Job interview

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Age: 37
Total Posts: 11550
Points: 0

Police State, Pakistan
i'am going for a new job, i've been calling wol every other day to harris him about my working conditions. i got a job interview comming up so inshallah i hopefully will get in

duwa karo

Posted 30 Jul 2008

Desi_MC says
I used to conduct job interviews.
A lot of desis came in and they sweat to death.

I used disc profile system.
Man recruitment was fun.

But then i had to stop it cause i assigned a lot of useless people just on their looks.
Now them people are doing copying/scan/printing sh*t work.

Don't worry.
Be fresh, have a smile on your face.
Most importantly be confident.
And prepare yourself some questions to ask the interviewer(s).
Posted 30 Jul 2008

Asian says
i went for my last job interview in combats and timberlands, i got the confidance mashallah

i just hate were i work, place is full of chavs, they been chating crap about muslims not realising i am one.

and my fav question of all time "Where did you get your tan Fay (they can't prenounch my real name) your all streak free"

i mean what the hell man
Posted 30 Jul 2008

Desi_MC says
Brit they big time racists.
Plus muslims there done crap too so they get labelled back.
Anyway good luck with the view.
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Good will get this job INSHALLAH
Posted 31 Jul 2008

good luck for the job...
what work can bunny do other than eating carrots???
Posted 31 Jul 2008

SupidGuy says

wish you good luck!!!
Posted 31 Jul 2008

good luck darling sis!
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Asian says
Rehan M Din said:

good luck for the job...
what work can bunny do other than eating carrots???

i can work as a security guard
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Asian says
its tomorrow 3:30

so nervious
Posted 31 Jul 2008

tehzeeb says
best of luck asian for ur difficult job JAGTEY REHNA
Posted 31 Jul 2008

Asian says
i am leaving
Posted 31 Jul 2008

sun_shine says

Assalam O Alaikum

*Wishing you Best Of Luck
Dont be Nervous
Everything will be Great InshAllah...!

Posted 01 Aug 2008

Asian said:

Rehan M Din said:

good luck for the job...
what work can bunny do other than eating carrots???

i can work as a security guard

and u know wat will happen wen u will be security guard....

burrows everywhere....
Posted 01 Aug 2008

Asian says
i'am tough

i donno what to wear

english or desi
Posted 01 Aug 2008

Rapunzel says

Posted 01 Aug 2008

Asian says
interview was ok

but i donno
Posted 01 Aug 2008

Desi_MC says
Hey how did it go ?

Posted 01 Aug 2008

Asian says
it was ok

i was asked alot on my know and stuff

i donno weather i got it or not
Posted 01 Aug 2008

Desi_MC says
How many were there ?
The takers.
Posted 01 Aug 2008

Asian says
i dont know
Posted 02 Aug 2008

Desi_MC says
You should.
Cause you said you went in a job interview.
Didn't you see the people who were conducting it ?
Posted 02 Aug 2008

Asian says
one store manager

i diddn't see any other candidates
Posted 02 Aug 2008

Rapunzel says
Asian said:

interview was ok

but i donno

y r u weeping yaar
Posted 03 Aug 2008

valandrian says
Posted 17 Apr 2018

Posted 25 Sep 2018

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