- Wisal -

Age: 125
Total Posts: 172
Points: 0
Byelorussian SSR, Byelorussian SSR
say someone ur talkin to's breath really stinks or something's on their teeth or i dont know a bugger exposin situation..
do u tell them, hey wanna mint or somethin..? or u would be too afraid to either get embarrassed or embarrass them?

Age: 125
7519 days old here
Total Posts: 6323
Points: 0
Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
id just keep my hand on my nose,,but since iam a sinus patient,,so i hardly get to breathe from nose..lol..but ill never tell em,,
- Wisal -

Age: 125
6244 days old here
Total Posts: 172
Points: 0
Byelorussian SSR, Byelorussian SSR
if their breath stinks, its easy, first u put a mint in ur own mouth n offer it to the person ur talkin to..so he/she doesnt this it was just for them haha
i woulddd never tell someone take a mint coz u stink..
but if they have somethin on their face then its safee..
if ur breath smelled n someone gave u a mint..how would u feel?