14 Apr 2008

yup they stand out man...cant miss them
Posted 15 Apr 2008

Posted 16 Apr 2008

Posted 16 Apr 2008

Mujrim says
u developed horns???
Posted 16 Apr 2008

You only just noticed them?
Posted 16 Apr 2008

how rude!
Posted 17 Apr 2008

Men, eh?
Posted 18 Apr 2008

<< crazy!
Posted 21 Apr 2008

Crazy kiya reh!!
Posted 21 Apr 2008

jaagi soyi rahu (i'd rather sleep now)
Posted 21 Apr 2008


I haven't slept at all either.
Posted 21 Apr 2008

seriously man i've been so bad an been going to sleep at 3/4 in the morning...just doin jack all kasam no joke
Posted 21 Apr 2008

Damn, exams & revision is nearly always stressfull, try relaxing for abit then starting again, Inshah'Allah you'll be fine hun.
Posted 21 Apr 2008

thnx man... i wud like to relax and stuff but u knw lol i cant man too much happnin...am chilling tho...lol wiv me mates and that....got too much ICT crswrk to flippin do.....
Posted 21 Apr 2008

Lol, I don't know what else to suggest man.

Maybe you should go somewhere quiet for awhile to chill & to study, you never know.

It might do wonders for you.
Posted 21 Apr 2008

Mujrim says

You only just noticed them?

Posted 21 Apr 2008

Posted 21 Apr 2008


Lol, I don't know what else to suggest man.

Maybe you should go somewhere quiet for awhile to chill & to study, you never know.

It might do wonders for you.

thnx man...
order takeout am coming
Posted 22 Apr 2008

<Phones every Restaurant & Take-Away in Town>

Posted 22 Apr 2008

woah woah i'd say a pizza is enuff...
need to keep ma fig init!
actually go on then might as well have blast!

left overs can be fed to muji....
Posted 23 Apr 2008

Lol, to hell with watching the figure!!

One day of over-indulgence ain't gonna hurt ya!!

Lol, pizza is OK, I suppose but desi khana is wayyy better.

Lol @ mujz, yeah we'll feed him poppadums!!
Posted 23 Apr 2008

lol yeh ^^^ wy not i mean poppadums will do him fine hena for like maybe a year or 2 lol..

yeh pizza fine...i'll be stuffed with tht..no worries
Posted 24 Apr 2008

I aim to please.
Lol, do you think mujie will notice the sour taste?
Posted 24 Apr 2008

lol nah he wont be able to we'll tell em to fry em in suga
Posted 24 Apr 2008

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