Microsoft Excel Shortcut keys

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Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Auto sum shortcut key : Quickly create a Microsoft Excel formula to get the sum of all cells by highlighting the cells you wish to know the value of and pressing ALT and = .

Create hyper links in Excel : Quickly create hyper links in your Microsoft Word, Excel, or Front Page document by highlighting text and pressing "CTRL + K".
Close all open files at once : Close all open Microsoft Word and/or Excel files by holding down the shift key and clicking "File" and then "Close All".

Quickly open recently opened files : Quickly open the recent files by first pressing "ALT + F" to open the file Menu and press 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Create underlines without any text : This tip works with the majority of Microsoft Office applications. Easily create an underlined space by pressing CTRL + U to start the underline, then press SHIFT + Space for each underlined space you wish to create. An example of how this could be used is for printable forms, for example: Name: .

Print only sections of a document : Save on your printer ink by selectively printing in Windows programs such as Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, WordPad, Outlook, etc. To do this highlight portions of text you wish to print and click print. In the printer dialog window under Page Range choose the option Selection. It is important to realize that not all programs or printer drivers support this feature.

Repeat recent action : Using the F4 key in Microsoft Office 2000 and above allows the user to repeat the last used action. For example, if you have changed the font of a selected text and wish to change another portion of text to the same font, pressing F4 will do this for you automatically.

Quickly undo : Quickly undo mistakes in the majority of most PC Windows program by pressing CTRL + Z.

Quickly above cell contents : In Microsoft Excel press CTRL + SHIFT + " to copy the above cells contents.

Using the Microsoft Excel Auto filter : Organize cells quickly by using Microsoft Auto filter. Columns that contains long listing of data can be easily sorted by using the Auto filter option, to use this option select the top rows of the columns you want to be used and select Data / Filter and Auto Filter. Once successfully completed you can use drop down arrows to filter the data automatically.
Posted 18 Nov 2008

Rapunzel says
Cool yar It will help me alot

thnk u
Posted 19 Nov 2008

~tasha~ says
awww ur welcome hun
Posted 19 Nov 2008

~CHANDNI~ says
wow    awsome
Posted 20 Nov 2008

Rapunzel says
Posted 20 Nov 2008

~tasha~ says
~CHANDNI~ said:

wow    awsome

thx sis
Posted 20 Nov 2008

~tasha~ says
Rapunzel said:

Posted 20 Nov 2008

Nice sharing...

Posted 03 Dec 2008

~tasha~ says
thx u sweeto
Posted 09 Dec 2008

~Fragi~ says
nice sharing.
Posted 04 Jan 2009

~tasha~ says
thx fragi
Posted 05 Jan 2009

~Fragi~ says
u r welkum .......
Posted 05 Jan 2009

SupidGuy says

Computer Short Keys

New -------------------- Ctrl + N
Open -------------------- Ctrl + O
Copy -------------------- Ctrl + C
Paste -------------------- Ctrl + V
Cut -------------------- Ctrl + X
Bold -------------------- Ctrl + B
Underline -------------------- Ctrl + U
Select All -------------------- Ctrl + A
Find -------------------- Ctrl + F
Undo -------------------- Ctrl +Z
Redo -------------------- Ctrl +Y
Center -------------------- Ctrl +E
Right -------------------- Ctrl + R
Left -------------------- Ctrl + L
Justify -------------------- Ctrl + J
Single Line Space -------------------- Ctrl + 1
1.5 Line Space -------------------- Ctrl + 5
Double Line Space -------------------- Ctrl + 2
To minimize all windows (at once) -------------------- Windows + M
To increase Font Size (in MS Word) -------------------- Ctrl +}
To decrease Font Size (in MS Word) -------------------- Ctrl +{
Print Preview -------------------- Ctrl + F2
Print -------------------- Ctrl + P
To maintain Window’s Size-------------------- Alt + Space Bar
Delete -------------------- Shift + Delete + Enter
Run -------------------- Window’s + R
Rename -------------------- F2
Find File -------------------- F3
Computer Short Key (to select the Window’s size) -------------------- Alt + Tab
Refresh -------------------- F5
History -------------------- Ctrl + H
Search -------------------- Ctrl + E
Favorites -------------------- Ctrl + I
Explore -------------------- Windows + E
Yahoo Sing Out -------------------- Ctrl + D
Close -------------------- Alt + F4

Posted 05 Jan 2009

~tasha~ says
Posted 05 Jan 2009

SupidGuy says

Posted 06 Jan 2009

Rapunzel says
thnx for sharing
Posted 06 Jan 2009

valandrian says
Posted 03 May 2018

Posted 26 Sep 2018

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