
Age: 37
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
When I ate today at noon
All I could think about was you..
Wishing you was here to do what you do
Wishing I could feed you with my spoon
Hoping someday I'll see your smile again
I don't know if I can take all this pain
Knowing that I am here and you are there
Thinking about the times we had and will not have
You are the best there ever was and will be
There is nothing to explain you, but lovely
Even when I was sad you made me happy
I just don't know what to do
I just hope one day, I get to see you...!!!

Age: 37
6443 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Sitting in the grass
Playing with your golden hair
Lying in the sun
Watching you breathe so beautifully
Walking hand in hand on the beach
Talking about the future
Missing for days when you left
Tortured me horribly
Locking eyes with your's
Made my heart over beat
Having your lips against mine
Made everything a whole lot brighter
Taking pictures of you in the rain
Messy as they were, You were beautiful
Thinking of you always
Wait, I already am...

Age: 37
6443 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
When I think about my friends,
I think of many things,
The laughter and the caring,
Above all the love they bring.
i think about our good 'ol days,
The nights were filled with laughter,
Most of all the Trail of Tears,
Telling each other how much we cared,
and sharing our greatest fears.
I think about our sneaking out,
Just to hang out with friends,
Not knowing if we would get caught,
The good times would never end.
I think about our day we bonded,
And talked about upcoming years,
It was hard to hold back the tears.
I think about the little things,
Like coming over just to talk,
Sometimes it would get so boring,
We would go on long walks.
I think about our sleepovers,
Staying up all night long,
You taught us little dances,
And we would dance to our favorite songs.
I think about the times we said,
We wished we had a car,
So we could see eachother ever day,
It seemed like you lived so far.
I think about our summer days,
And walking to the ice cream store,
Just to make sure we would stay cool.
I think about ten years from now,
Not knowing where we will be,
Coming back to be together again
I think about how lucky I am,
To have such loving friends,
Knowing that I'll never forget,
All the time together we have spent.
Thoughts are going through your head,
Your trying to remember all of this,
Sometimes you forget the little things,
These things are the ones you will miss..!!!

Age: 37
6443 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Laying on the lawn,
Thinking of the past,
Wondering why time
Sped by us so fast.
If we had gone slowly
Would I be with you
As the clouds go by,
Just us two?
I did this for a reason,
And it feels right.
But I still dream of you
Both day and night.
Looking at the stars
While holding onto you,
Watching the sunset
Was my favorite thing to do.
Clouds and stars
All change so fast.
I sit here and think
About the month that passed.
.......WITHOUT YOU.........

Age: 37
6443 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
I remember when you said,
"most of the time when you can't sleep
your thinking of someone"
then you asked me who,
now I realize that you were right
and when I can't sleep
I find myself thinking of you
how I miss you so,
then I drift off to sleep
dream about you,
wake up once again thinking about you
and the way things use to be I find myself wanting to tell you how much I miss you
and how I want to tell you I love you
but, then I realize things aren't the way they use to be and things have changed...
I wonder if there will ever be a day where I don't think of you
without saying to myself I love him
and then I wonder,
do I ever want that day to come?