May Be

Age: 125
Total Posts: 1036
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Dates are the best food to be used for breaking fast. it is digestive and energy giving food.
Chemical Observations:
Protiens 2.4
Carbohydrates 24.0
sodium 4.7
calcium 67.9
copper 0.21
phosphorus 638.0
chlorine 290.0
nashasta 20.0
calories 2.0
potashium 754.0
magnisium 58.9
Iron 1.61
Sulphar 51.6
It also contain peroxides. using dates after whole days without eating anything bring temperature of body to normal and makes humanbody safe against many diseases which can be caused due to low temperature in body i.e. Low blood pressure
Facial paralysis
Patients affecting with insuficient blood need iron which is naturally available in dates.
It is best is summer days to eat dates rather than taking cold water just after breaking fast.
Cold water can cause liver inflamation and stomach diseases while dates bring human body on safer side from these diseases.