new cinema

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paki lion

Age: 125
Total Posts: 1162
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Still in Isloo, there is excellent news for the dwellers of the twin cities. For long the residents had been complaining about the lack any good cinemas in their cities. But no more .... because the old Melody Cinema in G-6 has just been given a complete revamping ... and upgraded to international standards. Now the cinema is proud (and only such facility in the country) to have Dolby DiG**al Surround Ex sound system and DTS (DiG**al Theatre Sound) with state of the art speakers. But that's not all, the screen has been widened to cinema scope (1200 sq. feet) and you'd be able to enjoy your film in the comfort of new, international standard, luxurious cinema seats with cup holders. And to make sure that the cinema becomes the top draw with movie lovers the management is starting off by releasing the very latest ...Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. Also in the pipeline are such new attractions as The Hulk, X-Men 2, Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life.

Posted 17 Aug 2003

umair16 says
am happy that u guys are getting all that aswell . . pakistan should upgrade and become more mordern
Posted 17 Aug 2003

ah ha , a forum on paki movies. well i am from the usa and i had no idea pakistan makes movies. it s a revelation. anyways i am a big bolly fan and i think it rocks. it s a great concept of filmmakin, locales and songs and dances plus they make a lot of sensible cinema. even if pakistan makes movies i shudder at the thought of what kinda movies a restricted, regressive society like pakistan would be makin. bollywood is the toast of the world right now and musicals are the order of the day. i went to india recently and was amazed at how much that country has progressed and modernised. it s in ur face obvious. always remember it s the open nonrestricted societies that make progress and i havent been to one single place in the world where bolly movies are not loved and enjoyed. this indian friend of mine was like 'watch 10 and u d be hooked ' and by god he was rite.
Posted 19 Aug 2003

mr spring y r u using in every topic same words u gone mad or what
Posted 19 Aug 2003

mr spring y r u using in every topic same words u gone mad or what
Posted 19 Aug 2003

scotchtape says
springstepper is RETARDED!
Posted 20 Aug 2003

were is isloo
Posted 20 Aug 2003

scotchtape, i m not retarded but soberly realistic. i know it pisses u off no end to know what the world thinks bout ur country but i m sorry to say that i have a right to my opinion which i guess the concept is non existant in ur dictatorial society.
Posted 22 Aug 2003

scotchtape, i m not retarded but soberly realistic. i know it pisses u off no end to know what the world thinks bout ur country but i m sorry to say that i have a right to my opinion which i guess the concept is non existant in ur dictatorial society.
Posted 22 Aug 2003

based on the last two comments you've made...i honestly don't think you know what you're talking abt, specifically when it comes to pakistan or its film industry, springstepper. i don't mean to offend you, but its true. pakistan is NOT a dictatorial society. and we're not regressive or restictive either. and the 'sensible' indian cinema that you ealier spoke of, is usually a ripoff of a pakistani or hollywood concept one way or another (musically or their stories).

what you said might have been your own opinion and you're certainly entitled to it. but you don't speak for 'the rest of the world,' so please don't group them together when stating your view on our country.
Posted 22 Aug 2003

isloo is islamabad
Posted 22 Aug 2003

my friends , the rip off s that u r talkin about are the toast of world and nobody in pakistan sees lollywood movies, see the paradox there. i am an american studying cinema and i m talkin for the western world. if what u were sayin was true then why would ur so called stars chuck ur nationality and move bag and baggage to india in search of greener pastures. think about that. with all due respect ur country is still duking out the fact wether music and dance and cinema are immoral or not. i mean it s the 21st century for god sake. and now all american companies like 21st century fox and searchlight etc. are buyin stakes in india to make bollywood movies. being patriotic is fine but one has gotta be realistic. it s always the open progressive societies that are respected in the world and others just linger in the background and do their own shit which nobody else cares about . i dont believe the fact that one cant drink or have pre marital sex in ur country cause it s illegal- talkin about stone ages. eat ur heart out my friend cause u r deprived.
Posted 22 Aug 2003

valandrian says
Posted 03 Jun 2018

Posted 25 Sep 2018

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