One Saima One Topic..

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Neutral Zone,
So ji ppl. either you r in favor of saima or in aginst her ..

talk here ,.. in one topic
Posted 10 Aug 2003

paki lion says
well i can say the same about sana..she is the first actress who stared in a digital movie! where was saima then???? and u want to say larki punjaban is realising in india thanx to saima talents? its just coincident that the film includes saima and the film will be releasing in go ahead wid ur arguments and appreciation ..but indians will definetly laugh at Saima..thats beyond doubt!And about devdas, no doubt srk and madhuri dixit acted well but its because they have millions of everyone want to catch the acting of those two talented actors..and about larki punjaban everyone want to see the movie not to catch saima talents but the quality of moviez!
Posted 26 Oct 2003

oh paki lion!

abt sana: saima starred in a movie that SINGLE HANDIDLY PICKED UP LOLLYWOOD from the ground and ressurected it. chooriyan, dispite NOT being digital, NOT being urdu, and NOT being shot over seas, STILL HOLDS RECORDS that yeh dil app ka huwa cannot dream of having! not 2 mention chooriyan was done with NO HELP WHATSOEVER from our indian neighbours. so it was pure pakistan, and pure superhit! and lastly, saima was coined 'PUNJAB DI GORI' as a result. i have YET 2 hear a nickname 4 sana. so that ends that!!

as for lp: i never said it was releasing thanks 2 saima's talents. i said its releasing for WHATEVER REASON (in india) and the people will SEE her talents as a result. obviously if u go 2 see the movie, u'll see her, and since she's so good an actress, people will take notice. thats all.

i'm not saying u have 2 like her yaar. but i dont see what u cant admit shes a good ACTRESS??!!

Posted 26 Oct 2003

paki lion says
well do u know who is farida jalal?or zara zohal? those always plays mothers and somethng like that in the bollywood moviez..but they are good actresses both..why dont they play a leading heroine role? coz they dont have the look as a heroine or idol despite their talents..the same wid saima despite her what u called "talents" she doesn't has the look as an idol..

and whats more..saima just has a lots of luck to star in moviez like choorian and something like that..but in the past reema was called the queen of lollywood and saima punjab di gori..but there were not a huge interest in lollywood then and there were also no competition among actresses so directors had no choice left then choose saima or reema in their films as there were no girls who wants to work in the film industry.....and still now i have read many interviews of the new actresses who wants to be a big star but they never ever said a big star like what do u have to say about that?

and i am telling u again and again till my death..that saima doesn't fit as an actrice or an idol..and perhaps u dont know much about the filmi world..but nowadays looks, weights and talents counts!

Posted 26 Oct 2003

lol. so thats what this is about?? u just don't want saima in lead roles? but u can admit she acts good, similar 2 the examples u gave from bollywood? if thats the case, it makes more sense.

however...saima...lucky?? whatever u say. common paki lion. she gets these roles cause she can out-act everyone. 1 or 2 lucky ones maybe (just like EVERY other actor/actress) but the rest are based on her performance.

and u're right...the competition has risen thanks 2 newer actresses now a days. so let me ask u then....where r these new actresses?! lol. if they were so good, then saima would not be in movies and someone would have ousted her ALREADY, as u said! but nobody has been able to do so. sure all of them look good. but when you're an ACTRESS...u have to be able to ACT as well. saima has both. she can act and she looks good (save her weight - and even that can be argued). these new ladies (or most of them) cannot do both. they look good, but act VERY BAD. and thats why saima continues 2 land lead roles...cause she can get the job done. if i was wrong.....saima would be acting in mummy roles, like u want! but newsflash...she's NOT!!
Posted 26 Oct 2003

Rain Man says much to read...
Posted 26 Oct 2003

paki lion says
well nfkan..what do u expect? dont the new actresses needs to read the script and take times before signing other moviez?look at shah rukh khan now, he is a great actor..but it took him 4 or 5 years before he became super dont think if the new actresses are not a superstar now that they are nothing..juts give them time and they will ousted out saima!
Posted 27 Oct 2003

lol. i can wait till the cows come home! its YOU who wants saima ousted today. lol.

i'm not saying saima should stay in movies forever. nor am i saying she should get every heroine's role. but if someone will de-thrown her, it better be cause they are worthy (meaning they can act AND look good). not just for the sake of getting rid of saima due 2 her weight. see my point yaar!?

so until someone can kick her off her pedistle...saima is the best actress pakistan has, in my opinion.
Posted 27 Oct 2003

paki lion says
hey saima-ass-kisser, so u think the new actresses are not good looking or looking better then saima? well sorry to hurt u but saima is the ugliest acresses there is in lollywood and the new actresses are far better looking the saima and can act well..look at zara sheikh..she can act and she is doubth within 2 years she will become superstar...saima never achieve so high succes within few years!
Posted 27 Oct 2003

paki lion...why do u swear?! lol. we're having a decent debate. no need 4 name-calling.

secondly u just don't get it do u?! did u read ANYWHERE in my posts that ANY of these 'up-and-comers' (actresses) are ugly??? i said most of them look good but cannot act. RIGHT NOW, today, as we speak....SAIMA CAN. u're talking abt 2 years down the line (zara). when someone can achieve the success saima has (whenever they do)...then we'll talk.

until then, u can go crazy callin' me or saima names, but nothing will change! PRESENT DAY....she's the undisputed no. 1 in lollywood. ask noor, ask veena malik, ask sana, ask anyone. u KNOW she's the best when the same goodlookin' newcomers u say will de-thrown her, are saying she's the best the industry has today. end of story.

and keep this in mind paki lion: i also prefer change. new faces ARE needed for our industry. BUT...those faces have 2 have talent 2 back themselves up. when someone can do that...i'll be the first 2 admit saima should retire (from lead roles). lol.
Posted 27 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
u guys ite with the debatin, cuz if its gettin personal tell me, cuz damn man i am not gona finish readin all these long posts lol...

keep it up ne ways
Posted 28 Oct 2003

lol. sorry srk yaar.

i'm not taking anything personally tho. paki lion and i are simply having a good old fashioned debate, and we're sticking 2 the topic at hand.

other than saima, paki lion and i agree on pretty much everything else, i think! so i'm cool. r u paki lion buddy?!
Posted 28 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
that's awesome...looks like this topic is gona be the award winnin ...
Posted 28 Oct 2003


u hear that paki lion yaar?! yet another award linked 2 saima. lol. (j/k). its up 2 me and u 2 keep this discussion clean, and ensure the award goes 2 this topic (regarding saima)!! lol.
Posted 28 Oct 2003

jani420 says
Posted 28 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
lol @ NFAKFan... such a true fan u are...
Posted 28 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
jaani kaiko so rela hai, ramadan mein bhi phoonk lee kya?
Posted 28 Oct 2003

Saima sux its true its true
Posted 28 Oct 2003

paki lion says
well i wont change my mind..i dotn want saima to be part of lollywood and still thinks she sucks and sucks!a leading heroine not only must have talents but also good looks and whats more importans she must be slim! i prefer a slim, good looking, and bad actrice then a fat, ugly, good actrice! coz lollywood must not have a good quality, good script but also, beautiful peoples!
Posted 28 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
gettin interesting...
Posted 28 Oct 2003

lol. so that ends that, then! lol.

we'll end it like so:

u hate saima cause she's 'ugly' and 'fat' and 'old.' i like her, cause i have an open mind and i think the opposite: she's NOT ugly, not fat (just big boned!!), and not too old. and to boot...she's got the most talent, which in the end, wins me over.

but u can admit that she's a 'fat ugly GOOD actress,' and i can admit that she needs 2 retire from leading roles once someone can prove 2 be better than her!

agreed?! lol.

and lol @tracker sahib, srk sahib and jani sahib!
Posted 28 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
good points there buddy
Posted 29 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
NFAKFan i don't think ne one could win a battle of debatin with u about SAIMA...
Posted 29 Oct 2003


regarding saima, i'm not tryin' 2 change anyone's mind. i'm just tryin' 2 make everyone look past her appearence and judge her for what we're supposed to judge her for: her talent.

and i'm not saying appearance doesn't matter. it does. but when it comes to acting it should be secondary. afterall, saima and all these other artists 4 that matter, are actors/actresses...not models. they act! hai ke nahi!?!

Posted 29 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
sahi bolte bahi sahi bolte
Posted 29 Oct 2003

sanam411 says
Posted 29 Oct 2003


vaisay yaar....mei bhi heraan regaya hoon...20 pages of nonstop exlusive saima-talk! wow. if only she knew how 2 use a computer, she would see how much internet-time she's getting, and i'm sure it would make her happy. lol.
Posted 29 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
kya sikhon sanam...saima ke baare mein to sab hi seekh rahe hain, thanks to our NFAKFan...
Posted 29 Oct 2003

lol. u're welcome bro!
Posted 29 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
Posted 29 Oct 2003

sanam411 says
gooddd NASIR.....
Posted 30 Oct 2003

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