
Age: 37
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
When I think about you
A smile comes to my face
I think of all the happy times
And my heart begins to race
When I think about you
I feel light as a feather
And I remind myself that
It won’t be long until we are together
When I think about you
I think of my dreams coming true
I think of the times to come
Oh how I can’t wait to be with you
When I think about you
I feel happy as can be
Because I know that one day
You will be with me

Age: 37
6441 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
When we’re apart you’re all I think of.
I long to see your eyes and smile.
Eyes that sparkles like precious gems.
A smile that lights up my heart with joy and love,
like the Light of the World shining down from Heaven.
I long to hold your hand.
Just a touch warms my soul on the coldest day.
I long to hold you in my arms.
Arms that give me such a sense of security
that nothing could ever take you from me.
I long to kiss your precious lips.
Lips as sweet as candy exploding with passion.
Forgive me if when we’re together
I can’t stop adoring your divine beauty.
Even though you don’t tell me you love me,
I know what love feels and looks like.
I see love glistening in your eyes.
I feel love in the warmth of you hands
and in the tremble of you kiss.
You may not be sure that you love me yet,
but I have no doubts that you do.
I often think I’m the luckiest man in the world,
but God constantly reminds me that is not so.
It is His blessing, not luck
for me to have an angel like you.

Age: 37
6441 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
I remember when you said,
"most of the time when you can't sleep your thinking of someone"
then you asked me who,
now I realize that you were right
and when I can't sleep I find myself thinking of you
how I miss you so,
then I drift off to sleep
dream about you,
wake up once again thinking about you
and the way things use to be I find myself wanting to tell you how much I miss you
and how I want to tell you I love you
but, then I realize things aren't the way they use to be and things have changed...
I wonder if there will ever be a day where I don't think of you
without saying to myself I love him
and then I wonder,
do I ever want that day to come?