Age: 125
6696 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
eshajam said:
do you know what is a best friend? a best friend is a secret sharer, a best friend is a great consultant, a best friend is a comfort giver, a best friend is like a diamond. a best friend is always care, a best friend is always share, a best friend makes you smile, a best friend is loving, caring, sweet and true a best friend best like tasha and king thanks for being my best friends for my lifetime.
Age: 125
6696 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I was thinking of old friends today And how many of them have slipped away. Moved, got married, or stopped calling so much, Found new friends, got busy, and just lost touch.
It reminded me of falling leaves. Every autumn the leaves fall from the trees. Some stay longer than others, but eventually - Each leaf must fall, I'm told, Leaving the tree alone to face the cold.
Why is it that in the time of utmost need The leaves would seek to leave the tree? And when we need our friends around We look and they can not be found?
Of course these friendships come and go And in the spring new leaves will grow. But I prefer autumn friends of old With crackling laughter and colors bold.
It saddens me now I must admit How somehow, someway, I did forget Laughing with old friends of mine During summers when the sun would shine.
And then I thought of you. That one stubborn leaf that won't let go. That clings despite the winds that blow. Fighting ice, and snow, and winter's stings Hanging on right through till spring.
So I guess that's what you are to me - The very last leaf to leave the tree. I know it seems silly, but it's true. When I see that last leaf...I think of u.
Age: 37
6468 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Thank you, Thanks for looking after me Thanks for having someone to look upto and admire Thanks for giving me time Thanks for giving me space Thanks for giving me advice Thanks for making me laugh Thanks for making me cry Thanks for making me sing Thanks for making me sigh Thanks for giving me everything you can Thank you
Age: 37
6468 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Meeting you was the moment I still can remember it Hearing well-intentioned word I still can feel it Letting you in here in my heart I still envision it Ignoring long distance is how I still love it
Thanks to tasha Thanks for you’ve given Thanks for being part of me Thanks to my friend Thanks for loving it in me Thanks for this healing end.
Trusting more than trust is what I find in you Forgetting all my sorrow is what I love in you Finding light through the hours is what I have in you Losing dark yesterday is what I need in you.
Thanks to tasha Thanks to your heart Thanks for not letting me apart Thanks to tasha Thanks for you’ve forgiven Thank you, for your own art.
You have in your hand what I understand You are part of what I’ve planned You’ve got more than I can be This is my heart what you can see.
How about no longer being unfaithful friend How about getting limits with no final end How about hugging your heart to hold you tight How about remembering you each day and night…
Thanks to my soul mate Thanks to my own fate Thanks to my hopelessness Thanks to my sadness Thanks to your idea Thanks to … JB for giving me a nice friend..
Age: 37
6468 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
A friend What makes a friend? A friend Is someone that everyone needs A friend Is that special one A friend Is someone you tell EVERYTHING A friend Is someone you never lie to A friend Can be a boy or a girl A friend Is someone that is always their A friend Will always listen to you A friend Always has input to give A friend Will never leave you in the dust A friend Will help you through the thick and the thin A friend Will always stand by your side A friend Will never let you down A friend Is someone everyone needs What would you do if you didnt have a friend?
Age: 125
6696 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
eshajam said:
Meeting you was the moment I still can remember it Hearing well-intentioned word I still can feel it Letting you in here in my heart I still envision it Ignoring long distance is how I still love it
Thanks to tasha Thanks for you’ve given Thanks for being part of me Thanks to my friend Thanks for loving it in me Thanks for this healing end.
Trusting more than trust is what I find in you Forgetting all my sorrow is what I love in you Finding light through the hours is what I have in you Losing dark yesterday is what I need in you.
Thanks to tasha Thanks to your heart Thanks for not letting me apart Thanks to tasha Thanks for you’ve forgiven Thank you, for your own art.
You have in your hand what I understand You are part of what I’ve planned You’ve got more than I can be This is my heart what you can see.
How about no longer being unfaithful friend How about getting limits with no final end How about hugging your heart to hold you tight How about remembering you each day and night…
Thanks to my soul mate Thanks to my own fate Thanks to my hopelessness Thanks to my sadness Thanks to your idea Thanks to … JB for giving me a nice friend..
Age: 37
6468 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
I care for you like a dear friend I will stick with you to the end I'm really glad I met you Being friends with you is too good to be true
Friends like you are very rare And you always show me that you care I can't believe you're my best friend And that you would stick with me to the end
It's hard to believe we'd get into fights All the hard times we would have through the nights You're always right inside my heart And i will do best to be a good friend And I hope that we will never part again And you will allways my dear friend!
Age: 125
6696 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
eshajam said:
I care for you like a dear friend I will stick with you to the end I'm really glad I met you Being friends with you is too good to be true
Friends like you are very rare And you always show me that you care I can't believe you're my best friend And that you would stick with me to the end
It's hard to believe we'd get into fights All the hard times we would have through the nights You're always right inside my heart And i will do best to be a good friend And I hope that we will never part again And you will allways my dear friend!
Age: 125
6696 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
When you are gone I feel so alone I miss you dear when you are not here
You make my day Like when the sun shines in May I need to see your smile and I wish I could see it more then just once in a while
You are such delight and add joy to my nights I want you to know what you mean to me and oh.. I hope that you can see
My heart is missing you and I wonder... do you miss me to? I hope that you do because I know I miss you!!
I always hope you are ok, and nothing is wrong When will I see you again.. oh I hope it won't be long! I need to know that you care and that no matter what you will always be there
Remember this is for you, my friend and to you I will send So keep it close to you heart and if you do, we will never part.
Age: 125
6696 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Sometimes it's hard to write the words That you, my dear, should see. Or say the things that you need to hear, Or be as I should be.
You grow so fast and learn so much It's hard for me each day. To say or do just what is best, To help along the way.
Should I be silent or give advice? Should I answer yes or no? Should I have control - set many rules, Or simply let you go?
One thing is certain--I'll make mistakes, And some will seem hard to mend. But if nothing else seems clear right now, Know that you can always count on me as your friend.