Desi Mc

2432 views 75 replies
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Shahrukh Khan

Age: 124
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
when u gonna come to Amsterdam??
Posted 28 Jul 2008

You're such a drama queen!
Posted 31 Jul 2008

You dance pweety good!
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Desi_MC says
We all are drama queens in a sense (after all we desis innit).

Where is the pole ?
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Lol, haw you is racist!
North pole or the South pole?
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Desi_MC says
Side pole if its available.
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Lol, you're so bad.
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Desi_MC says
Girls like badaaases
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Yeah, & I like kicking them.
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Desi_MC says
Well you will have your chance.
Looking forward.

London Eye sunday 5pm ?
Posted 31 Jul 2008

I thought you were coming in August?
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Desi_MC says
I can come now.
Its not a problem to me.

God bless ryanair
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Lol, you want to come all the way from Denmark just to receive a butt whooping from me?

You is sho shuweet! <3
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Desi_MC says
Thats not the only thing i am going to get.
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Apart from a life long bruised ego?
Lol, you kinky dawg, you!
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Desi_MC says
And you like kinky.
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Lol, I'm Angelic.
I like no such thing! (A)
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Desi_MC says
No pic no care.
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Lol, I'll draw myself!
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Desi_MC says
That would be a horrible thing.
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Posted 31 Jul 2008

Desi_MC says
Ask teh mirror dr yankie.
Posted 31 Jul 2008

<Bawls like a baby>
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Desi_MC says
Stop whinning.
Theres nothing that you could do about your look.
Posted 31 Jul 2008

<Move's to the Indian jungle never to re-surface again>
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Desi_MC says
Like thats going to help.
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Posted 31 Jul 2008

Right I have to go now, I have to go & do some chores.
Catch your flubber-self another day, ciao desi.

Posted 31 Jul 2008

Desi_MC says
Get used to it now.
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Baby boo, I am back!
Ready to take you on any day, yeah!
Posted 01 Aug 2008

Desi_MC says
Posted 01 Aug 2008

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