Your Food Addiction

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Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Chocolate is drug-like in its effect. Artificial taste explodes in the mouth
with crunchy, smooth, sweet flavors, supplying intense pleasure. Every texture
and nuance of taste contrived to stimulate your 9,000 taste buds into sending
pleasure signals to the brain. The intensified pleasure effect is addictive. We
don't care about the additives or empty calories. Chocolate junkies crave a fix,
driven by the desire for that chocolate pleasure. Pleasure for which we will pay
any price, even our health.

Chocolate bars are loaded with salt, sugar, caffeine and fat, up to 300 calories
per bar. Like a body demanding heroin for its balance, the body will crave
sugar, salt and fat. Take candy from a sugar junkie, and look out! Quitting
causes withdrawals. Remove sugar, processed fat or salt from your diet, and you
will crave them. You will go through the discomfort of facing withdrawal similar
to the withdrawal from drugs.

Strawberries and bananas don't cause cravings. You never feel guilty about
eating too many cantaloupes. You never hear little voices in the back of your
head saying eat, eat, eat cantaloupe. No, because natural foods balance the body
and physical cravings are caused by biochemical imbalance. Street drugs,
alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, salt, saturated fat, refined starch and refined
sugars cause cravings because they imbalance the body's chemistry.

Addictive substances cause the body to become dependent on an unnatural
substance for homeostatic balance. Removing it will cause withdrawals. During
withdrawal, the addict suffers through the painful readjustment as the body
cries out for the missing substance. In a desperate attempt to maintain
homeostasis, (chemical balance) the body demands the very substance that caused
the imbalance.

The body’s homeostatic balance is affected by diet. Consumption of massive
amounts of sugar, salt, caffeine or fried foods drastically affects homeostatic
balance. Natural hunger becomes distorted as the body craves for the substances
necessary for balance. The body reacts as it would to any addiction. Powerful
cravings override the body’s natural needs.

The brain has 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion connectors for memory alone.
Each brain cell is dependent on homeostatic balance to function properly. High
doses of sugar, salt, fat and caffeine can cause imbalances in the brain’s
normal chemistry. Eating natural foods allows the brain's chemistry to function
normally. Natural foods assist homeostasis, supplying vitamins, minerals, soft
fibers, cell salts and enzymes to assist the body in maintaining balance. In a
balanced state, hunger is in relation to the body’s need for nutrition.
Posted 26 Jul 2007

gud info dear
Posted 27 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
thx sis
Posted 27 Jul 2007

valandrian says
Posted 03 May 2018

Posted 23 Sep 2018

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