Its Up To You............

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Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan

Assalam O Alaikum

*At every age of our lives, we go through phases that don't stop until we die. So we could say that we are always in a state of transition between one phase and the next. Sometimes we get caught up in just being able to deal with life and all the continual changes and challenges so that we miss out on actually living life. At other times, we get caught up in the trivial things in life and turn a blind eye to what is going on within ourselves, within our families, within our communities; and the things that can affect all of us.

When you wake up in the morning, what goes through your mind? What are your plans for the day? For this year? For your future? What do you dream about? What are the main things that fill your mind when you are alone with nothing to do? Where does your mind go?

Many people are plagued with fear. They combat fear like an enemy that threatens to annihilate them. Other people always hesitate and find it difficult to make a decision or to take a stance. Others occupy themselves with the superficial things in life and are mainly concerned with how they look, how other people think of them, or satisfying their desires.

How would you answer the above questions? When we think deeply about life and the fact that we are alive, our mind might wander over our past, our present conditions, and what we hope the future will be like. But isn't it true that life is all about drawing close to the Creator, learning more about and developing ourselves, and implementing the principles of life that Allah ordered us to do so that all mankind will benefit and develop, such as the following::

Helping others
Preserving the environment
Standing up for a just cause
Defending those who are unable to defend themselves
Developing one's skills and abilities and helping others to do the same
Improving the quality of life of those who are less fortunate

Since this is the real context of life, what role do the following things have in our life and how important are they:

Looking good (not everyone is attractive)
Having a high-paying professional career (where would mankind be if everyone was a doctor, lawyer, or businessman?)
Being entertained (what do you do when the show is over?)
Hanging out with friends and maintaining your loyalty to them regardless of who they are and what they do.
Not getting involved in things that are too hard to deal with (staying within your comfort zone regardless of what's going on around you)

You are free. Yes. Free to choose which path your life will take. But ask yourself, are you living life (as in are you implementing the principles mentioned above?) or are you living on the periphery of life and just dabbling in the important things, the meaningful things, the things that make a difference in the world?

It's up to you what you decide to focus on, but remember you are the one who will reap the consequences.

May Allah swt guide us All Ameen...!

Posted 15 Oct 2008

Rapunzel says
Waalaikum Assalam

hmm its difficult but not impossible
very nice sharing Jazak Allah Ss
Posted 15 Oct 2008

~tasha~ says
v nice
Posted 15 Oct 2008

sun_shine says
*JazakAllah khair
Thanks Alot
yaa its a lil bit Difficult
per inshAllah koshish karnay se Kamyaabi zaroor milay gi...!
Posted 16 Oct 2008

valandrian says
Posted 29 Apr 2018

Posted 26 Sep 2018

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