Reema goes location hunting

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jason statham

Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Lollywood is once again deep in the dungeons. But I am happy at the response of the film wallahs; they are in highspirits none the less. This perhaps is an indication of a growing industry. They all want to survive and make films, be it good, bad or ugly.
A few days back Reema returned from Europe, and all the newspapers splashed the news that she had selected her film's location in London. The 'real' news is different. Our mole tells us that London officials denied Reema permission to shoot. But tenacious as ever, Reema went on to Athens to look for locations there.

It's a point of conjecture whether with her 'directorial ability' Reema would be able do justice with lovely backdrop and architectural monuments. Well, its all a news that Reema Jee is much inspired from Bollywood's flick Chupkay Chupkay, also shot in Greece. This makes one wonder whether Reema plans to imitate not just the story, but going whole hog with the location and camera angles too. But why a Bollywood and not a Hollywood flick? Maybe, despite so much effort, Reema is still not confident about her English.

These days the hottest topic in Lollywood is none other than Syed Noor's Larki Punjaban. Both his film and larki, I mean Saima, are once again popular, so much so that a few insiders have predicted that if it's not rated as high as Choorian it would certainly match Jeeva. Saima is really excited, here and there she is praising her film and of course Shah Jee. I just hope that the film is something, for the same was predicted about Laaj, and ten other movies. They turned out to be nothing but crap. May be all the filmi pundits need to improve their insight to be a little more precise.

Another Lollywood film is being packed up even before its start, I will call it intelligent thinking. Well, news has it that Tanveer Fatima has for the time being decided to drop the idea of making a film and concentrate on painting classes. What a brilliant move? She has thrown her Kasak on to backburner and picked up her paint brushes. Whatever, the film had a nice, juicy plot - a middle-aged divorced lady falling for a young guy. Even though the film's cast and songs had already been done, I don't understand why she had cold feet. Maybe Atiqa Odho wasn't available, by the way Saima Jee won't have been a bad option, and even Meera may have handled the role quite well.

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Posted 27 Sep 2003

COME 2 CANADA REEMS!!!!!! LOL. a little more $$$ but definately worth it....
Posted 27 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
goody good...
Posted 27 Sep 2003

reema goes on location hunting , i go on reema hunting
Posted 30 Sep 2003

reema goes on location hunting , i go on reema hunting , lollywood goes on gundasa hunting , where we all are going , i tell u thats hell .
Posted 30 Sep 2003

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valandrian says
Posted 31 May 2018

Posted 24 Sep 2018

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