Obama’s speech

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Shahrukh Khan

Age: 124
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Barack Obama, the first black president of the US, has delivered an inauguration speech which did not avoid the challenges America faces.

The 44th president said he had taken his historic oath of office "amidst gathering clouds and raging storms".

"That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred," he said.

The new president also discussed the US economy, saying homes, jobs and businesses have been lost in the slump.

He said: "Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation."

He also said American schools fail too many children and that the way the country uses energy had caused issues.

But Mr Obama went on to offer his nation hope and to urge Americans to work together to overcome challenges.

He said people had chosen "hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord".

The economy, he said, needed "bold and swift" moves to create jobs and bring growth. He also spoke of a need to restore "the vital trust between a people and their government".

Evoking the pioneering spirit of the US, Mr Obama said it was "risk-takers, the doers, the makers of things" that had carried America to prosperity.

He paid tribute to the men and women who "struggled and sacrificed and worked till their hands were raw so that we might have a better life".

He went on: "Starting today we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of America."

President Obama spoke to people and governments around the world, who are watching his progress closely.

America is "a friend of each nation and every man, woman and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity, and we are ready to lead once more", he said.

Mr Obama said US troops would start to leave Iraq and work to end fighting in Afghanistan. He said he wanted to "seek a new way" with the Muslim world.

In a reference to his significance as the first black president, Mr Obama hailed the progress in race relations.

He said: "A man whose father less than 60 years ago might not have been served at a restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath."

He said it was "the meaning of our liberty and our creed - why men and women and children of every race and every faith can join in celebration".

At the end of his inauguration address, the president called on Americans not to falter under the tests they face.

He spoke of the first president, George Washington, who told Americans to "come forth to meet" danger when on the verge of defeat in the War of Independence.

He used his words from 1777 and told them to face challenges "with hope and virtue" so that future generations could enjoy "the gift of freedom
Posted 21 Jan 2009

just another stooge..
Posted 21 Jan 2009

~CHANDNI~ says
Posted 21 Jan 2009

Frankenstein said:

just another stooge..

100% Agreed.
Posted 21 Jan 2009

apparently hes muslim i tihnk
Posted 21 Jan 2009

He keeps denying it, he keeps saying that he's a devout christian.
You know what these politicians are like, they can't speak the truth even if it smacks them in the head!
Posted 21 Jan 2009

sweetie says
lol xactly

his full name is Barack Hussain Obama

he's half Muslim
Posted 21 Jan 2009

Welcome to the White House, President Barack Obama
Posted 21 Jan 2009

sweetie said:

lol xactly

his full name is Barack Hussain Obama

he's half Muslim


Posted 21 Jan 2009

sweetie says
lolzz there u go

he's a black,, he's half muslim and half jew

wah wah

multi-cultural person eh
Posted 21 Jan 2009

Muslims are the most naive people in world -- what makes you all think he is a Muslim...just bcz his father named him a Muslim name?

He claims to be christian and that's what he is. You all pin hopes in him only cuz he's name is a Muslim name!

He is an american president voted in the office by American people and he's in the office to serve Americans and protect their interests....

He's a stooge of what?
He is the most powerful person on earth today....cuz we can't do anything we call others names like stooge! He worked hard to get where he is today....

Im not his die-hard fan, but I think he is a man of accomplishment....A posterboy of struggle and rising from dirt to the highest pinnicale....I have a great respect for his achievements....to name-call him, we aught be at par in accomplishment...for being fair.
Posted 22 Jan 2009

tehzeeb says
Smooth_daddy said:

Muslims are the most naive people in world -- what makes you all think he is a Muslim...just bcz his father named him a Muslim name?

He claims to be christian and that's what he is. You all pin hopes in him only cuz he's name is a Muslim name!

He is an american president voted in the office by American people and he's in the office to serve Americans and protect their interests....

He's a stooge of what?
He is the most powerful person on earth today....cuz we can't do anything we call others names like stooge! He worked hard to get where he is today....

Im not his die-hard fan, but I think he is a man of accomplishment....A posterboy of struggle and rising from dirt to the highest pinnicale....I have a great respect for his achievements....to name-call him, we aught be at par in accomplishment...for being fair.

Agreee sir
Posted 22 Jan 2009

Smooth_daddy said:

Muslims are the most naive people in world -- what makes you all think he is a Muslim...just bcz his father named him a Muslim name?

He claims to be christian and that's what he is. You all pin hopes in him only cuz he's name is a Muslim name!

He is an american president voted in the office by American people and he's in the office to serve Americans and protect their interests....

He's a stooge of what?
He is the most powerful person on earth today....cuz we can't do anything we call others names like stooge! He worked hard to get where he is today....

Im not his die-hard fan, but I think he is a man of accomplishment....A posterboy of struggle and rising from dirt to the highest pinnicale....I have a great respect for his achievements....to name-call him, we aught be at par in accomplishment...for being fair.

No-one in the Muslim world is stupid enough to think that Barak Obama will be fresh air.

He is a stooge to zionist interests & that's it.
Like every other political tool in government he too will succumb to their plans, & carry out their actions.

People are stupid if they think that he'll be way different from Bush.

I guess you weren't paying attention to Obama's words when he kept harping on about being Pro-israeli in his run up to presidency.

I don't think that I need to remind you brother, as to what israel have done & continue to do, the oppression of the Palestinian people.

We all saw the horrors they were committing & all this idiot Obama could do was say "The Israeli's have a right to protect themselves" I find it hard to believe that over 1,300 innocent Palestinian civilians had to lose their lives because of 13 dead israeli's.

Over 5,000 Palestinians have been injured & so many more made homeless & all he could do was come out with that pro-zionist sh*t?

He talks about building friendships in the Muslim world, what he really means is building friendships with those so-called Muslim governments that will stay silent & bend over backwards for him & his zionist interests alike.

I'm not bothered about this man being Christian or Muslim, & these accomplishments that you speak of, he got there by standing behind those blood-thirsty zionists & by bending over for them until their heart's content, he is a stooge & will always remain a stooge.

America speaks of him being 'The first Black President' that is politically incorrect seeing as the man's mixed race, it's almost like them saying that being mixed race is wrong, not that I care what colour he is, alot of people seem to over-look that.

And besides, like you had said, people should not look at his parentage or heritage, it's his accomplishments that should be seen & celebrated?

Yes, he's come along way, he's certainly been groomed well enough to please the people with his words.

The whole world will watch this man, remember the world does not forgive mistakes so easily, but there will be those who will watch him & his policies, I really hope this guy is genuine, but I know better, as does the rest of the Ummah.

And like every other stooge, he is not one to be trusted.
Posted 22 Jan 2009

who cares either its obama or bush ? its jus the face and name that is changed the policies wont.
Posted 22 Jan 2009

Mysty, you sound preety irked by my comments. Sorry you felt that way but I agree with you on some issues and I disagree with your view point on several others.

One, He has not been elected to protect or save Muslims of the world especially from Jews. Jews are almost as many in US as there are Muslims. Unfortunately, Muslims are like foam and have very little influence in US politics. Who is stoping Muslims from making US president a stooge of theirs? None but themselves. We only like blaming others for our own weaknesses. Hispanics are the largest minority in US. Their value counts less than Jews, why? ....cuz Jew make their weight felt. They came through much persecution and worked their bottoms off to get where they make their presence felt.

Two, in nearly all Muslim countries, there is a sentiment of hate against US. They want to destroy it and are happy at any hurt sent its way. Yet, they all want America to save them, protect them, and support them. We only talk of bad about US but we expect Americans to have open heart and acceptance toward us. Who is hypocrite here?

Three, death of 1300 palentinians is heart wrenching. Who watched their killing from sidelines. UNSC passed resolution against Israel -- US did not veto it. Arab league is debating over matters if countries like Qatar should continue to have same level of relationship with Israel. Qatar is unwilling to give it up. So AL is stuck about resolving issue of funding Palestinians in Gaza. Who is a stooge and bent upon protecting their relations with US and Israel at the cost of Gazans misery?

Four, I agree that Israel is brutal in its treatment of Palestinians. Palestinians are not any less brutal against each other. Lst years, the two factions of palestinians fought against each other and killed dozens among each other. Somebody would say, "it was Israeli conspiracy." So paleslinians are so stupid that they play in the hands of their common enemy so well they kill their own brethren.....because we are hungry for any bit of authority and power....and we blame America!

Five, what about stooges of the US president? your own rulers are stooges of Americans and zionists. They are more willing to oblige than expected -- remember Musharaf's response after 911.

Six, American are joyfully hysterical about Obama's presidency and they are fully backing him. Can you say that about any Muslim ruler save a couple!

Seven, US president is a stooge of US political system, and American public which many of Muslim countries can only wish to see in their homeland in their lifetime.

So my sis, you may call US president what you may wish but I tell you, people in US hold their presidents at a very high esteem. You know why? because they made that person the President of United States of America and they respect their own choice. Let me know when you feel that way for Mr. Zardari or anybody else.

Posted 23 Jan 2009

^^Are you kidding me? Muslims can’t make a US president a stooge because it is a superpower and it does not have such a large influence which the Jewish lobby over the US government. If you haven’t noticed the US seems to be hell bent on bringing its so called democracy to the middle east and other muslim countries so why on earth would Muslims want the US as their stooge.

The US is the one that has ruined its own reputation by imposing it’s views, “democracy” and force on most Muslim countries. People don’t want the US to accept us, they want the US to mind its own business and fix its own problems before trying to fix others. Their fiasco in Iraq is an example of the bully behaviour that is shown.

The US did block UNSC action on Gaza. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20090103/un-un-isra el-palestinians/ Yes the Arab League was a disappointment with its silence and inaction. Though the US unlike the Arab League did have the power to stop the conflict when the humanitarian crisis became apparent to the world, instead it’s used it’s classical excuse “Israel has a right to defend itself”

Even though it knew that Israel had violated international law by placing an embargo on the people of Gaza. And please Palestinians are not any less brutal? Palestenians don’t use an airforce, navy and armed personnel to invade a territory which has no defence except highly inaccurate home made rockets. Those 2 factions that you mentioned includes Hamas that is fighting for it’s people and the oth

and the other which is a stooge of the West. For you to insult Palestinians when they are being oppressed so severely is really disgusting. America is handing Israel the weapons and technology which is known by everyone. Do some research and you’ll find articles on its supply of ammunition to Israel. So why shouldn't we blame America?

Musharraf was no stooge, he was the only thing that was stopping the US from conducting strikes inside of Pakistan. Musharraf has cleared this himself that he cooperated as Pakistan was threatened by America of being bombed back in the Stone Age if it didn’t cooperate. It is really amusing of how people seem to have short term memory.

The US has successfully interfered into many Muslim countries to ensure that the rulers elected should be their puppets. i.e Karzai for Afghanistan, Maliki in Iraq and Zardari in Pakistan. So why should the Muslim world be celebrating it’s imposed rulers? Iran however would be an example where its people have fully supported their elected leaders.

The US president is a stooge of the Jewish Lobby. The Jewish Lobby’s control over the American political system is no secret. Do some research and you might surprise yourself. The Muslim world may not be united but it is due to the division that has been created due to the interference by external forces such as Israel and the US.

Posted 24 Jan 2009

maryam. says
obama is so ***y
Posted 25 Jan 2009

Frankie, your point is well taken.
U r right, US is now viewed as a bully....thanks to Bush and his cronies....Im not advocating US's policies. Yes they are Israel-centric and influenced by Jewish lobby. But you should read American history of last century and see how Jews were treated in the US. They did not become a darling of US establishment overnight. They worked together and worked hard with a longterm vision. Muslims in US are only now starting to come out of subsurface hiding into political areana of the US without a vision.

"why on earth would Muslims want the US as their stooge" ....for the very reason Jews want US to be their stooge -- you kmow the answer, right!

Iraq is not a fiasco, it is exactly what US and Israel wanted to achieve....an example to the Muslim world if they dared challenge western lifestyle....Iraq or Afghanistan are not the only places of target of destruction for US military might....All of that is to prove one point -- western lifestyle/democracy/capitalism be seen as a powerful SYSTEM to reckon with.

I never said US didn't block UNSC resolution...it did not VETO it, which it could have. Technically, there is a huge difference between the two. US did make that resolution ineffective and prevented its enforcement. That is the impact of Jews having political clout in Washington. If Muslims can counter that and at least neutralize that influence, you will see some balancing in US stance....it may take upto 50 years if Muslims were to put their act together, today.

Yes, US has the strength to stop Israeli aggressions. It did not stop Israel in 2006 from attacking Lebanon, until they were forced out. But you tell me, why US should not favor Israel when the well wishers of Israel, to say the least, are making US policies (foreign and domestic). Can Muslims be in that position, you bet yah! They will have to work their pants off.

Speaking of Palestinian misery, my heart wrenhces seeing inflictions and hurt of Palestinians...It hurts even more when they fight among themselves. Fatah issued statement last week saying on the lines that it will fight Hamas to gain control of the government...Israel killed people of both sides but Fatah did not utter a word against Israeli attrocities. We expect US to side with Gazans when their own brothers ditched them!

Let alone Jews, India has gained more influence on US establishment than the entire Muslim world, South America, and Africa together. It is because they are following the same path Israelies did - they have tied American interests to Indian interests in multiple layers. So the US president is a stooge of India too! I don't know how familiar you are with the US political system, their think tanks, their thought processes, and workings of lobbysts in the background.

My dear Franky, our hearts ache and eyes shed tears but we should not let that compromise our intellectual sense in the wake of tragedies. Try to think from different angles.

Enemy of Islam and Muslims is none but the Muslims themselves. Black sheep among us and our naivity are the worst enemies. No people will help us except us and only with the help of Allah.

We need three things to move ahead: leadership continum, vision of 50 to 100 years, and unity.

What intrigued me respond the first time is the fact that Muslims are caught up in the Obama fever. That is our problem. We swing from one extreme to the other in a flash. There are people thinking Obama is a Muslim and will favor Muslims. That is so absurd....There are others who think he is a slave of Jewish lobby and will continue to harm Muslims. That may have some merit but its not a totally correct assessment of what to expect from Obama -- only time will tell! But, we expect subtle changes in foreign policy and in its implementation....we are facing the lesser of two evils....I will strongly recommend visiting "Sulh Hudaibiya" and reading experts' opinion on it.... that was a treaty to accept the lesser of two evils. Best of the comapnions disprovingly reacted to the treaty. The leadership of the Prophet SAW, his vision and unity of the Muslims proved treaty advantageous to Muslims which appeared to be against their interests.

Those are my two cents
Posted 26 Jan 2009

shaista says

nice smooth daddy

the policy is divide and rule. lekin humain samjh nahin aur hum is ke peeche apnon ko maarne aur khud marne challe jate hain. to stupid kaun hua?? we should be one as muslims, kaash hum woh din deikh sakkein

Posted 27 Jan 2009

Then do we blame others when the fault lies within ourselves!
Posted 29 Jan 2009

shaista says

that's the main fault
hum apne aap ko nahin dekhte, har kharabi humari khud ki banai hui hai, why blame other people or countries?
Posted 29 Jan 2009

valandrian says
Posted 16 Apr 2018

Posted 26 Sep 2018

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