
Age: 37
6451 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Alone on the beach
tasting the sweet rain
staring out into the ocean
letting it wash away my pain
From inside out I was soaked
between my toes I felt the wet sand
that's when I saw him
he appeared from no where and held my hand
I tried to focus on anything else
for he had broken my heart once before
leaving me cold and alone
I didn't want to be with him anymore
But on that cold rainy day
I fell in love all over again
and realized I couldn't live without him
I didn't want this day to end
I was no longer cold
with just his touch
I knew he was the one
I've missed him so much
We clung together in the rain
laughing and smiling together
as it just poured down harder
I wanted this moment to last forever
He gazed into my eyes
and couldn't tear them away
I've never felt this way before
until that rainy summer day
together we slipped and fell in the wet sand
we just lay down in the storm
letting the rain fall
he kept me so warm
We locked hands so tight
and let our lips meet
a bond that couldn't be broke
in the cold rain we felt the summer heat
There on the sand
we made our sweet love
by this time it was night
the stars glistened up above
Still the rain poured down
and in his arms I fell asleep
knowing we could never part
this memory we would always keep

Age: 37
6451 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
If you've Ever Watched the Rain
If you've ever watched the rain as it fell,
You'd know the silence trickles in... As the raindrops music dwells.
As the clouds tumble in overhead,
A billowy blanket that is an angel's bed,
And the angels golden rays do shine, in oranges, reds, and purples...
Peeling away the world's sadness...
For a moment of wonder and gladness,
But only if you notice; only if you watch,
Only if you take the time to shut your worries away,
Then open your baby blues or golden browns, to a heavenly part of the day.
If you've ever watched the rain as it fell,
From their pockets in the sky,
Then felt the splintery wind twist in, as if all of the angel's had sighed.
And if you listen really hard; bringing your equilibrium to peace,
You might hear God's divine angels, singing without cease.
With every little raindrop,
And every day that passes...
If you've ever watched the rain as it fell,
Then you know the magic...just as well.