Funny Weird Amazing Facts!!

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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
This'll catch you lot off guard!

In Seattle, Washington, it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon that is over six feet in length.

In seventy-five years the human heart pumps 3,122,000,000 gallons of blood, enough to fill in oil tanker over 46 times!

In Scotland, Irn-Bru is a soft drink that is more popular than Coca-Cola. When McDonalds opened in Glasgow and did not sell Irn-Bru, it was considered an insult, and the restaurant was subsequently boycotted.

After spending hours working at a computer display, look at a blank piece of white paper. It will probably appear pink.

All of the clocks in the movie "Pulp Fiction" are stuck on 4:20.

In Salem, Massachesetts sleeping in the nude in a rented room is forbidden, even for married couples.

In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes when you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. That's where the phrase, "goodnight, sleep tight" came from.

In the ancient Greek city-state of Sparta, if a man was not married by age 30, he would not be allowed to vote or watch athletic events involving nude young men.

In playing poker, there is one chance in 500 of drawing a flush.

In Shakespeare, Rosalind, the heroine of "As You Like It", has more lines than any of Shakespeare's female characters. Cleopatra comes in second with 670 lines and third place belongs to Imogen ("Cymbeline"), with 591 lines.

In Scituate, Rhode Island it is illegal to keep a flock of chickens in your motorhome if you live in a trailer park.

In Saratoga, Florida it is illegal to sing while wearing a bathing suit.

All mammals have tongues.

Alexander H. Stephens was Jefferson Davis's Vice President of the Confederacy during the Civil War.

Alekthophilia is the love of chickens.

Adding sugar to coffee is believed to have started in 1715, in the court of King Louis XIV, the French monarch.

According to an Old English system of time units, a moment is considered to be one and a half minutes.

According to a recent survey, more Americans lose their virginity in June than any other month.

According to a global survey in 1997 by Durex Condoms Canadians are the world's fourth worst lovers. The worst three slots belong to South Africa, Russia, and Poland.

Absolutely pure gold is so soft that it can be molded with the hands.

Abraham Lincoln's ghost is said to haunt the White House.

Abraham Lincoln had to go across the street to the War Department to get news from the battlefield because there was no telegraph in the White House.

About a third of all Americans flush the toilet while they're still sitting on it.

About 80% of the city was burned in the Great Fire of London in 1666.

About 75% of the people in the U.S. live on 2% land.

About 70% of Americans who go to college do it just to make more money.

About 55% of all movies are rated R. About 500 movies are made in the US and 800 in India annually.

About 24% of the total ground area of Los Angeles is said to be committed to automobiles.

About 200,000,000 M&Ms are sold each day in the United States.

Abe Lincoln's mother died when the family dairy cow ate poisonous mushrooms and Ms. Lincoln drank the milk.

ABBA GOLD has been in the UK charts for over 280 weeks, thats over 5 years!

A typical American eats 28 pigs in his/her lifetime.

A total of 63 errors were made in the 1886 World Series.

A teaspoon of neutron star material weighs about 110 million tons.
Posted 28 Jan 2008

When you look at the Andromeda galaxy (which is 2.3 million light years away), the light you are seeing took 2.3 million years to reach you. Thus you are seeing the galaxy as it was 2.3 million years ago.

Light from the sun takes 8 minutes to reach you, thus you see the sun as it was 8 minutes ago. It might have blown up 4 minutes ago and you wouldn't know about it!

The Earth is not a sphere! It actually is an oblate spheroid, it is squashed slightly at the poles and bulges out at the equator due to its rotation.

Spare a thought for the constellations that never made it into the official list... these include Machina Electrica (the electricity generator), Officina Typographica (The Printing Office), and Turdus Solitarius (the solitary thrush)

When Galileo viewed Saturn for the first time through a telescope, he described the planet as having "ears". It was not until 1655 that Christian Huygens suggested the crazy theory that they might be an enormous set of rings around the planet.

If you could put Saturn in an enormous bathtub, it would float. The planet is less dense than water.

A teaspoon-full of Neutron star would weigh about 112 million tonnes.

Jupiter is heavier than all the other planets put together.

Even on the clearest night, the human eye can only see about 3,000 stars. There are an estimated 100,000,000,000 in our galaxy alone!

The tallest mountain in the solar system is Olympus Mons, on Mars at a height of about 15 miles, three times the height of Mount Everest. It covers an area about half the size of Spain.

If the sun were the size of a dot on an ordinary-sized letter 'i', then the nearest star would be 10 miles away.

Half-a-billionth of the energy released by the sun reaches the Earth

Temperatures on Venus are hot enough to melt lead.

If you could travel at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) it would take 100,000 years to cross our galaxy!

Only one side of the moon ever faces Earth. The moons period of rotation is exactly the same as it's period of orbit.

Betelgeuse, the bright star on Orion's top-left shoulder, is so big that if it was placed where the sun is, it would swallow up Earth, Mars and Jupiter!

If you stand on the equator, you are spinning at about 1,000 mph in as the Earth turns, as well as charging along at 67,000 mph round the sun.

On the equator you are about 3% lighter than at the poles, due to the centrifugal force of the Earth spinning.

The atmosphere on Earth is proportionately thinner than the skin on an apple.

On Mercury a day (the time it takes for it to spin round once) is 59 Earth-days. Its year (the time it takes to orbit the sun) is 88 days- that means there are fewer than 2 days in a year!

If a piece of the sun the size of a pinhead were to be placed on Earth, you could not safely stand within 90 miles of it!

Its estimated that the number of stars in the universe is greater than the number of grains of sand on all the beaches in the world! On a clear night, we can see the equivalent of a handful of sand.

Every year the sun evaporates 100,000 cubic miles of water from Earth (that weighs 400 trillion tonnes!)

Jupiter acts as a huge vacuum cleaner, attracting and absorbing comets and meteors. Some estimates say that without Jupiters gravitational influence the number of massive projectiles hitting Earth would be 10,000 times greater.

Astronomers believe that space is not a complete vacuum-there are three atoms per cubic metre.

Saturn is not the only planet with rings- Neptune has it's own ring system.
Posted 11 Mar 2008

Mars is nicknamed the "Red Planet," because it looks reddish in the night sky. Mars has 2 moons.

The fastest flashes moves at 140,000km per second.
                      ~~~Did you know~~~
That the Sun makes up 99.86% of the Solar System's mass! That means that all the planets put together (including Jupiter) as well as all the asteroids only make up about 0.14% of the Solar System's mass

That Jupiter's magnetic field is so massive that it pours billions of Watts into Earths magnetic field every day!

That a massive body 100km wide travelling at over 512,000km/h crashed into Mercury to form the Caloris Basin. The impaact was so great it sent shockwaves round Mercury creating its hilly lineated terrain.

That just a pinhead of the Sun's raw material could kill someone up to 160 kilometres away!

That the length of a Plutonian year is 248 of our years! That means that one orbit of the Sun takes about 2 and a half Earth centuries. That's a quarter of a Millenium!

That Olympus Mons (on Mars) is the largest Volcanic mountain in the Solar System. It is 600 km across and 27 km high! And you thought Mount Everest (about 8 and a half km high) was tall! To see a great overhead picture of it click here.

That a Supernova explosion produces more energy in its first ten seconds than the Sun during the whole of its 10 billion year lifetime and that for a brief period, it creates more energy than the rest of a galaxy put together!!

That the comet with the longest ever recorded tail is the Great Comet of 1843. Its tail stretched over 800 million kilometres! This is about the same distance the Earth is from Jupiter!

That the energy in the sunlight we see today started out in the core of the Sun 30,000 years ago - it spent most of this time passing through the dense atoms that make the sun and just 8 minutes to reach us once it had left the Sun!

That almost all of the heavier elements in your body (eg calcium, iron, carbon) were made somewhere in supernovae explosions!

That some rocks found on Earth are actually pieces of Mars!

That Saturn has such a low density that it would float if put in water!

That due to the fact that water expands when heated, the Atantic ocean increses in width by 3cm every year!

That some volcanoes on Jupiter's moon Io eject material at speeds of up to 1km/second! This is about 20 times faster than the volcanoes here on Earth can manage it!

That the amount of the Sun's energy reaching the Earth's atmosphere (known as the Solar constant) is equivalent to 1.37 kw of electricity per square metre!
Posted 11 Mar 2008

        The Planets

The Solar System as we know it today contains 8 planets - the four rocky inner planets of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, and then the four gas giants, comprising Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, these two distinct groups seperated by the Asteroid Belt. There are also 3 known dwarf planets - objects not quite large enough to be considered proper planets, but too big to be thought of as mere asteroids or rubble. These are Ceres, Pluto and Eris (more on them below).

    Differences between inner & outer planets

So in the Solar System, we have two groups of planets - the outer gas giants and the inner rocky ones. The rocky ones are the first four and they're much smaller and denser than the others, containing a much higher percentage of metal elements, and less gases (Mercury and Mars do not in fact have any atmosphere to speak of!). Even Venus' thick, scorching atmosphere only accounts for a small fraction of its overall composition. The other four are instead a lot larger and have very dense atmospheres with (relatively) small cores.
The reason for this state of affairs, put simply, is that when the Solar System was born, most of the gases near the Sun were either vaporised or blown away by the Solar winds so that only the heavy, metal & rock materials were left to form the inner planets. Further away though there was plenty of gas and this accumulated together to form behemoths the size of Saturn and Jupiter.

    Planets give out heat too...

In the outer Solar System, the planets recieve much less light and heat from the Sun, as they are much further away, and the Solar radiation travelling outwards behaves according to an inverse square law. It is thus much easier to detect the small amounts of heat and light given out by the planets themselves. All planets give out energy to some degree; the terrestrial ones by slow radioactive decay of isotopes formed since the planet's formation, the gas giants emit heat left over since the planets' final phases contraction when they were formed. With the exception of Uranus, the gas giants emit more heat than the terrestrial planets.

Inner Planets

The inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, can be (very) roughly split into 2 sub-groups. The first and last of the inner planets, Mercury and Mars respectively, are both comparatively small (Mercury has a diameter of 4,800km and Mars of 6,700km compared to Earth's 12,800km) and have no atmospheres to speak of.

The middle two planets, Venus and Earth on the other hand, are very similar in size (Venus has a diameter of 12,100km to Earth's 12,800km) and have a similar composition, mass and density. However, Venus' position slightly closer to the Sun has resulted in a 'runaway greenhouse effect' creating a scorching, styfling inferno on the surface of the planet, whereas Earth is relatively comfortable for humans.

    Outer Planets

For the outer planets, the division is more distinct, with the inner two gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn being quite different in certain ways from the outer two gas giants, Uranus and Neptune. Again in terms of size Saturn, with a diameter of 120,000km is not a world away from Jupiter, with a 142,000km diameter. However the other two planets, Uranus and Neptunes have diameters of 'only' 51,800km and 50,000km respectively - roughly the size of the core of Saturn or Jupiter.

This large size difference is responsible for many other differences between the two groups, for instance Jupiter and Saturn both have sufficiently high internal pressures to 'squeeze' large quantities of Hydrogen into a metallic state in their cores, whilst Uranus and Neptune can produce only a tiny fraction of this amount. As a consequence, their magnetic fields are much smaller than those of Saturn and Jupiter, whose magnetic fields are generated in large part thanks to electrical currents moving through this material.

Dwarf Planets

This category of object is a recent creation (2006), introduced to accomodate objects orbiting the Sun which are not quite large enough to be termed 'planets', but whose size warrants them a special classification above 'asteroid' or floating object. The criteria for a dwarf planet are that it must orbit the Sun, have enough mass such that its gravity causes it to be almost round in shape, and it must not be a satellite of another planet. The closest dwarf planet to the Sun is Ceres, which lies in the asteroid belt, then there is Pluto, which normally lies just beyond Neptune, and finally there is Eris, discovered in 2005, which normally lies beyond Pluto.

The Solar System does not end with either Pluto or Eris, for as mentioned earlier there is another large 'belt' of objects orbiting the Sun, a belt covering a much greater area and with much greater mass than the asteroid belt. This belt is called the Kuiper Belt, and it is a fairly recent discovery - the first evidence for it was only found in the mid 1980s so we still do not know a lot about it. Most Kuiper Belt Objects, or KBOs, have not yet been seen by astronomers, and it is expected that there are a large number, perhaps greater than 40 or 50, whose size is comparable or greater than that of Pluto. It is this reason that primarily caused the IAU to invent the 'dwarf planet' label due to the fear that otherwise there could be 40 or 50 new 'planets' to add to the list over the next few decades.

So far, KBOs have been seen from distances ranging from 30AU to 50AU from the Sun (Pluto's average orbit is at about 39AU). It is estimated that the mass of KBOs in this region is just above that of Mercury. However it is also estimated that the Kuiper belt could extend to a potential distance of 1000AUs from the Sun!


Many probes, satellites and rockets have been sent out to different planets and it is hoped (by me) that soon there will be manned missions to the Moon and Mars. The only manned landings so far have been in the late 60's (69) and 70's with the Apollo missions. The first man in space was the Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in 1961 and the first satellite was the Russian Sputnik in 1958. The first man to have a 'spacewalk' was Cosmonaut Alexi Leonov. There have been no disasters involving the deaths of human lives in space, though in 1970 Apollo 13 experienced a few difficulties.

At the moment however, the main goal the big space agencies are working towards is the International Space Station which is at present orbiting the Earth with a crew always on board. In 2004, both Europe and America made their intentions clear to press on with manned spaceflight by aiming to establish permanent manned bases on first the Moon, and then Mars, within the next half-century. It remains to be seen if this will be achieved.

There are no big dangerous weapons in space, although that is set to change if the american military get their way.
Posted 11 Mar 2008

The Sun is our closest star and the centre of the Solar System. It's four and a half thousand million years old and in 6 thousand million years or so years, it is predicted that it will finally reach the end of its life (more on that further down). Currently however, it is an 'average' sized star, classified as a G2 type main sequence star. These can be found quite abundantly throughout the visible universe.

However, don't let this apparent 'normalness' of the Sun's size in comparison with other stars fool you - compared with anything else in our solar system, it is, quite literally, absolutely massive! To give you an idea of its size, it has 333,400 times more mass than the Earth and contains 99.86% of the mass of the entire Solar System - this means Jupiter and all the other planets and asteroids only make up 0.14% of the mass of the Solar System! In fact just a pinhead of the Sun's core material could kill a person 160 kilometres away.

Each second the Sun loses 4.5 million tonnes of material - this means that in 42 million years it would lose enough material to make the Earth. However this high loss of mass is really rather insignificant when compared to the total mass of the Sun - over the past 4,500 million years it has barely lost a few hundredths of a percent of its total mass. Interestingly, all the light we see from the Sun comes from a layer 500km deep (the top 0.1%) and takes about 8.3 minutes to reach us down here on Earth. The radiation does however take about 170,000 years to make its way out from the Sun's core.

Viewed from the surface of the Earth, to normal human beings the Sun may appear to be a simple, round uniform ball of a very hot substance. When observed in detail however, as the pictures show, this is far from being the case. In reality it has several well-defined layers leading up its surface, and above its surface it even has what could be termed it's atmosphere - the mystifyingly scorching solar corona.

An imaginary solar 'tourist', travelling out from the centre of the Sun, would begin his journey at a sweltering 15.6million°K in the core, gradually decreasing as he got further from the centre, eventually reaching just 5780 or so Kelvins in the photosphere - the Sun's 'surface'. However, the temperature would then begin to increase as he progresses through the Chromosphere, to 10,000K, culminating in an a massive 1million K (or higher) in the corona! The exact reason for this unexpectedly high temperature in the corona is still unknown, thoguh recent research has ascertained that the energy needed to heat the corona to such high temperatures is somehow provided by the Sun's vast magnetic field.

The birth of the Sun, it was born about 4.5 thousand million years ago. That's quite a long time (about 1.679 x 1012 days). Anyway, it was formed, like all stars, when a cloud of gas of at least 100 Solar Masses, floating around the galaxy got squeezed by an outside influence (ie a nearby supernova explosion or the pressure of a passing spiral arm of the galaxy) and started to collapse. After a while of this, the cloud (or 'nebula') reached a point that it continued collapsing under its own weight, breaking up in the process to make many different stars. As the part that was to be the Sun collapsed further, it got more dense and increased in temperature. After a while the matter formed a spherical shape and when the temperature in the centre reached about 15 million°C, it got hot enough for nuclear reactions to start. The outward force created by these reactions acted as a stabilizing influence on the star, preventing further collapse, so the star eventually reached an equilibrium.

The Sun is now a stable star, though gradually increasing in luminosity. It is presently 'burning' hydrogen in its core, converting it into Helium by a nuclear fusion process. And here's where the extremely high temperature and pressure present in the core of the Sun comes in, for these conditions make it impossible for whole atoms to exist - instead the 'protons' and 'electrons' forming atoms are free to move sperately, thereby forming a plasma in the Solar core. The immense pressure of the Sun's weight then acts to push protons and electrons closer together than they would be normally, and eventually to fuse together 4 Hydrogen nuclei (ie 4 protons), in a number of stages, to end up with 1 helium nucleus (ie 2 protons and 2 neutrons).

However, the Helium nucleus formed actually contains very slightly less mass than the 4 protons which formed it. This is because the rest of the mass is converted into pure energy in the ratio E=mc². This simple reaction, occurring on a vast scale inside the Sun's core, produces absolutely vast amounts of energy, and is the source of all electromagnetic radiation (and heat) coming from the Sun.
In fact about 700 million tons of Hydrogen are converted to Helium every second, releasing 5 million tons of pure energy.

However nuclear fusion can only keep happening for another four thousand million years or so, when Hydrogen will then run out in the core. When this happens the inner core will shrink and the Sun will expand and get hotter, due to Hydrogen being 'burned' in the outer core, engulfing Mercury and nearly reaching Venus. As it does so, the core will reach a blistering 100 million°C and will begin to burn the Helium there. This will keep the star stable as a 'Red Giant' for a thousand million years or so until the Helium runs out. When this happens, the core will begin collapsing again and it'll get hotter and the star will get bigger once more, expanding to the present orbit of Earth.

At this point, the Sun will be very unstable, expanding and shrinking often and losing a lot of material into space. Soon afterwards, all that will be left will be its inner Carbon core, which, although it will still contain about 2 thirds of the Sun's mass, will be collapsed so much that it will have reached the ultimate density, Quantum forces will stop it collapsing further and it'll become a 'White Dwarf' - a small star about the size of the Earth but much denser (about 1cm3 of this stuff would have the mass of a tonne - that's a million times the density of water!)

The European Space Agency and NASA are operating the SOHO (which was successfully launched in 1995) satellite and ESA will soon launch the Cluster II. This is finding out about how the Sun interacts with the Earth. The SOHO (SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory) telescope is studying and staring at the Sun while the Cluster II will study the Earth and the effects the Sun has on it.
Posted 11 Mar 2008

The Moon is the earth's only natural satellite (hence its name the Moon) and it is an abnormaly large moon for a planet the size of the Earth - its diameter is about 1/4 the size of Earth's. Consequently, it is sometimes known as a double planet - not to the same extent as Pluto, whose moon Charon has a diameter just half Pluto's size, but enough to warrant the term's use.

As the Moon is the only celestial object close enough to be able to make out its details with the naked eye, as well as being by far the closest such body, we know more about the Moon than anything else in the Solar System (save the Planet Earth of course). Countless telescopes and spacecraft have scrutinised it in great detail, and men have even walked on its surface. And yet remarkably, we still know very little about its far side, which is forever facing away from the Earth and untouched by terran eyes (all we know about it is from the Luna 3 probe which passed by the far side in 1959). This is all because the length of the Moon's orbit of the Earth and the length of its day are identical - it is thus said to rotate synchronously with the Earth.

    Lunar Terrain

Broadly speaking, there are two main types of Lunar terrain - the brighter, higher 'terrae' and the darker 'maria'. The latin words are in fact rather descriptive; the terrae are packed full of craters and basins, often overlapping, which are almost all thought to be caused by meteoric impacts. This terrain therefore, whose top few kilometres of crust has been repeatedly broken, crushed and remoulded bythese impacts, bears more resemblance to the rugged earth land, than do the calmer, darker, lower maria (in latin = seas).

Rather unsurprisingly, of the 16% of Lunar land which is covered by the maria, most of it is on the side facing the Earth, as this side has been less exposed to meteoric impacts. It is thought that the maria as we see them today are substantially more recent than the terrae, and have therefore been subject to less bombardments. It is also important to point out that different such 'seas' on the Moon can be quite geologically different from each other.

    The Formation of the Moon

The existence of the Moon has long posed some challenging questions to Astronomers. After all, only 2 of the 4 inner planets, Earth and Mars, have moons, and Mars' two moons are clearly mere asteroids, captured by Mars' gravitational pull. Analysis of the Lunar rocks returned by the Apollo astronauts has shown that none of the previous theories of the Moon's formation could be totally correct. These theories included the idea that the Moon formed at the same time as the Earth from the same cloud of dust and gas, an idea which was shown to be wrong as the Lunar composition was shown to be slightly different to the Earth's. Another idea was that the Moon was captured by the Earth's gravity, but calculations show the Earth would not have had a strong enough gravitational pull to capture a fast-moving Moon sized object.

However, in the mid 1970s, a new theory was proposed, which has since recieved enthusiastic support from many astronomers, and this si the 'giant impact' theory. The idea is that a large object hit a young, hot Earth 4,500 million years ago in an off-centre collision, causing large quantities of both the Earth and of the object's material to be ejected from the planet and into the Earth's orbit. This material eventually coalesced to form the Moon. Not only does this hypothesis sound plausible, but it would also explain the Earth's fast spin rate, and the orientation of the Moon's orbit.

    Other Information

The 'lunar crust' was formed near the start of the moon's history by it's outer layers melting to form a layer of magma which covered the whole moon and then subsequently cooling. Although in its history it has had some volcanic activity, this has now ceased and the Moon is sometimes referred to as a 'fossil planet'. This isn't entirely true though as earthquakes have been recorded deep below the Moon's crust.

Brief History:-

The oldest Moon rock we have is 4,500 million years old but there is evidence to suggest that the Moon is even older. The first human telescopic observation of it though was in 1610 by Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei. Then, a few centuries later in 1959 the Soviet Luna 2 became the first spacecraft to reach (or rather, crash into) the Moon. The first landing followed in 1966 by the Luna 9. Then the manned Apollo 11 reached the moon in 1969, followed by the rest of the Apollo missions (12-17) - except of course for Apollo 13. Then in 1998, 25 years after the last Moon mission, the NASA Lunar Prospector orbited the moon and then crashed into it. More info including why it 'failed to kick up a visible dust cloud on impact.
Posted 11 Mar 2008

Saturn (the Roman God of Agriculture) has a diameter of 120,000 km which makes it the second largest planet in the Solar System. Although this isn't quite as large as Jupiter, it still has a size to be reckoned with and across it's equator it could fit the Earth over nine times! Saturn is another 'Gas Giant' but, beneath the atmosphere it has an ocean of molecular liquid Hydrogen which enfolds a shell of metallic Hydrogen. A distinctive feature about Saturn is that it's shape is similar to that of a squashed football; it's flattened at the poles. This is because the planet spins so fast that the centrifugal force makes the equator bulge outwards.

Saturn's Rings

The most famous feature about Saturn is the series of rings which encircle it. They were first spotted in 1610 by the great Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, who was mistified as to why Saturn had two 'cup holders' on either side of it. It wasn't until a few decades later, in 1659, that Christiaan Huygens (a Dutch astronomer) discovered that they were seperate from the planet, and must therefore be encircling it. Just 16 years later Cassini discovered the Cassini division. Subsequently it has been found that there are actually many rings around Saturn and that they are made of rock and ice. The rings are quite insubstantial; at at some points they may be only 1km thick! However, the overall effect made by all of these small rocks around Saturn is quite astonishing, and unique on this scale in our Solar System.

As you can see from the pictures, the rings themselves surround the planet totally and form a circle hundreds of thousands of kilometres in diameter. Indeed they stretch just about the same distance as the Moon is from the Earth. The rocks that form the rings are found to range in diameter from mere micrometres (1 micrometer = 0.000001 metre) to tens of metres.

Magnetic field

As with the other Jovian planets, Saturn has a strong magnetic field - 1,000 times stronger than Earth's in fact. Its magnetosphere encompasses the entire ring system, as well as most of its known satellites. In fact, the Hubble Space Telescope has shown that Saturn has aurorae (or Northern & Southern Lights) similar to those visible on Earth, where charged particles from the Solar Wind become trapped by a planet's magnetic field and collide with molecules of the planet's atmosphere, above the poles.

Atmosphere & Core

Saturn's atmosphere is a bit like Jupiter's except that it is colder and the cloud layers are thicker. The bands which are very visible on Jupiter are however fainter on Saturn, and have a tendancy to get wider in the equatorial regions. Like Jupiter, it also seems to have big oval-shaped storms raging in its atmosphere, though none on the scale of Jupiter's Great Red Spot.

The core of Saturn is thought to be very similar to that of Jupiter, so small and rocky, and surrounded by a layer of liquid metallic Hydrogen, and a molecular Hydrogen layer. In addition to the Hydrogen and Helium which are the main ingredients in Saturn's atmosphere, there are also traces of water, methane and ammonia. In the core, there are traces of various ices.

One notable feature of Saturn is that its core is thought to be at around 12,000°K, and it actually radiates more energy than it recieves from the Sun. This is most likely due to the same process of gravitational compression present in Jupiter, which provide the planet with heat. Around the equator winds sweep about at an impressive 1,800 km/h. It is not a particularly dense planet either, the mass is so spread out that on average it's less dense than water!


Saturn has over 30 satellites, plus probably others as yet undiscovered. Saturn's first 22 moons are : Pan, Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Epimitheus, Janus, Mimas, Enceladus, Thethys, Telesto, Calypso, Dione, Helene, Rhea, Titan, Hyperion, Iapetus and Phoebe and 4 other out moons. The most important one is Titan and scientists hope to find out what the Earth was like long ago through studying it. It's also a rather large moon, being bigger than Mercury. Titan is the only moon in the Solar System to have an atmosphere. Scientists recently discovered day clouds on Titan and this adds to substantial evidence suggesting it has clouds, rain and seas like Earth.

This is an exciting time for Saturn research, for at the time of writing the Cassini-Huygens mission is heading towards Saturn and its moon Titan. This mission, a joint European Space Agency, Italian Space Agency and NASA one, includes the most sophisticated and complete space probe ever sent to a distant planet, the final of the major spacecraft before NASA's 'cheaper, faster, better' philosophy kicked in. The mission consists of 2 parts - the Cassini orbiter will orbit Saturn for at least 4 years, whilst the European-built Huygens probe will be dropped into the atmosphere of Titan, and will perhaps even land on it.

Brief History:-

Galileo Galilei discovered Saturn's rings in 1610 and it was in 1659 that Chistiaans Huygens realised they weren't physically attatched to Saturn. Then in 1676 Italian-French astronomer Jean Dominique Cassini discovered the Cassini division in the rings. The first pictures of Saturn's polar regions were taken in 1979 by the Pioneer 11 and a year later, in 1980, Voyager (the probe, not the Star Trek starship) took 17,500 colour pictures of the planet, measured wind speeds in Saturn's equatorial region and measured Titan's size. Voyager 2 passed even closer than Voyager in 1981. On the 15th October 1997 the Cassini spacecraft was launched towards Saturn and it's expected to arrive in 2004.
Posted 11 Mar 2008

Of the four 'gas giants' that inhabit the outer Solar System, Neptune is both the smallest and the furthest from the Sun - the last major gaseous outpost before Pluto and the Kuiper Belt. As such it has never been observed in detail by a dedicated orbiter. Nontheless, in 1989 the Voyager 2 spacecraft supplied much information and many pictures about this distant, mysterious world, before it raced past it into the outer reaches of the solar system. Neptune was in fact the first planet to be 'predicted', and then subsequently observed. John Adams and Joseph Le Verrier independantly proposed an orbit for this planet, based on peculiarities in Uranus' orbit.


Neptune is the Roman God of the Sea and certainly, from space, the colours remind one of the sea. In fact, underneath Neptune's atmosphere, there is thought to be an ocean of liquid methane and ice slush, surrounding a rocky core. However the reason Netune is blue is because the Methane in it's atmosphere absorbs red light. Neptune's atmosphere extends very far down, eventually merging into water and other melted ices, above its liquid outer core, which is approximately the same size as the Earth. It is assumed that the composition of Neptune is similar to that of Uranus, so we're looking at a uniform distribution of elements, rather than the internal layering which characterises Jupiter and to a lesser degree Saturn. Interestingly, Neptune's winds are up to nine times stronger than those on Earth, and three times stronger than those on Jupiter, despite its low energy input and great distance from the Sun.

Neptune is quite similar to Jupiter in that it has several oval hurricanes. It also has one 'Great Dark Spot' which, like Jupiter's Red Spot is a massive hurricane/storm. Unlike the Red Spot though, it seems to have recently vanished from view.

Other Facts:

Not much was known about Neptune before it was visited by the Voyager space probe, which made many interesting discoveries, for instance it cleared up the 'Neptune arc' problem. When viewed from Earth, faint arcs were spotted around Neptune, but Voyager showed that there are actually three complete rings around the planet, which vary in thickness.

Neptune's rotational axis is tilted at a large 30° to the plain of its solar orbit, and consequently the planet experiences rather extreme seasons, each lasting 41 years. During its 'summer' season therefore, each pole is in constant sunlight for 41 years. Due to the very elliptical nature of Pluto's orbit, on certain occasions Neptune can end up being further away from the Sun than Pluto, as its orbit cuts across Neptune's. On average however, Neptune's orbit is a massive 4,500million km away from the Sun - 30 times the distance between the Sun and the Earth.


Neptune's eight moons are: Naiad, Thalassa, Depoina, Galatea, Larissa, Proteus, Triton and Nereid. The most interesting is Triton which has many geyser-like eruptions, spewing invisible Nitrogen gas and dust particles many kilometres into the atmosphere. It's an icy world of frozen methane just 2720 km wide - smaller than Earth's moon!
Posted 11 Mar 2008

Neptune was predicted in 1845 by British mathematician John Adams and French mathematician Jean Leverrier by clever observatoions of Uranus' orbit. One year later, in 1846, German astronomer Johann Galle confirmed what the mathematicians thought by finding it using John and Jean's predictions. In the same year, Triton was discovered by British astronomer William Lassell. Its rings were discoverd nearly a century and a half later, in 1985 and Voyager 2 discovered six more satellites in 1989.
Posted 11 Mar 2008

The Solar System.

The Solar System consists of (from the Middle outwards) The Sun, an average sized star of average brightness, Mercury, Venus, the Earth and Mars, four small rocky dense planets and then, seperated by the Asteroid belt, Jupiter Saturn Neptune and Uranus, four giant and not very dense 'gas' planets. Then there are the dwarf planets - a category of object invented in 2006 to describe other large objects orbiting the Sun which are however too small to be termed 'planets'. Currently there are three dwarf planets - Ceres, which is situated in the asteroid belt and is the largest known asteroid in the Solar System, Pluto, which lies beyond Neptune, and Eris, the largest of the dwarfs, which lies beyond Pluto.

In figures, the Solar System is made up of: Sun: 99.86%

Planets: 0.135%
Comets: 0.01%
Satellites: 0.00005%
Asteroids: 0.0000002%
Meteoroids: 0.0000001%
Interplanetary Medium: 0.0000001%

The Sun is the centre of the Solar System and the Earth orbits it at an average distance of 1 AU (150 millon kilometres). This is quite far and it takes the Sun's light 8.3 minutes to reach us. The are 8 planets which orbit the Sun, the smallest being Pluto and the largest being Jupiter. The Solar System isn't just made up of planets though and in between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter there is what's known as the asteroid belt. This belt consists of many, many asteroids which also orbit the Sun. You can find out more by visiting the asteroids or Meteors pages.

The Kuiper belt is a belt of icy, frozen, lifeless lumps of ice which sometimes enter the inner Solar System. I goes round the moon in a highly elliptical fashion, at its closest being just beyond Neptune yet at its furthest linking up with the Oort cloud, about 500,000 AU or 2 light years away!

The Solar System was born when a cloud of gas (made up of about 75% Hydrogen, 25% Helium and nearly 1% heavier elements) condensed enough to form solid objects, which slowly joined to make the Solar System as we know it. Ever wondered why the four planets closest to the Sun are small and rocky whereas the ones further away are big and gassy? Well, it's because close to the Sun it was too hot for most of the gas to survive so it got driven away from the sun or it vapourized leaving the inner planets with thinner atmospheres.
Posted 11 Mar 2008

What is an Asteroid?

Sometimes referred to as as 'minor planets', asteroids are small fragments of rock, not large enough to be classified as Planets, left over from the formation of the Solar System, about 4,500 million years ago. Over 8,000 of these have now been catalogued, though it is thought that vastly more of them still lie undiscovered. Those catalogued range wildly in size from the odd metre in diameter to hundreds of kilometres wide, although only about 250 have diameters of over 100km, and most tend to be about 1km across.

The largest asteroid we know about is 'Ceres', which is a massive 940km in diameter, and was discovered in 1801 by Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi (Ceres was in fact also the first asteroid to be discovered). 92.8% of all the asteroids so far examined are found to be made of stone whilst 5.7% are made from a mixture of Nickel and Iron. Their shapes tend to be very irregular, and some asteroids were even found to have their own 'moon'.

    Asteroid Locations and Dangers

Most asteroids in the Solar System are to be found in the Asteroid Belt (or Main Belt) which is in an elliptical orbit
Asteroid Ida, from Galileo
Credit: NASA/JpL
around the Sun, between Mars and Jupiter, ranging from 2.2 to 3.3 AUs from the Sun (see picture). There is also another lesser-known group of asteroids, the 'Trojans', which follow Jupiter's orbit around the Sun, roughly 60° ahead or behind the planet.

However, small bodies such as asteroids don't all just stay put in a regular orbit all the time. In fact, some can be found inside the Earth's own orbit. All it takes is for one asteroid to hit another for them both to end up hurtling away at high speed into the rest of the Solar Sysyem. Obviously this presents a potentially dangerous if a sizeable asteroid happens to end up hitting Earth.

There is even a theory, which has recieved a lot of support in recent years, which suggests that the dinosaurs were wiped out when an asteroid or comet hit the Earth near the Yucatan peninsula, forming the Chicxulub Crater, although this is in no way known for sure. Nevertheless, the potential for damage is catastrophic for humans, if an asteroid of a kilometre were to collide with the Earth, and it is primarily for this reason that both public curiosity and scientific research in asteroids have been increasing substantially in recent decades.

    Origin of Asteroids

There are many theories as to how asteroids originated but the most likely one is that they are left-overs from when the Solar System was created. Originally, there may have been as many as eight Mars sized objects in the main belt, but it is thought that Jupiter's gravitational influenced would have slowly caused them to fragment. One of these objects probably crashed into the Earth creating the moon (this is known as the 'Big Splash', see the Earth section for more details), another one must have survived and is now called Mars and the rest got broken up in collisions, with most of the debris now scattered around the Solar System or burned in the Sun and the rest in the Asteroid Belt. It is important to add however that scientists believe
Asteroid Eros, from NEAR
Credit: NASA/JpL
that the mass of all the known asteroids added together is less that half that of the Earth's Moon.

    The NEAR Mission

The NEAR (Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous) spacecraft was launched in 1996 too examine a certain asteroid called Eros (which is not actually part of the Main Belt) and on its way, it passed just1,200 km away from asteroid Matilde. The NEAR mission was very fruitful, and it revealed a lot of useful information about Eros, before it crashed, as planned, into the asteroid itself, taking photos from as close as 130 metres above the surface of Eros.
Posted 11 Mar 2008

What is a Comet?

From the ground, comets look quite small, white streaks of light hanging motionless and calmly in the night sky. In reality they're bulky objects hurtling through space at unimaginably fast speeds. Many years ago people used to think that comets were huge balls of fire. However now we know that they are solid, frozen, lifeless cosmic icebergs. Furthermore, they would be dark and invisible, if it were not for the heat of the Sun.

    The Origin of Comets

Scientists believe that most comets in the Solar System come from the Oort cloud - a ring of around 10 million million icy objects which resides around our Solar System, far beyond Pluto's orbit halfway between the Sun and another star (about 100,000 Au or 2 light years away).

A comet can easily be dislodged however (for example under the influence of a passing star), and may then come hurtling into the Solar System when. Attracted by the Sun's gravity, it would accelerate towards the Sun, building up speed and eventually travelling extremely fast when it reaches the planets. The potential for damage upon impact with a planet is therefore very real, as was shown when comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashed into the surface of Jupiter in July 1994. Most of the time they just zip around the Sun and then back into outer space, but occasionally they get trapped by Jupiter's gravity and make repeated visits to the Solar System (eg Halley's comet - see below) until they finally evaporate.

    Head and Tail

We here on Earth can only see them when they come close to the Sun. This is because they themselves do not generate any light and it is only when they approach the Sun that they develop large tails of luminous material. Also, when they get hot enough and the nucleus unfreezes, a coma develops and the gas inside absorbs ultraviolet light, giving it a bright blue look. When a comet gets close to the Sun in fact, its 'head' encompasses a small bright nucleus, typically about 10km in diameter, surrounded by the coma.

Contrary to what someone might naturally assume, comets' tails don't actually point from the direction they're travelling, instead they always point away from the Sun. This is because the dust and rock fragments which make up the comet's tail get 'blown' in this direction by the Solar Wind.

Probably the most famous comet, and certainly the most studied, is Halley's comet - named after Edmund Halley, the man who not only worked out that some comets actually orbit the Sun, but also figured out that a comet he was observing (ie Halley's comet) was in a solar orbit and would reappear every 76 years. He was right, and some evidence suggests that William the Conqueror saw it back in 1066. The last time it appeared was a little closer though, in 1986 and it is therefore scheduled again in 2062. When it appeared in the mid 1980s, many space craft were sent to the comet, gathering extensive data on which much of our cometary knowledge is now based. Halley's Comet's nucleus was the first to be imaged, from relatively close up, by the Giotto spacecraft.

Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 (officially designated D/1993 F2) is another very famous comet of recent times. As mentioned above, in July 1994, it collided with Jupiter, watched by hundreds of excited Astronomers from their telescopes on Earth. So great is Jupiter's gravitational field that the comet was actually torn apart into many pieces before it plunged into the Jovian atmosphere. Nontheless, it still produced visible scars on Jupiter's surface which took days to clear up.
Posted 11 Mar 2008

Fairl_Girl says

Fairl_Girl said:

maine bi aisa topic banaya tha ghom ho gaya
v v nice ms

Kaise ghoom geya tha aur kis ney ghoomaya?
tt fos ke sath combind ho gaya tha tab ab dhodhna parayga
Posted 13 Mar 2008

Hmmm, acha?
Chalo khair hai, aap bhi yaha facts post kaar saktee hai.
Posted 13 Mar 2008

In space, if unprotected pieces of metal touch each other, they stick together permanently.

This doesn't happen on Earth, because the oxygen in our atmosphere forms an extremely thin film of oxidized metal on every exposed surface. The oxidization layer acts as a barrier that conveniently prevents chunks of metal from sticking to other chunks of metal.

In the vacuum of space, however, there is no oxidation layer. If the atoms of two metal objects come in contact with each other, what you suddenly have is one continuous metal object, and a lot of explaining to do to your mission commander.

This is an issue on the space station. Metal tools used outside the station have to be coated with plastic or other materials that will not stick.

If you consider the Universe as a whole, metal objects sticking together at the drop of a hat is the norm. It's only in special places like Earth, with our highly caustic oxygen-rich atmosphere, that we can carry around bare pieces of metal to hit each other with and not have to worry about how inconveniently sticky they are.
Posted 13 Mar 2008

At this time, the NIU 3R Program cannot accept steel or other scrap metals. If you are not sure about the type of metal your container is, please recycle it. Waste Management, Inc. will sort the metals out before processing them.

About 70% of all metal is used just once and then discarded. The remaining 30% is recycled. After 5 cycles, only one-fourth of 1% of the metal remains in circulation.

About 12.3 million tons of steel waste are generated annually in the U.S., overall, about 15.4% of steel in the waste stream is recycled.

Making tin cans from recycled steel takes only one-fourth of the energy needed to make them from new steel and created only one-fourth of the water and air pollution created by making cans from new steel.

Each year, steel recycling saves the energy equivalent to electrically power about one-fifth of the households in the United States (or about 18 million homes) for one year.

Americans use 100 million tin and steel cans every day. Every minute, more than 9,000 tin cans are recovered from the trash with magnets.

Every day, Americans use enough steel and tin cans to make a steel pipe running from Los Angeles to New York and back again.

During the last decade, world steel makers recycled almost 2.5 billion tons of steel.

Americans throw away enough steel every year to build all the new cars made in America.

The steel from the more than 39 million appliances recycled last year yielded enough steel to build about 160 stadiums the size of the new Pittsburgh Steeler Stadium. More than two appliances were recycled for every NFL fan who attended a regular season game last year.

One hundred pounds of recycled steel replace almost 150 lbs. of steel ore. When steel cans were introduced in 1935, they weighted 172 lbs. per thousand; today, they weigh 70 lbs. per thousand.

In 1989, enough scrap copper was recycled in the U.S. to supply the wiring and plumbing for every building constructed already that year.

Steel cans, including food, paint and aerosol cans, were recycled at a rate of 57.9% in 1999.
The industry re-melted more than 18 billion steel cans into new products. That's about 200 cans per every person with internet access in the U.S.
Posted 13 Mar 2008

Fascinating facts about metal cans

The steel can was first developed in the early 1800s by an Englishman, Peter Durand, to solve the problem of keeping food fresh for soldiers at the battlefront. He didn't invent the can opener at the same time, unfortunately, so you needed a hammer and chisel to get at the contents.

Aluminium cans arrived much later, in the 1960s. They have always been used mainly for drinks, with easy-open lids or pourers, and are much lighter than the steel equivalent. In fact, they're getting lighter all the time - today's cans are half the weight of the early ones.

The UK's thirsty population gets through nearly 5,000 million aluminium drink cans every year. Set tidily on the floor, they would fill a warehouse 3 miles long by 3 miles wide. And we use even more steel cans - three times more, in fact.

Recycling metal cans

Metal cans are completely recyclable. They can be melted down and used over and over again to make new cans or longer-lived products such as bikes, cars and aeroplanes.

And cans are one of the easiest types of waste material to collect and recycle. It's well worth taking the trouble, because by recycling these valuable metals we will:

save energy
save natural resources
reduce landfill
In the UK, we use an average of 240 steel food cans per person every year. So if you're anything like the average, you'll be throwing away about 20 of these cans a month, for each person in your household. Not to mention all the aluminium drinks cans.

Why recycle metal cans?

Recycling steel and aluminium cans is a relatively simple process. They are separated into the two kinds (by large electro-magnets which attract steel but not aluminium) then melted down. Once the impurities have been burned or skimmed off, the metal can be re-used to make new products. The environmental advantages are very convincing:

Recycling cans saves energy because melting them down takes much less heat than manufacturing new metal. For steel you need only about a quarter of the energy, and for aluminium only about a twentieth.

Recycling cans saves natural resources because the raw ingredients for both steel and aluminium have to be mined out of the ground, and it obviously makes sense to re-use what we already have. Mining carries a risk of environmental pollution, as well as using energy.

Recycling cans reduces landfill because although they are a fairly small proportion of household waste (about 4%), up to now most of them have ended up in local landfill sites.
Posted 13 Mar 2008

A: Diamond is Carbon
It may seem surprising that diamond is simply carbon, just like charcoal or graphite. In fact carbon has at least two other rare, and only recently discovered forms, or allotropes, known as fullerenes.

The difference is caused by the different types of bonding between adjacent atoms to form different types of crystalline structure.
In diamond, each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms in a tetrahedral structure, like a pyramid. Each link or bond is the same length, and the tetrahedral formation is therefore completely regular. It is the strength and regularity of this bonding which makes diamond very hard, non-volatile and resistant to chemical attack.

Theoretically a perfect diamond crystal could be composed of one giant molecule of carbon.
Carbon is a non-metallic element with the atomic number of 6, and an atomic Weight of 12. In combination with oxygen and hydrogen it is contained by all living objects. In the form of graphite it appears black or dark gray, opaque, and is very soft, whereas in the form of diamond is it clear, colourless, and extremely hard. In fact diamond is the hardest known naturally occurring substance. Carbon has a density of about 2.3 and diamond about 3.5.

What Makes Diamond An Ideal Gemstone?

Diamond possesses many qualities which make it an ideal gemstone.

It is extremely hard, and also very tough and hard-wearing, and this also helps it to take a very high polish. Some hard articles are brittle which detracts from their durability. There are some things which are harder than diamond.

In its pure form it is colourless, has a high refractive index, so has a very high lustre.
It possesses high dispersion, meaning that different light wavelengths are diffracted differently, giving a strong scintillating play of prismatic colours.

Diamond Discoveries:

Diamonds seem to have been known for about 3,000 years, being mentioned in Exodus chapter 28, however in early times, other hard minerals were often confused with diamond.It is thought that the earliest diamonds were found in about the 12th century B.C., in India , which remained the most important, if not the sole, source until 1725, when diamonds were discovered in Brazil.

The Indian and Brazilian deposits had been almost exhausted when in 1866, the Eureka diamond was discovered in South Africa, followed by the Star of South Africa in 1869. Shortly afterwards, the great South African diamond rush had started, and South Africa remains one of the world's most important sources of diamonds today.

Diamonds have since been discovered in many other regions of the world, including Russia and Australia.
Until the South Africa finds, diamonds were so rare and valuable, that they were only owned by the very wealthy. They were not available in high street shops!

Why Are Diamonds So Popular?

Through the publicity and promotion given to diamonds largely by the De Beers Company, and through the Diamond Promotion Service, diamonds have become the most desired gemstone.

Thanks to large scale mining, and the development of efficient cutting methods and equipment, diamonds have now become a consumer luxury affordable to the masses.
Mass production jewellery manufacturing techniques have also helped to bring diamond rings and other diamond jewellery into very affordable, even commodity, price ranges.

Man Made:

Another fact about diamond which surprises most people, is that more diamond is now manufactured than mined. Synthetically produced diamonds have been made since at least 1954, although the bulk of the synthetic production is used for industrial purposes as diamond grit. Gem quality synthetic diamonds have also been produced, although it is still more expensive to manufacture them than to mine them.

Pure diamond, if such a thing exists, is colourless.
Most diamonds are slightly coloured, even if the colouring is almost imperceptible. The commonest colour is yellow which is caused by tiny amounts of nitrogen being present in the crystal structure, others are gray, light brown or greenish. Diamond can be almost any colour, although strongly coloured attractive specimens are very rare, and as such are not actively promoted by De Beers, probably in case consumers realise that blue, red, green and other colours are attractive, and start buying sapphires, rubies, emeralds and other gemstones instead of diamonds!
As with many gemstones, colours can be artificially produced or modified. Some fancy coloured diamonds are produced by irradiation and subsequent heat treatment. Natural fancy coloured diamonds command very high prices, especially the more more popular colours. Fancy coloured diamonds where the colour has been artificially produced are no less beautiful, but sell for more normal prices.

We occasionally have fancy coloured diamonds available in blue, green, yellow, orange, pink, purple, brown, and even black.

It is well known that most diamonds contain slight imperfections or flaws, indeed I firmly believe that there is no such thing as a perfect diamond. The higher the clarity grade of a diamond, the higher its desirability, and therefore its price.

Cut, Proportion, and Shape
Most jewellers will tell you that "cut" is an important factor in the price of a diamond. While this is true, most do not know clearly what they mean by the word "cut". It can have several different meanings.
Firstly, it can describe the shape and facetting pattern of the diamond, as in the modern round brilliant cut, the single or eight cut, pear shape, emerald cut, square, baguette, oval, heart, triangle, princess, marquise or fancy.

Secondly, it can mean the accuracy of the facetting, and the proportions of the stone, and lastly it can apply to the polish or surface finish of the stone.

There have always been things which looked like diamonds, but were not diamond. I have already stated that in early times other stones were confused with diamond.

Any stone which looks like a diamond could be called a diamond simulant. Natural or synthetic white sapphire, glass, colourless quartz (rock crystal), rutile both natural and synthetic, yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG), strontium titanite, cubic zirconia, and now moissanite, all simulate diamond to a greater or lesser degree.
Do not confuse simulant with synthetic. A synthetic diamond is real diamond, but not natural diamond. A simulant can be natural or synthetic, but is not the same as the material it imitates.

The most abundant synthetic is cubic zirconia (CZ), which is a remarkably good simulant. If it is set in a high quality realistic mount, it is undetectable to the naked eye without instruments.
Moissanite is the latest synthetic simulant, and is very realistic looking, and quite difficult to differentiate from diamond.
Posted 13 Mar 2008

Miss mine says


Posted 13 Mar 2008

World's largest snail is the Australian trumpet (Syrinx aruanus), a sea species from the shores of northern and western Australia which can grow up to 77.2 cm (30 inches) in shell length, while the flesh weighs up to 18 kg (40lbs).

The longest snail is Parenteroxenos doglieli, a parasite in the body cavity of the sea cucumber.

Cymbium proboscidalis, from the shores of West Africa, grows up to 7-8 kg (15-17 pounds) and the body is so large that the shell remains like a beanie. Brought on ground, the snail's weight decreases to a quarter. Locals make from this snail a dish called tibuden, adding rice and fish. Some sea rabbits (which are sea snails lacking a shell) can be 30 cm (1 ft) long and weigh 6.5 kg (14 pounds).

2.The largest snail you could see in your garden is the Giant African Snail or Tiger Snail (Achatina achatina), which can be 30 cm (1 ft) long. Giant Apple Snail (Pomacea maculata) is the largest freshwater snail, with a shell 15 cm (0.5 ft) and weighing 600 g (1.5 pounds).

3.Garden snails have up to 14,175 teeth! They are all located on their tongue (radula).

4.The snails Littoraria irrorata on the eastern shores of US farm! They bite the stems of sea grass to weaken them, and then they fertilize the place with their feces. This way they favor the development of a fungus on which they feed.

5.French researchers discovered that the digestive secretions of the garden snail are effective against stomach ulcer. 10 mg of this powder led to a decrease by 42 % of the human stomach acidity. The product was also effective against chronic bronchitis.

6.The snail slime was found by American researchers to be an excellent scaring factor. Snail slime is also used in some beauty products...

7.Most ground snails are peaceful veggies (well, not exactly all), but the marine species can be top predators of the sea. They are armed with a harpoon like weapon (named toxoglossan radula, snails modified "tongue") injecting a deadly venom into their victims.

Enlarge pictureThis way, they can catch in a fraction of a second fish "for dinner". Some of these venoms are the most potent on the planet, like in the case of the predatory marine snail Conus magus, from coral reefs. They can grow up to 23 cm in length and eat from marine worms, small fish, mollusks (clams and other marine snails, including other cone snails.

Its poison has a greater power than morphine, but it acts in an entirely different way. Some cone snails can kill a human being with their venom.

Enlarge pictureThe snail venom impairs a particular type known as N-type calcium channels, crucial in determining some kinds of pain sensations. A pharmaceutical company has developed synthetic chemicals that also inhibit N-type calcium channels, decreasing pain. These new drugs could be employed to shut off persistent acute pain where other painkillers have not succeeded, or are not recommended, like in the case of patients with cancer or other very severe conditions.

8.In some areas, like New Guinea, the shells of sea snails were used for long as currency!

9.Some sea snail produce sulfuric acid which they use for dissolving the shells of the clams on which they feed... No need the mentions this is the most potent acid of all.
Posted 13 Mar 2008

Miss mine said:



Hey hun, how are you?
Posted 13 Mar 2008

The black-necked cobra, which lives mostly in Africa, spits its venom into the eyes of its victim, to cause it blindness.

There are no snakes in New Zealand.

The venom of the king cobra is so deadly that one bite can kill twenty people or one elephant.

The fastest moving land snake is the Black Mamba, which can move up to 7 miles per hour.

The King Cobra has enough venom in its bite that it can kill up to 13 adults.

The Australian Brown Snake's venom is so powerful that only 1/14,000th of on ounce is needed to kill a human being.

Taipan snakes have 50 times more toxic than a cobra snake.

Snake venom is ninety percent protein.

Snake is a delicacy in China.

Most snakes have six rows of teeth.

A snake charmer in Bangladesh once found 3,500 poisonous cobras and their eggs hidden underneath the floors of two suburban homes.

Sea snakes are the most poisonous snakes in the world.
Posted 13 Mar 2008

Miss mine says

Miss mine said:



Hey hun, how are you?

im gud n u
Posted 13 Mar 2008

The average amount of time spent kissing for a person in a lifetime is 20,160 minutes.

The average adult has approximately six pounds of skin.

Infants spend more time dreaming than adults do.

In one day, adult lungs move about 10,000 liters of air.

There are approximately 45 billion fat cells in an average adult.

Kissing can aid in reducing tooth decay. This is because the extra saliva helps in keeping the mouth clean.

Men sweat more than women. This is because women can better regulate the amount of water they lose.

The giant anaconda snake of South America, a 200-pound member of the boa family, can swallow a pig or even a deer whole at one meal. The snake coils its 28-foot-long body around the animal and squeezes tightly to stop its victim's heart.

Once the victim is dead, the snake swallows it whole. During the several hours that this takes, the snake's stomach manufactures powerful digestive juices that can break down even large bones of the victim.
Posted 13 Mar 2008

There are over 3000 kinds of snake in the world. Giants like the seven-metre long python can squeeze the life out of a large antelope and swallow it whole. Other snakes grow no longer than a pencil. Some live in the sea, some burrow underground, others climb trees.

One species of fer-de-lance, a deadly viper, has been recorded swallowing prey that was 1.6 times its own body weight.

Poisonous or harmless, large or small, all snakes - from the desert rattlesnake to the dwarf pipe snake - have certain things in common: a long, thin shape; scaly, legless bodies; and unblinking, lidless eyes. Like all reptiles, snakes rely on the heat of the sun to control their body temperature. That's why the greatest variety of species is found in the warm, humid tropical regions of the world.

The venom of the king cobra, the world's largest poisonous snake, is strong enough to kill an elephant.

The paradise tree-snake of South-east Asia can 'fly' through the air by flattening its body into an s-shaped ribbon.
Posted 13 Mar 2008

This snake and jellyfish live off the coast of Australia. The sea snake is the most poisonous snake in the world. Box jellies, sometimes called sea wasps, are the most poisonous jellyfish. Their sting can kill a person in less than 3 minutes.

There are over 2,800 different types of snakes around the world. Of those types of snakes, over 375 of them happen to be venomous. One of the amazing snake facts is that some can even live to be as old as 50! It’s also another common fact that snakes, although reptiles themselves, in relation are closer to lizards than the rest of all the reptiles.

They also vary in size quite dramatically where the smallest snakes are around 2 inches in length while the largest can grow to just over 35 feet.

How about this for a quick snake fact: Snakes are completely deaf, they do not hear sounds but they do feel vibrations of sound. Weird huh? A snake smells by flicking its tongue. It’s forks allow a snake to tell which side the smell is coming from which makes it easier for it to detect prey.

All snakes are long and without legs or arms of any sort. Their skeletal composition makes them extremely flexible, almost floppy. How they are shaped is really determined by where they live. Snakes that live in or around water are typically flatter than snakes that live in forests.

Their colors range from very bright to very dull, where it’s usually the brighter colored snakes that are the venomous snakes and their bright colors are meant to be warnings to anything or anybody that may come upon them.

Snakes can be found in almost every habitat in the world with the exception of such places as Antarctica and Iceland. Other than that they are pretty much everywhere but the places that have the most snakes are tropical in nature.

Snakes will eat many different things. You might see a snake feasting on termites or rodents (mice and rats). Snakes will eat frogs and they will eat birds. One of the more astounding snake facts is that they will even eat small deer. When a snake eats, it eats the entire thing whole!!
Posted 13 Mar 2008

khayali says
mujhaY to patai nahi tha ke
aisa acha sa topic hai yaha pe
i really enjoyed reading last 2 pages thanxx
i mean 1st two pages
Posted 13 Mar 2008

Ants: Can detect small movement through 5 cm of earth.
Can see polarized light.

Can see light between wavelengths 300 nm and 650 nm.
Have chemoreceptors (taste receptors) on their jaws, forelimbs and antennae.
Worker honey bees have 5,500 lenses ("ommatidia") in each eye.
Worker honey bees have a ring of iron oxide ("magnetite") in their abdomens that may be used to detect magnetic fields. They may use this ability to detect changes in the earth's magnetic field and use it for navigation.
Can see polarized light.

Buzzard: Retina has 1 million photoreceptors per sq. mm.
Can see small rodents from a height of 15,000 ft.

Chameleon: The eyes of the chameleon can move independently. Therefore, it can see in two different directions at the same time.

Crab: Has hairs on claws and other parts of the body to detect water current and vibration.
Many crabs have their eyes on the end of stalks.

Cricket: Can hear using their legs; sound waves vibrate a thin membrane on the cricket's front legs.

Dolphin: Like bats, dolphins use echolocation for movement and locating objects.
Can hear frequencies up to at least 100,000 Hz.

Earthworm: Entire body covered with chemoreceptors (taste receptors).

Elephant: Has hearing range between 1 and 20,000 Hz. The very low frequency sounds are in the "infrasound" range. Humans cannot hear sounds in the infrasound range.

Fish: Some can detect the L-serine (a chemical found in the skin of mammals) diluted to 1 part per billion.
Have a "lateral line" system consisting of sense organs ("neuromasts") in canals along the head and trunk. These receptors are used to detect changes in water pressure and may be used to locate prey and aid movement.
Some fish can see into the infrared wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Fish (Deep sea): Only have rods in the retina: 25 million rods/sq. mm. Perhaps they need this high density of photoreceptors to detect the dim biolumninescence that exists in the ocean depths.

Fish ("Four-eyed Fish" Anableps microlepis). Can see in air and water simultaneously. Each eye is divided by flaps, so there is one opening in the air and one in the water.

Frog: Has an eardrum (tympanic membrane) on the outside of the body behind the eye.

Grasshopper: Has hairs ("sensilla") all over the body to detect air movement.
Can hear up to 50,000 Hz.

Hawk Buteo: Has 1 million photoreceptor per square millimeter in its retina.

Jellyfish: The box jellyfish has 24 eyes. (Nature, 435:201-205, 2005.)

Star-nosed Mole: Uses its fleshy star nose for hunting. The Star-nosed mole has 100,000 nerve fibers that run from star to the brain. This is almost six times more than the touch receptors in the human hand.

Moth: Noctuid Moth has a hearing range between 1,000 and 240,000 Hz.
Emperor Moth can detect pheromones up to 5 km. distant.
Silkworm Moth can detect pheromones up to 11 km. distant. This moth can detect pheromones in concentrations as low as 1 molecule of pheromone per 1017 molecules of air. A receptor cell can respond to a single molecule of the pheromone called bombykol and 200 molecules can cause a behavioral response.

Penguin: Has a flat cornea that allows for clear vision underwater. Penguins can also see into the ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Posted 13 Mar 2008

Pigeon: With eyes mounted laterally on their heads, pigeons can view 340 degrees...everywhere except in back of their heads. Can detect sounds as low as 0.1 Hz.

Rabbit: Tongue contains 17,000 taste buds.

Seahorse: Each eye can move independently.

Scorpion: Can detect air moving at only 0.072 km/hr with special hairs on its pincers.
Can have as many as 12 eyes.

Snakes: Pit-vipers have a heat-sensitive organ between the eyes and the nostrils about 0.5 cm deep. This organ has a membrane containing 7,000 nerve endings that respond to temperature changes as small as 0.002-0.003 degrees centigrade. A rattlesnake can detect a mouse 40 cm away if the mouse is 10 degrees centigrade above the outside temperature.
The tongue of snakes has no taste buds. Instead, the tongue is used to bring smells and tastes into the mouth. Smells and tastes are then detected in two pits, called "Jacobson's organs", on the roof of their mouths. Receptors in the pits then transmit smell and taste information to the brain.
Snakes have no external ears. Therefore, they do not hear the music of a "snake charmer". Instead, they are probably responding to the movements of the snake charmer and the flute. However, sound waves may travel through bones in their heads to the middle ear.
Snakes have no moveable eyelids. Instead, they have a clear, scale-like membrane covering the eye.

Spider: Many spiders have eight eyes.

Bats: Can detect warmth of an animal from about 16 cm away using its "nose-leaf".
Bats can also find food (insects) up to 18 ft. away and get information about the type of insect using their sense of echolocation.
Can hear frequencies between 3,000 and 120,000 Hz.

Butterfly: Has chemoreceptors (taste receptors) on its feet.
The butterfly has hairs on its wings to detect changes in air pressure.
Using vision, the butterfly Colias can distinguish two points separated by as little as 30 microns. (Humans can distinuguish two points separated by 100 microns.)

Cat: Has hearing range between 100 and 60,000 Hz.
Olfactory membrane about 14 sq. cm. For comparison, humans have an olfactory membrane of about 4 sq. cm.

Cockroach: Can detect movement as small as 2,000 times the diameter of a hydrogen atom.

Crayfish: Has sensory hairs that can detect movement of 0.1 microns (at 100 Hz frequency).

Dog: Has olfactory membrane up to 150 sq. cm.
Can hear sound as high as 40,000 Hz.

Dragonfly: Eye contains 30,000 lenses.

Falcon: Can see a 10 cm. object from a distance of 1.5 km.
Visual acuity is 2.6 times better than human. (Garcia et al., Falcon visual acuity, Science, 192:263-265, 1976.)
Can see sharp images even when diving at 100 miles/hr.

Fish (Catfish): Has 3 or 4 pairs of whiskers, called barbels, to find food. The catfish also has approximately 100,000 taste buds. (Humans have only 10,000 taste buds.)

Fish (Drum Fish): Collects underwater sound vibrations with an air bladder. The signals are then sent from the air bladder to the "weberian apparatus" in the middle ear and then to the inner ear. Hair cells in the inner ear respond to the vibration and transmit sound information to the fish brain.

Fly: Each eye has 3,000 lenses. (Simmons and Young, 1999)
Eye has a flicker fusion rate of 300/sec. Humans have a flicker fusion rate of only 60/sec in bright light and 24/sec in dim light. The flicker fusion rate is the frequency with which the "flicker" of an image cannot be distinguished as an individual event. Like the frame of a movie...if you slowed it down, you would see individual frames. Speed it up and you see a constantly moving image.
The small parasitic fly (Ormia ochracea) can locate sounds within a range of only 2o of the midline. (Mason et al., Nature, 410:686-690, 2001)
Blowflies taste with 3,000 sensory hairs on their feet.

Giant Squid: Eye is 25 cm in diameter.
Retina can contain up to 1 billion photoreceptors.

Hawk: Normal vision for people is 20/20. A hawk's vision is equivalent to 20/5. This means that the hawk can see from 20 feet what most people can see from 5 feet. (Scientific American, April 2001, page 24)

Iguana: Able to detect the temperature of sand within 2 degrees F. This temperature is needed for the iguana to lay its eggs.

Mice: Attracted to host by human body odor (especially foot odor), carbon dioxide, body heat and body humidity.

Octopus: Retina contains 20 million photoreceptors.
The eye has a flicker fusion frequency of 70/sec in bright light.
The pupil of the eye is rectangular.
Has chemoreceptors (taste receptors) on the suckers of their tentacles. By tasting this way, an octopus does not have to leave the safety of its home.

Pig: Tongue contains 15,000 taste buds. For comparison, the human tongue has 9,000 taste buds.

Platypus: Has electric sensors in its bill that can detect 0.05 microvolts. Other receptors in the bill are for touch and temperature detection.
The cochlea of the inner ear is coiled only a quarter of a turn. In man, the cochlea is coiled about 2.7 times.

Rat: Has hearing range between 1,000 and 90,000 Hz.

Scallop: Has 100 eyes around the edge of the shell. These eyes are probably used to detect shadows of predators such as the starfish.

Shark: Has specialized electrosensing receptors with thresholds as low as 0.005 uV/cm. These receptors may be used to locate prey. The dogfish can detect a flounder that is buried under the sand and emitting 4 uAmp of current.
Some sharks can detect fish extracts as concentrations lower than one part in 10 billion.
Some sharks sense light directly through the skull by the pineal body.
The thresher shark has an eye up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) in diameter.

Sparrow: Retina has 400,000 photoreceptors per sq. mm.

Starfish: Arms covered with light sensitive cells. Light that projects on an "eyespot" on each arm causes the arm to move.
Posted 13 Mar 2008

Fairl_Girl says

Hmmm, acha?
Chalo khair hai, aap bhi yaha facts post kaar saktee hai.

yeh phelay pher lay
Posted 14 Mar 2008

very nice info...

thoray thoray kar k post karain... itnay ziada parhna mushkil ho jata hai..

Posted 14 Mar 2008

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