2008 Forthcoming Films!!!

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Channa Suchi Muchi, Zille Shah, Gulabo, Khulley Aasmaan Ke Neechey, Khabi Pyar Na Karna, Price of Honour, Devdas(if completed), and Koi Mere Dil se Poochey...

Thee films will hopefully be a good uplift towards the revival of cinema!!!1
Posted 11 Jan 2008

You Forgot to mention Ramchand Pakistani,a film which many people are looking out for and will surely be a part of the revival of cinema in Pakistan!

Well Channa Sachi Muchi,Devdas will get released this year as Channa Sachi Muchi has only a few songs and scenes to be shooted whereas the shooting of Devdas is also about to be completed.

Gulabo will be releasing on 8th March and Zill-e-Shah will also be releasing soon as the film's post-production work will be started soon.

Khullay Asmaan Kay Neechay and Kabhi Pyar Na Karna.Two Big-Budget films will also be releasing in next few months and can prove to be big hits as they are very much hyped.

Syed Noor will be keeping Price of Honour for festivals only.Maybe he will think about the commercial release later.I think so it will be screened on the Kara Film Festival this year as he said previous year tht he will bring Price of Honour next year at the festival.

And Koi Meray Dil Sey Poochey,forget abut that as Reema is currently busy with hosting and other things.It will not be able to come up in 2008 even.
Posted 11 Jan 2008

Khulley Aasmaan Ke Neechey, Khabi Pyar Na Karna, Price of Honour will be good ones...
Posted 12 Jan 2008

Mr.SmS says
may be
Posted 12 Jan 2008

Hoppo says
They only should release the lollywood version of devdas only if they think it can be better than the bolly version, and not to make some cheapy movie!

I will go with khulay asman ke neechay, people are waiting for magic to come from mr sheikhs hands, he did good with ydakh even tho story was boring! Also kabhi pyar na karana and prince of honour sounds very good and different and please syed noor dont have SAIMA in it, to save the industry!
Posted 14 Jan 2008

ya price of honour is a diff movie
Posted 15 Jan 2008

Well Surely Bolly's Devdas will be best,thts another thing if a miracle can happen thts it better(thin chances of tht),but if its different in story as the bolly devdas(as the director says so)so it shuld be rlsed.The footage of the film which i have seen uptil now is very good and media is also saying tht the shooting is going good.

Price of Honour is also a good project.
Posted 15 Jan 2008

MR NICE says
Model Mahreen Choudary has been signed by Syed Noor for Pride of Honour.
Posted 16 Jan 2008

Hoppo says
Thank god for that BUT if saima pops up in any scene of the movie Id kill her lol!
Posted 16 Jan 2008

MR NICE says
Hoppo I am sorry but Saima is also in the film. Even though Syed Noor said previously that the film will have a new cast.
Posted 16 Jan 2008

Hoppo says
Well I dont hate her, I do like her, but syed noor needs to move on and let her go. I know hes married to her,if thats true read it on a site. Well lets all see how it goes, she mite steal our hearts again lol
Posted 16 Jan 2008

deely says
well i am sure it won't go all down the drain even if she is in the film!
Posted 17 Jan 2008

MR NICE says
Surprise Surprise. Syed Noor is looking for a new heroine for his upcoming film which he wants to start after Muharham. The film is called "Woti Lekay Jani Aye".

No Saima unbelievable.
Posted 17 Jan 2008

yoyo says
syed noor and saima have split up and noor is back with his first wife now,

also there is a new film in the making by the guys who made early days and other hit telefilms, its a youth based film with a mix of american pie and fast and furious, its there first feature film and is to be release in december.

also anyone know what happened to mo ranas film he was directing. called jung or was it lahore.
Posted 17 Jan 2008

Abrardh1 says
yoyo said:

syed noor and saima have split up and noor is back with his first wife now,

also there is a new film in the making by the guys who made early days and other hit telefilms, its a youth based film with a mix of american pie and fast and furious, its there first feature film and is to be release in december.

also anyone know what happened to mo ranas film he was directing. called jung or was it lahore.

Its still in the making, he will complete it one, the script had to be changed and also he had some differances with the producer.
Posted 17 Jan 2008

deely says
have saima & syed noor really split up??? and how the hell do u say woti lekay jani aye
Posted 17 Jan 2008

valandrian says
Posted 01 Jun 2018

Posted 24 Sep 2018

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