"The Most Beautiful Names`

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miss universe

Age: 33
Total Posts: 489
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Toronto, Canada
"The Most Beautiful Names Belong to ALLAH:
So Call on Him by Them; . . ."
In English Translation:

Al-Aziz - The Mighty
Al-Muhaymin - The Protector
Al-Mu'min - The Guardian of Faith
As-Salam - The Source of Peace
Al-Quddus - The Holy
Al-Malik - The Sovereign Lord
Ar-Raheem - The Merciful
Ar-Rahman - The Beneficent
Al-Wahhab - The Bestower
Al-Qahhar - The Subduer

Al-Ghaffar - The Forgiver
Al-Musawwir - The Fashioner
Al-Bari' - The Evolver
Al-Khaliq - The Creator
Al-Mutakabbir - The Majestic
Al-Jabbar - The Compeller
Al-Mu'izz - The Honorer
Ar-Rafi' - The Exalter
Al-Khafid - The Abaser
Al-Basit - The Expander

Al-Qabid - The Constrictor
Al-'Alim - The All-Knowing
Al-Fattah - The Opener
Ar-Razzaq - The Provider
Al-Halim - The Forbearing One
Al-Khabir - The Aware
Al-Latif - The Subtle One
Al-'Adl - The Just
Al-Hakam - The Judge
Al-Basir - The All-Seeing

As-Sami' - The All-Hearing
Al-Muzill - The Dishonorer
Al-Hasib - The Reckoner
Al-Muqit - The Maintainer
Al-Hafiz - The Preserver
Al-Kabir - The Most Great
Al-'Ali - The Most High
Ash-Shakur - The Appreciative
Al-Ghafur - The All-Forgiving
Al-'Azim - The Great One

Al-Hakim - The Wise
Al-Wasi' - The All-Embrasing
Al-Mujib - The Responsive
Ar-Raqib - The Watchful
Al-Karim - The Generous One
Al-Jalil - The Sublime One
Al-Wakil - The Trustee
Al-Haqq - The Truth
Ash-Shahid - The Witness
Al-Ba'ith - The Resurrector

Al-Majid - The Most Glorious One
Al-Wadud - The Loving
Al-Muhyi - The Giver of Life
Al-Mu'id - The Restorer
Al-Mubdi - The Originator
Al-Muhsi - The Reckoner
Al-Hamid - The Praiseworthy
Al-Wali - The Protecting Friend
Al-Matin - The Firm One
Al-Qawi - The Most Strong

As-Samad - The Eternal
Al-Ahad - The One
Al-Wahid - The Unique
Al-Majid - The Noble
Al-Wajid - The Finder
Al-Qayyum - The Self-Subsisting
Al-Hayy - The Alive
Al-Mumit - The Creator of Death
Al-Batin - The Hidden
Az-Zahir - The Manifest

Al-Akhir - The Last
Al-Awwal - The First
Al-Mu'akhkhir - The Delayer
Al-Muqaddim - The Expediter
Al-Muqtadir - The Powerful
Al-Qadir - The Able
Malik-Ul-Mulk - The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty
Ar-Ra'uf - The Compassionate
Al-'Afuw - The Pardoner
Al-Muntaqim - The Avenger

At-Tawwab - The Acceptor of Repentance
Al-Barr - The Source of All Goodness
Al-Muta 'Ali - The Most Exhaulted
Al-Wali - The Governor
An-Nafi - The Propitious
Al-Mani' - The Preventer
Al-Mughni - The Enricher
Al-Ghani - The Self-Sufficient
Al-Jame' - The Gatherer
Al-Muqsit - The Equitable

Dhul-Jalal-Wal-Ikram - The Lord of Majesty and Bounty
As-Sabur - The Patient
Ar-Rashid - The Guide to the Right Path
Al-Warith - The Supreme Inheritor
Al-Baqi - The Everlasting
Al-Badi - The Incomparable
Al-Hadi - The Guide
An-Nur - The Light
Ad-Darr - The Distresser.
Posted 16 Nov 2007

eshajam says
Posted 18 Nov 2007

Posted 18 Nov 2007

eshajam says
welcome and keep
Posted 18 Nov 2007

thanx for sharing
Posted 18 Nov 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 19 Nov 2007

valandrian says
Posted 29 Apr 2018

Posted 24 Sep 2018

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