.....Test yourself.....

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Age: 37
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United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
..Here is a tester can you answer the questions below????..

1) What is the meaning of the word "Qur'an"?

2) Where was the Qur'an revealed first?

3) On which night was the Qur'an first revealed?

4) Who revealed the Qur'an?

5) Through whom was the Qur'an revealed?

6) To whom was the Qur'an revealed?

7) Who took the responsibility of keeping the Qur'an safe?

8) What are the conditions for holding or touching the Qur'an?

9) Which is the book which is read most?

10) What is the topic of the Qur'an?

11) What are the other names of the Qur'an according to the Qur'an itself?

12) How many Makki Surahs (chapters) are there in the Qur'an?

13) How many Madani Surahs (chapters) are there in the Qur'an?

14) How many Manzils (stages) are there in the Qur'an?

15) How many Paara or Juz (parts) are there in the Qur'an?

16) How many Surahs (chapters) are there in the Qur'an?

17) How many Rukoo (paragraphs) are there in the Qur'an?

18) How many Aayaath (verses) are there in the Qur'an?

19) How many times is the word 'Allah' repeated in the Qur'an?

20) How many different types of Aayaath (verses) are there in the Qur'an?

21) Who is the first 'Haafiz' of the Qur'an?

22) At the time of the death of Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) how many Huffaz were there?

23) How many Aayaath (verses) on Sajda (prostat ion) are there in the Qur'an?

24) In which Paara (part) and Surah (chapter) do you find the first verse about Sajda (prostation)?

25) How many times has the Qur'an stressed about Salaat or Namaaz (prayer)?

26) How many times has the Qur'an emphasized on alms or charity?

27) How many times in the Qur'an, is the Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) addressed asYaa-Aiyu-Han-Nabi?

28) Where in the Qur'an has Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) been named 'Ahmed'?

29) How many times has the name of Rasool-ullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) been mentioned in the Qur'an?

30) Name the Prophet whose name is mentionedand discussed most in the Qur'an?

31) Who were the Kaathibe-Wahi (copyists of the revelations) of the Qur'an?

37) Which Surah of the Qur'an was Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) reciting while praying, that Hazrat Jabeer Bin Muth'im Listened to and embraced Islam?

38) Which was that Surah of the Qur'an which the Prophet Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) had recited when one of his enemies Utba after listening to it fell in Sajda (prostration)?

39) Which is the first and the most ancient Mosque according to the Qur'an?

40) In Qur'an mankind is divided into two groups. Which are those two groups?

41) Who is the man about whom, Allah has said in the Qur'an that his body is kept as an admonishing example for future generations to come?

42) Besides the body of Pharaoh, what is that thing which is kept as an admonishing example for future generations to come?

43) After the wreckage of Prophet Noah's Ark, which is its place of rest mentioned in theQur'an?

44) In the Qur'an the name of which companion of Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is mentioned?

45) Who is the relative of the Prophet Muahmmed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) whose name is mentioned in the Qur'an?

46) In the Qur'an there is a mention of a Prophet who has been called by his mother's name. Who was he?

47) Which was the agreement that was titled Fath-hum-Mubeen' without fighting a battle?

48) What are the different names used for Satan or Devil in the Qur'an?

49) Which category of creature does the Qur'an put 'Iblees' into?

50) What were those worships and prayers that were ordered by Allah to the community of Bani Israeel and which were continued by the Muslim Ummah also?

51) The Qur'an repeatedly warns of a certain day. Can you say which day it is?

52) Who were those people with whom Allah was pleased and they were pleased with Him, as mentioned in the Qur'an?

53) In which Holy Book of Non-Muslims the Qur'an mentioned repeatedly?

54) In which year were the vowels inserted in the Qur'an?

55) Who were the first serious students of the Qur'an?

56) Which is the first Residential University where the faculty of the Qur'an was established for the first time?

57) By what name did the Qur'an address those noble and pious people who were selected by Allah to convey His message to mankind?

58) What type of a person does the Qur'an want to make?

59) What is the scale or measure of one's dignity according to the Qur'an?

60) What according to the Qur'an is the root cause of the evil?

61) What are the two most important types of kinds of Aayaat (Verses)found in the Qur'an?

62) Which is the longest Surah (Chapter) in the Qur'an?

63) Which is the smallest Surah in the Qur'an?

64) What was the age of Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) when Qur'an was first revealed to him through Jibraeel (Alaihis-salaam)?

65) How long did Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) receive the revelation of the Qur'an in Makkah?

66) How long did Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) receive the revelation of the Qur'an in Madinah?

67) Where was the first Surah revealed?

68) Where was the last Surah revealed?

69) How many years did it take for the complete revelation of the Qur'an?

70) Which Surah(Chapter) of the Qur'an is to be read compulsorily in each raka'at of the Salaat (Namaaz)?

71) Which is the Surah, which Allah taught as a Du'a (Prayer)?

72) What is the reason of keeping Surah-al-Fatihah in the beginning of the Qur'an?

73) What is the Surah (Chapter) revealed completely and found first place in the Qur'an?

74) Who was the only lady whose personal name is found in the Qur'an?

75) In which Surah (Chapter) of the Qur'an do you find maximum instructions?

76) When and Where did the Prophet Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and Jibraeel (Alaihis-salaam) meet for the second time?

77) What was the interval between the first and the second revelation?

78) Which is the Surah (Chapter) that does start without Bismillah?

79) In which Surah (Chapter) of the Qur'an Bismillah is repeated twice?
Posted 17 Sep 2007

friend_16 says
1. meaning of Quran is:

baar baar parhay janay wali kitaab
Posted 17 Sep 2007

friend_16 says
2. in gar-e-hira
Posted 17 Sep 2007

friend_16 says
3. laila-tu-qadr

4. Allah Tallah revealed Quran

5. Hazrat Jibraeil (AS)

6. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
Posted 17 Sep 2007

friend_16 says
7. Allah Tallah himself took the responsilbilty.

8. wuzu (ablution)

9. Quran is read the most
Posted 17 Sep 2007

friend_16 says
10. i m not sure of this one .. but i think "insaan" is the topic of Quran.

11. al-Quran, Al-Tanzil, Al-Furqan, al-Kitab
Posted 17 Sep 2007

eshajam says
1) What is the meaning of the word "Qur'an"?
A) That which is Read.

2) Where was the Qur'an revealed first?
A) In the cave of Hira (Makkah)

3) On which night was the Qur'an first revealed?
A) Lailatul-Qadr (Night of the Power)

4) Who revealed the Qur'an?
A) Allah revealed the Qur'an

5) Through whom was the Qur'an revealed?
A) Through Angel Jibraeel (Alaihis-Salaam)

6) To whom was the Qur'an revealed?
A) To the last Prophet, Muhammed (Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam)

7) Who took the responsibility of keeping the Qur'an safe?
A) Allah himself

8) What are the conditions for holding or touching the Qur'an?
A) One has to be clean and to be with wudhu (ablution)

9) Which is the book which is read most?
A) The Qur'an

10) What is the topic of the Qur'an?
A) Man

11) What are the other names of the Qur'an according to the Qur'an itself?
A) A l-Furqaan, Al-Kitaab, Al-Zikr, Al-Noor,Al-Huda

friend 16

Posted 18 Sep 2007

Bazigaar says
Posted 18 Sep 2007

eshajam says
i forgot to Write that
no copy pasting...
if this answers are coming from your mind
then u r a true bazigaar
wow A.M.A.Z.I.N.G

this topic was for how much knowlege u
have in yourself not that Who will give the answers
and win the Prize
i myself dunno this all answers and its true
and its ok..with me...yeh to puri mein re copy
hein..not the single answer was wrong..
not like FRIEND 16
her almost all answers were correct
and she didn't use copy pasting..
she answered the Questions by her own
like i said if these answers are from your
mind and Knowlege then WOWWWWWWW
you are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G
and you are the best hmmm...
if i said something Wrong then
i am truly very very sorry......or that..

Posted 18 Sep 2007

Bazigaar says
o yara this was copy paste,
but i did answered good aprox 80 questions myself (but i didn;t wanted to type them)

wo kiya hae k mujhay religious knowledge ke books parhnay ke bemari hae and most of these questions were way too easy
Posted 18 Sep 2007

eshajam says
u are the best yaar
Posted 18 Sep 2007

May Be says
hamari amad sai pehlay hi solved.
Posted 18 Sep 2007

friend_16 says
loo ji main itni mehnat say answers likh rahe the mujhay kia pata ye copy paste hai...

raat ko dc ho gia warna aur bhe answers day daiti ..

and thnx eshajam..
Posted 18 Sep 2007

eshajam says
this topic is not for answering the
questions its for learning the
answers if you don't no them
and if want to know any answers
bazi bhai hai na...
zalim nei ek answer bi nahi chura
mashALLAH but
not everyone is bazi
buhoth aacha muka hein agar aap
en mein se koi shayed answer na
jaante ho..ya en mein se koi answers
ke talash mein ho..good for doubling your knowlege
i am learning the answers myself ...
i was in trouble magar bazi bhai mushkil aasan ke ya
100 mein se 100 ka jawab dekar..i was only having
79 good
Posted 18 Sep 2007

eshajam says
friend_16 said:

loo ji main itni mehnat say answers likh rahe the mujhay kia pata ye copy paste hai...

raat ko dc ho gia warna aur bhe answers day daiti ..

and thnx eshajam..

your most welcome
i didn't say copy pasting
i said test yourself..that how much you have knowlege
and you have done a fine job
without copy pasting
Posted 18 Sep 2007

friend_16 says
koi quiz bana laina tha, bari bari paste kerna tha .. khair Baazi nay answers day diay tu topic closed .. ya app kaheen aur say copy ker do kuch aur questions..
Posted 18 Sep 2007

Bazigaar says
ok i edited the answers..so u guys can test urselves
Posted 19 Sep 2007

eshajam says
Posted 19 Sep 2007

Bazigaar says
friend_16 said:

koi quiz bana laina tha, bari bari paste kerna tha .. khair Baazi nay answers day diay tu topic closed .. ya app kaheen aur say copy ker do kuch aur questions..

sure sure ask more questions
i'm up for challenge
Posted 19 Sep 2007

eshajam says
Leyken Phir SE Copy Past Tho Nahi Karo Ge
Posted 20 Sep 2007

nikama says
nice topic
need more time to attempt
Posted 20 Sep 2007

Bazigaar says
eshajam said:

Leyken Phir SE Copy Past Tho Nahi Karo Ge

Posted 21 Sep 2007

valandrian says
Posted 29 Apr 2018

Posted 24 Sep 2018

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