
Age: 125
Total Posts: 26920
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
There are no answers for my questions
No sedative
To ease my suffering
She whispers in my ear
Telling me
There is no hope,
No love
Just the lust
And all the evil that follows
She binds my hands
Bites into my flesh
And bleeds me slowly
So that I feel everything
But I can no longer tell if this is real
Once she told me it was only as real
As I made it
But now I think this is not
just confuse only me
The joke of it all
She whispers more to me
Knowing I am too weak
To resist
And foolish enough to believe all
Is she real
Or just another fantasy
Sent by demons to torment
To tell the truth
I no longer care
For I can feel nothing anymore
The world has grown cold
And the only sensations that come
Are from the pain she deals to me
Bleed me slowly
So I can feel everything

Age: 125
7638 days old here
Total Posts: 26920
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
When we met
I knew deep inside
It was one of those moments
That would be seared into my memory
That's how much
You affected me
When we met
I knew I couldn't forget
The tenderness you showed
You were one of those rare, compassionate souls
And then I knew
You'd be in my life
When we met
I knew with no doubts
You were "the" and "only" one
That I would deeply love for all eternity
You filled me up
With butterflies
I loved you then
I love you now
I'll love you for all eternity
When we met
I knew way down inside
It was one of those moments
Full of butterflies