- Wisal -
Age: 125
6248 days old here
Total Posts: 172
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Byelorussian SSR, Byelorussian SSR
heres the thing..
its another way of driving people away from ur forum.. if new people see just name titles, n songs titles n lotss of spam going on, they dont wanna come to ur forum..
now do u want that? since i registered on here, i came like 3 times coz everytime i come, its all the same.. with topics like that new people dont know wat to post.
Age: 125
7524 days old here
Total Posts: 6323
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Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
- Wisal - said:
heres the thing..
its another way of driving people away from ur forum.. if new people see just name titles, n songs titles n lotss of spam going on, they dont wanna come to ur forum..
now do u want that? since i registered on here, i came like 3 times coz everytime i come, its all the same.. with topics like that new people dont know wat to post.
beautiful..quite philosopical..lol.. see i dont mind ppl not wanting to come here,,personally its alright with me,,but its true to all extent,,n i agree to disagree..lol
the other thing,,u can always make new thread like u did now,,and mostly i dont have nowhere to go,,so i just jump into new topics of my interests and ruin em,,i usually avoid goin into those 50 paged topic unless ofcourse there;s something to do with me in the topic..boo
Age: 125
7524 days old here
Total Posts: 6323
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Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
- Wisal - said:
i did make an interesting thread, didnt i? *patting my own shoulder*
anyway..u may disagree but how many people do u see being regular here a day that post? like 15? n most of them just spam n laugh at nothin..
i did make a thread n a quite a good one, hopefully i will be makin threads just as interesting as this one if people reply..
true,,lol. but outta those 15 ,,one is me,,i cant say nutthin to them,,and whenever i say somethin ,hey presto..iam gone,,,so i just avoid tht..
i cant guarantee abt other ppl, but if its gonna attract me ill be in yer topics certainly,,but i wont come in serious corner,,,filmwood,,firewood,,etc..
- Wisal -
Age: 125
6248 days old here
Total Posts: 172
Points: 0
Byelorussian SSR, Byelorussian SSR
but filmwood, firewood, n serious corner are the only places where people actually stay on topic n post good stuff instead of sayin hmmm, haaan etc...oh frankenstien u must come there!!
frankenstien, why r u soo low on urself bud? i for one find u interesting..
lol i kno wit is amazing to print screen to tell everyone how many people came on board today!!
Age: 125
7524 days old here
Total Posts: 6323
Points: 0
Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
there' no section as firewood..lol,,u cookd it up..well when i go in serious corner,,i always make fun,,supi'd knows,,he loves semolina,,,lol,so i hardly go there,,bcoz i dnt have to think abt this stuff,,i look for my preys..to feed myself,,
yeah,,,true iam feelin low,,its just bcoz i got nutthin to eat for breakfast..nd sunshine wouldnt let me go out..
hes my friend ,,the best one,,cant say nutthin to himm..rofl
- Wisal -
Age: 125
6248 days old here
Total Posts: 172
Points: 0
Byelorussian SSR, Byelorussian SSR
hey i copied u, u said firewood first haha.. does thinkin make ur head hurt? i dont know...me, i lovee sharing my views n things as u might have noticed..
sunshine? the girl thats online right now? and goo out? why dont u cook somethin?
oh well, im sorry..but u were talkin about him too soo..
Age: 125
7524 days old here
Total Posts: 6323
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Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
oh yeah,,im dont knoe where iam goin,,but can u guide..lol.
beautiful..its good to be open.,sharing caring,,cuddling,,bearing,,whatever,,,rofl,,iam exactly opposite to tht,,i love nutthin,,
na,,na,,na,,not the girl,,the real sunshine,,iam not into girls anymore anyways-..like i know how to cook..??lol,,i just eatin this curry from last night..
yes ,,i can talk abt him,,hes the partner in crime,,but i always get the jails..
- Wisal -
Age: 125
6248 days old here
Total Posts: 172
Points: 0
Byelorussian SSR, Byelorussian SSR
hey ur the master of ur own path, i cant guide u nowhere..
i maybe open n sharin but cuddling, caring..not so much haha u are a weird man!
so wat r u tryna hint at...u into boys now? soo learn too cook man..u planing to depend on take outs everyday?? sad.. i love curry tooo..! are there any pakoda's left in that curry of yours?
Age: 125
7524 days old here
Total Posts: 6323
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Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
sometimes i think its good be a fiend,,ppl think u know what yer doing...lol
i not weird ,,iam not man,,iam just a lost soul,,wanderin around,,
bad joke,,i aint a faggot..lol..its just nothin interests e now,,
yeah,,,u cant live on free food tickets,,can u ,,?? but u dint see wht i told u ,,i got nothin to cook,,its different than not knowing how to cook,,u know wht i mean,, its curry..not kurry with pakodas,,its just a leftover..and pita coooked by my mate,,rotten like a rat..
- Wisal -
Age: 125
6248 days old here
Total Posts: 172
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Byelorussian SSR, Byelorussian SSR
why'd u cut ur hair?? i dont like tinds..
ohh ok..eggs is good..u can cook eggs lots of diff ways, scrambled eggs, omg, too much food talk, its mid night here n i dont wanna go all the way to the kitchen...so shh
for me the normal curry is the one with the pakodas, n that the only one i ate in my entire life.. check my location frankenstien..its right there!
Age: 125
7524 days old here
Total Posts: 6323
Points: 0
Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
i dont have a tind,,,though ill help u find a tinda,,no problemo..
i can cook noodles too,,but blood is tastier than all..
kay let me just put it the other way,,if u cook something like beans or chicpeas or whatevr,,what would u call it,,?? i dont knoe abt yer place but we call it curry,,lol
Age: 125
6105 days old here
Total Posts: 82
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Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia
well franky i have question for u , have u ever watched the series od saw, saw 1,2,3,4 anyone of them. let me tell u if u r a vamp than u must see the series it will be helpfull for u to have.............
Age: 125
6105 days old here
Total Posts: 82
Points: 0
Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia
and any ways franky i have read all the conversation of ur and i liked it finallly i came upto a result and tht is tht u in ur life have had a big trajedy,i am sry its personal, but i think u have a trajedy tht u couldnt cover up, up till now,and u keep it inside to be invisible to the ppl who know u, tell me if iam right.