Beautiful, are you, as the flowers of the field.
Beautiful, is the sound of your voice.
Beautiful, is the touch of your hand.
Beautiful, are the eyes that speak of love.
Beautiful, is your understanding and kindness.
Beautiful, is the way you always consider others.
Beautiful, are the courage of your convictions.
Beautiful, are the silent, countless words of, I love you.
Beautiful, is the softness of your touch.
Beautiful, are the children that you hold dear.
Beautiful, is your faith, honesty and loyalty.
Beautiful, are the people, you bless with your love.
Beautiful, are you secret acts of charity.
Beautiful, is the goodness, you give to all.
Beautiful, is the way your never judge anyone.
Beautiful, is your never dreaming...that you are indeed so beautiful.
Beautiful, is your heart...your very soul.
Beautiful, is the way you have made this a better world.
A Truly Beautiful Day!
Don't ask me how I know,
'Cause I'm not sure why I do...
I just have this little feeling
So I'm pretty sure it's true!
You somehow always liven up
The otherwise dullest of days...
I don't know how you do it,
But I guess you have your ways.
The effect you always tend to have
Seems ever so profound,
Everything just feels better
Whenever you're around.
I think that must be how I know
That things will always be ok;
And why today shall surely be
A truly beautiful day!
The Light Of The MoOn!
The light of the moon, so illuminous
in its rightful place, in the center of the sky
surrounded by the brightest of little stars
yet with all this beauty, the moon stars to cry
For it feels its light beginning to dwindle
light that once dressed it in such wonderous splendor
now begins to ebb, without even a warning
leaving slivers of darkness, that begin to take over
Slowly, being stipped of its glory in pieces
bit by bit...is it starting to die?
The moon has no one to answer its questions
will life soon cease for this great light in the sky?
All the stars that once played oft beside her
are losing their bright twinkle as well
soon there'll be nothing left, in this darkest of worlds
as it senses harsh coldness, beginning to swell
The moon weeps, draped in fragments of darkness
where is the life that once lit up the night?
what great force has caused this to happen?
can the universe not save it from this plight?
What was a sliver, now consumes half its being
the coldness is much too hard to bear
but it must try to hold on for as long as it can
the little stars must believe that it still cares
Now the warmth of the light, completely vanishes
not a single portion of it remains
not yet dead, but feeling such longing and sorrow
the moon witness, to such cold, icy, sharp pains
The moon now hangs low, in the night's darkness
little energy left to even hold itself high
What will become of its very existance?
Is there a heaven for moon that have died?
But look, just there on the horizon
a small flash of light seeps through, coming its way
The moon feels just the slightest of warmth return
as it rises to embrace the light of the rays
miss universe said:nice to meet you
miss universe said:oh ya friend
miss universe said:
miss universe said:hi too