well as u know luv is the best medicine for any pain well my painw as getting to much staying away from my boyfriend is hurting me like mad i wish family wud understand that we have feelings to if they excpect us to know there feelings then they should undertsand ours aswell any1 out there got any ideas on how should i make my parents understand that this person is right for me and pplz this is a serious matter that needs dealing with so please no funny comments ok cause belive me u dont want to see the other side of me cause i bet u one hundred percent u wont like it ok i am waiting for any1 replies ok
Age: 125
7886 days old here
Total Posts: 415
Points: 0
well wut is it that ur parents dun like abt ur boyfriend? maybe then i can give u an idea....is it religion, job, family, age, looks, i mean why dun they like him?
Age: 43
7839 days old here
Total Posts: 39
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uk, United Kingdom
quote:Originally posted by jupiterblue
yes...the reasons...
the reason is simp-le i ran away with him but had to cum bCK Cuase of family it sucks yar if only i cud explain my feelings to parents but how do u explain to parents like food and water is essentail to live that is how luv is ok parents luv is cool to but u need sum1 eles luv aswell anyhowz got sum good and bad news this being ke i had a job for two days cool man i quit myself and the good news is i am getting married without parents knowing so wish me good luck
Age: 125
7886 days old here
Total Posts: 415
Points: 0
not that it's any of my business but i dun think it's a good idea...y dun u try explaining to ur parents the rite way. i mean why did u just run away from home without trying? one wrong step led to all this mess.