Mathematics of Hazrat Ali (RATA)

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Age: 125
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Nepal, Nepal
Mathematics of Hazrat Ali (Radi Allah Ta`Ala Anhu)

One Day a person came to Hazrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu), thinking that since Ali thinks he is too smart, I'll ask him such a tough question that he won't be able to answer it and I'll have the chance to embarrass him in front of all the Arabs. He asked 'Ali (Radi Allah Anhu), tell me a number, that if we divide it by any number from 1-10 the answer will always come in the form of a whole number and not as a fraction.' Hazrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) looked back at him and said, 'Take the number of days in a year and multiply it with the number of days in a week and you will have your answer.'

The person got astonished but as he was a Mushrik he still didn't believe Ali (Radi Allah Anhu). He calculated the answer Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) gave him.

To his amazement he came across the following results:

The number of Days in a Year = 360 (in Arabic Calendar)
The Number of Days in a Week = 7
The product of the two numbers = 2520
2520 divide by 1 = 2520
2520 divide by 2 = 1260
2520 divide by 3 = 840
2520 divide by 4 = 630
2520 divide by 5 = 504
2520 divide by 6 = 420
2520 divide by 7 = 360
2520 divide by 8 = 315
2520 divide by 9 = 280
2520 divide by 10= 252

One day a person came to Ali (Radi Allah Anhu). He was planning to ask Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) such a question which would take Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) a long time to answer and because of that his Maghrib Prayers would be delayed. He asked, 'Ali you say you know everything in the world, then tell me which animals lay eggs and which animals give birth to their young ones Hazrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) looked back at him smiled and said, 'The animals who have their 'EARS' outside their body give birth to their young ones and the animals who have their 'EARS' inside their body lay eggs.'

A person was about to die, and before dying he wrote his Will which went as follows 'I have 17 Camels, and I have three sons. Divide my Camels in such a way that My eldest son gets half of them, the second one gets 1/3rd of the total and my youngest son gets 1/9th of the total number of Camels' After his death when the relatives read his will they got extremely perplexed and said to each other that how can we divide 17 camels like this? So after a long hard thought they decided that there was only one man in Arabia who could help them: 'Ali Ibne Abi Taalib.' So they all came to the door of Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) and put forward their problem. Hazrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) said, 'Ok. I will divide the camels as per the man's will.'

He said, 'I will lend one of my camels to the total which makes it 18 (17+1=18), now lets divide as per his will'
The Eldest gets 1/2 of 18 = 9
The second one gets 1/3 of 18 = 6
and The Youngest gets 1/9 of 18 = 2
Now the total number of camels = 17
Then Hazrat Ali (A.S.) said, 'Now I will take my Camel back.'

This was the genius that Hazrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) was in his time.

Posted 27 Jan 2009

Rapunzel says
Zaberdast very nice sharing Sweetie
Posted 28 Jan 2009

sun_shine says
Assalam O Alaikum

*JazakAllah Khair
Beautiful Sharing...!
Posted 28 Jan 2009

sweetie says
yep thanx guys
Posted 28 Jan 2009

javad says

Posted 29 Jan 2009

lildude says
Posted 06 Feb 2009

Fairl_Girl says
Posted 07 Feb 2009

nice sharing
Posted 08 Feb 2009

valandrian says
Posted 29 Apr 2018

Posted 26 Sep 2018

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