Did I really talk To Allah?

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Age: 125
Total Posts: 218
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Theres something that happened to me and would like to share it.

When I was younger, I was enjoying this dunya too much not having a care at all.

I did watever I liked I never even thought about Allah etc. Islam was not even on my life. About few years ago, I blacked out or fainted. I couldnt see anything or hear. Everything just want black. I thought I was dead. I was scared I only could feel my mind . Then I started begging Allah to give me a chance I will change myself better. I dont want to die now . So I didnt know how long i was out for. I woke up with the nurse looking at my face. They said nothing was wrong with me.
Since then I started to pray and go mosk every friday . I m so into Islam and love Allah for helping me on the right path.

The question is did Allah give me another chance?

or is it just in my mind, but how can I just turn my life around so quick? No one helped me or froced me to I did everything myself to become a better muslim. And I know Allah is there all the way . He is helpng me now to avoid this dunya. I hate going outside all i see is people enjoyng themselves under the sun. I stay in my room reading learning. I only go out if I need something.

The truth is this life is a prison for the believers.
Posted 27 Feb 2008

sun_shine says
yaa thats so nice.
Allah swt hamain Quran o sunnah pe amal pera honay ki taufeek ata farmaye,Ameen
Posted 29 Feb 2008

Star_eyes says
Assalamu Alaikum

In regards to your topic what I would want to say is that every day you wake up from your sleep, its yet another chance Allah is giving you to mould and regulate your life according to the teachings of Quran and Sunnah.
Every second we live, every breath we take is yet another chance for us to make us better Muslims.

When you say how can you change yourlife all of a sudden.Trust me, the feeling has to come right from your heart to make a difference in your life.

I would suggest reading small portions of Quran every day and then reading it with translation in the language you understand the best. Once you start to understand what you read InshaAllah you will feel more attracted towards religion.
And salah ofcourse, as Prophet SAWS said that the factor separating a Muslim from a non-believer is Salah.

InshaAllah you will be fine :)
Posted 02 Mar 2008

yes what you experienced is true our religion is true i went through an almost smimiar situation except i was asleep but i rem i was in trouble it felt like an evil spirit had taken over me and what i got up i was mute but in my mind i said ALLAH HU AKBAR 8 TIMES AND I WAS SAVED SO WHENEVER IAM IN TROUBLE I REPEAT IT 8 TIMES
Posted 05 Mar 2008

Posted 05 Mar 2008

valandrian says
Posted 29 Apr 2018

Posted 25 Sep 2018

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