
Age: 125
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Hungary, Hungary
Advisory From Citizen Police Liason Committee (Cplc) Karachi
Some of the advisory points received from OICCI through President Secretariat are appended below for your information please.
“CPLC have recently issued advice for security/safety of citizens while on roads. As a general service message, these are being communicated for dissemination to all of you (more specific to Karachi though) :
Try to drive your car in the centre lane and avoid extreme right/ left lanes and if possible try to change the lanes frequently.
Lock the doors of your car and keep the windows also closed.
Do not open locks/ windows even for beggars.
Keep distance between your car and other cars/motorcycles,
Keep an eye on your mirror and change the track immediately when you observe any car following yours.
Notify to the police if you observe number plate “AFR 2007/2008,” It is generally a fake number, as it has not been registered within specified time.
If you observe anywhere unattended car since long, notify to CPLC/Police.
Do not shake hand with strangers on the road. Keep distance from them.
Do not give lift in your car to strangers, even if an old man requests you.
Do not leave your family alone in the car while you are at shop or elsewhere.
Do not receive any packet or parcel from stranger.
If you observe any packet/ parcel unattended anywhere, inform CPLC/Police.
Whenever your car has been stopped for checking by police, you should keep watch on their activity, as some instances have been reported that policeman was either impersonating or he planted something in the car, which could be hauled up later to meet his corrupt designs.
Some of these points may already be in your knowledge, but this may be considered a reminder. The current fragile law and order scenario demands proactive precautionary measures.”