Eyes of Life

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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The eyes of life are watching you,

    they reach into your soul.

The heart and mind they do control,
    deep within, they slowly flow.

Dont think for one minute, you have a say,

    when you least expect, they will take you away.

Will it be love, or a lovers game?

    for the eyes of life, will have their say...

Posted 22 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 24 Jul 2007

Fairl_Girl says
Posted 27 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 27 Jul 2007

Posted 27 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 27 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 29 Jul 2007

eshajam says
Posted 29 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 29 Jul 2007

eshajam says
Close your eyes; what do you see?
Do you see what's really there,
Or do you see what you expect there to be?
It's more than blood and bone we share.
Reveal our heart, our soul, our mind...
We're all the same when you are blind;
Blind to color, beauty, weight and height.
There's more to see than just with sight.
So close your eyes and see what's there;
You see more blind then when you stare.
Close your eyes and open your mind...
We're not so different when you are blind.
Posted 30 Jul 2007

eshajam says
I am unfolding gently beneath
your loving touch
I let wholeness breath my
petals free
Sweet fragrant Spirit touching
senses into life
Giving beauty back to the universe
Each petal, sweet miracle of life
We are hues of color, yet one
in Spirits blossom
Posted 30 Jul 2007

eshajam says
My fragile crystal
My trembling violin string
My dew drop
Why does every thought
Return somewhere
To you
Why does every path
Take me to your door
Of your eyes
Why do dreams
Take on shades of you
Every night
Why does every prayer
Reach you not God
Why does every nerve
Tingle at thoughts of you
Why is longing so shallow
That neither ocean nor wine
Can drown
Why are winds
But carriers of your aroma
Why does your silence
Of your eyes remind

Somewhere in the silence
Of the stars
Lies the answer
Or perhaps there is none
Posted 30 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 31 Jul 2007

eshajam says
Posted 31 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 31 Jul 2007

^dewaja^ says
Posted 03 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
KING OF JB said:

for wht

Posted 03 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
^dewaja^ said:


Posted 03 Aug 2007

^dewaja^ says
~tasha~ said:

^dewaja^ said:



Posted 03 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
KING OF JB said:

wht happened?
Posted 04 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
I am a human being
carried inside the womb
born into the world.

I am a human being
living in life's whirlwind
Up and down life does flow.

I am a human being
living in a world
as a child all of the day
watching life through eyes
of wonder and delight
Living and learning
as in the flesh
my life does grow.

I am a human being
another cannot truly know
for the secret of my life
and being
is in me not in the seeing.

I am a human being
judge my worth
my value to humanity
Call me "sub-human"
say that time has robbed me
of my personhood......
Take my life but know this
what you take from this world
you can never put back
The life that is mine
can never be yours,
once you take my life
you have not the power
to return my life to me.

What I think
you cannot know
Through my eyes you cannot see
the thing of this world that
matter to me
But know this what you do to the
weakest among humanity
is known to the creator of all things
even in the darkest measure of
a man's soul there shines
the shadow of truth.....

Judge not by what you see
the value of another human being...
The life that does not belong
to you- you cannot know
For if you did you would hang
your head in shame
to think you had judged
a human being according to
the look of his flesh and rejected
any thought that the spirit
within is the measure of the man.

I am a human being
you cannot walk in my shoes
you cannot feel and think for me
You cannot no how much or how
little I value the life inside of me.

Take mercy on the flesh
and respect the right to life just
to be.
Posted 06 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
thanx king
Posted 06 Aug 2007

eshajam says
~tasha~ said:

I am a human being
carried inside the womb
born into the world.

I am a human being
living in life's whirlwind
Up and down life does flow.

I am a human being
living in a world
as a child all of the day
watching life through eyes
of wonder and delight
Living and learning
as in the flesh
my life does grow.

I am a human being
another cannot truly know
for the secret of my life
and being
is in me not in the seeing.

I am a human being
judge my worth
my value to humanity
Call me "sub-human"
say that time has robbed me
of my personhood......
Take my life but know this
what you take from this world
you can never put back
The life that is mine
can never be yours,
once you take my life
you have not the power
to return my life to me.

What I think
you cannot know
Through my eyes you cannot see
the thing of this world that
matter to me
But know this what you do to the
weakest among humanity
is known to the creator of all things
even in the darkest measure of
a man's soul there shines
the shadow of truth.....

Judge not by what you see
the value of another human being...
The life that does not belong
to you- you cannot know
For if you did you would hang
your head in shame
to think you had judged
a human being according to
the look of his flesh and rejected
any thought that the spirit
within is the measure of the man.

I am a human being
you cannot walk in my shoes
you cannot feel and think for me
You cannot no how much or how
little I value the life inside of me.

Take mercy on the flesh
and respect the right to life just
to be.

Posted 07 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 07 Aug 2007

^dewaja^ says
Posted 10 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
thankoo balqis
Posted 10 Aug 2007

^dewaja^ says
Posted 11 Aug 2007

nina says
Posted 11 Aug 2007

eshajam says
Where the mountains touch the sky

Where poets DREAM, where eagles fly

A secret place above the crowds

Just beneath marshmallow clouds

Lift your eyes to a snowy peak

And see the soon- to- be we seek

Whisper DREAMS and let them rise

To the mountains old and wise

Climbers climb, it's time to try

Where the mountains touch the sky

Take me there. Oh take me now

Someway, Someday, Somewhere, Somehow

Where the ocean meets the sky

Where mermaid dance and seagulls fly

A place in DREAMS I know so well

The sea inside a single shell

Far across the living sea

A pale blue possibility

Beyond the castles made of sand

Tomorrow in a small child's hand

Only DREAMERS need apply

Where the ocean meets the sky

Take me there. Oh take me now

Someway, Someday, Somewhere, Somehow

Where the forests reach the sky

Men are equal and doves still fly

No thorns of war, a perfect rose

This is where the green grass grows

Out beyond the crystal stream

Like i am having a DREAM

Imagine such a goal in sight

For red and yellow, black and white

Whisper now, let the DREAM begin

It's time to trust the truth within

This is where we seek and find

A gift in being colorblind

Dream on Dreamers, hopes are high

Where the forests reach the sky

Take me there. Oh take me now

Someway, Someday, Somewhere, Somehow

Now, listen close, the future calls

"Build your bridges and tear down walls! "

For time has taught and so it seems

Realities are born of DREAMS
Posted 11 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
nina said:

thx nina
Posted 11 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
eshajam said:

Where the mountains touch the sky

Where poets DREAM, where eagles fly

A secret place above the crowds

Just beneath marshmallow clouds

Lift your eyes to a snowy peak

And see the soon- to- be we seek

Whisper DREAMS and let them rise

To the mountains old and wise

Climbers climb, it's time to try

Where the mountains touch the sky

Take me there. Oh take me now

Someway, Someday, Somewhere, Somehow

Where the ocean meets the sky

Where mermaid dance and seagulls fly

A place in DREAMS I know so well

The sea inside a single shell

Far across the living sea

A pale blue possibility

Beyond the castles made of sand

Tomorrow in a small child's hand

Only DREAMERS need apply

Where the ocean meets the sky

Take me there. Oh take me now

Someway, Someday, Somewhere, Somehow

Where the forests reach the sky

Men are equal and doves still fly

No thorns of war, a perfect rose

This is where the green grass grows

Out beyond the crystal stream

Like i am having a DREAM

Imagine such a goal in sight

For red and yellow, black and white

Whisper now, let the DREAM begin

It's time to trust the truth within

This is where we seek and find

A gift in being colorblind

Dream on Dreamers, hopes are high

Where the forests reach the sky

Take me there. Oh take me now

Someway, Someday, Somewhere, Somehow

Now, listen close, the future calls

"Build your bridges and tear down walls! "

For time has taught and so it seems

Realities are born of DREAMS

Posted 11 Aug 2007

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