
Age: 125
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Do not look back in sadness nor dispair,
keep on smiling when life seems unfair.
Takes many steps to the mountain top,
don't ever give up or give pause to stop.
In our lives a little rain must fall they say,
before sunny skies come rolling our way.
There are some times we all play the fool,
we make mistakes, ignor the golden rule.
To reach life's goals we must all strive,
happiness awaits to make us feel alive.
Life as does the river has many bends
continuely flows until our journey's end.
We all get impatient for things to change,
as we sort out our lives and rearrange.
We all search for the end of the rainbow,
weathering storms the cold wind blows.
Have hope no matter what life may spew,
keep faith and life will get better for you.
Sometimes best things are saved for last,
comes to us when the storms have passed.