LiL_DollY said:
THank GoD! Ive never seen one
Bazigaar said:
LiL_DollY said:
THank GoD! Ive never seen one
ke keh rahay ho???![]()
tussi kadi sheesha nai vekhya????![]()
Asian said:okie personal exp
i'am doing something called the duke of ed (its a royal award) the basics of it is to show that a person can comitte to diffrent tasks, (and you get a cheesey medal at the royal palace)
their are five sections, one of them being experdition. now at gold level (the one i'am doing) your on your own. they teach you map reading skills,
or in our case, dump us in the middle of a forest 3:30 in the night to make our way back to base. (goray man)
you get a range of people on these experditions. like a cross section of society. i was voted team leader (wooopdeeedoo)
two of the males in the group rejected my authortie, (one for being paki anther for being female) they sooned wised up when they realised that unless we stuck together we'd be lost
on the map our route was planned, we came to a narrow pass between two cliffs. my horse kept rubbing my leg with his nose. he kept moving back. i got off and checked my horse. i lightly nudged him into the canion. but he was not having none of it, i told my group to stay behind while i take a look. i stood in the door way, and honest to God i could feel something looking back. i moved one step forward and my horse went krazy.
i then changed the route (my team hated me for it) but Islam tells us that Animals can sense evil.
we got back to base, in the morning when i got up i spoke to the training organisers. they actually told me it was a good thing i changed my route as one of the cliff faces caved in, they told me that 2 people were caught in it, one kept babblin about red eyes. but says it could be due to shock
all i got to say is I LOVE HORSES
i have always believed Jinns are real this was something i will remember forever
friend_16 said:nt have any personal experience ..
my frnd say a girl that dissapeared into the wall around 3:00am she got so scared that from that day onwards she cudn't sleep alone .. she used to sleep with her mom...![]()
my chachi once saw two girls wearing white scarfs and white dupattas on her school trip to murree .. the time was of magrib's prayer and she was the teacher incharged .. she saw two girls going in a hut near by .. she (my chachi) and a her colleague followed them but the girls went into the hut through the wall or something and chachi told me for a moment r two they cudn't even move and after a while they started to run like anything and came back..
Thnks God i never came across such things..
nikama said:asian
so hills do have eyes.
in our colony there is an old grave yard,it looks quite mysterious even in the daylight but its really scarry in the darkness,but we ppl regularly go there late in the night for all the wrong reasons,i have even spent a whole night alone there but none of us has ever seen anything like a ghost or jinn.i dont deny there existence but i think they dont like to be noticed.
LiL_DollY said:
Bazigaar said:
LiL_DollY said:
THank GoD! Ive never seen one
ke keh rahay ho???![]()
tussi kadi sheesha nai vekhya????![]()
YOu Mota Lado!!!!