Message for Every Muslim !

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Age: 33
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Toronto, Canada
Message for Every Muslim                                            
Prophet(Muhammad)(peace be upon Him).

1).The Danish man who has insulted and abused our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on drawing funny offended cartoons last year was found deadly burned (expired) with all members of his family. The relevant authority (Danish Government) has hidden this news (did not disclose it). All who has love with Prophet (PBUH) are requested to disseminate this information to other 25 persons after receiving this e-mail; as a religious and pious Palestinian girl and other devout man witnessed that they have seen Prophet (PBUH) in dream and were advised to circulate this news to others. Those who do so will see bright changes in their health, wealth home and have all happiness and pleasure ; while those who don't circulate it to others will get so sad and gloomy and will face problem in home, health, wealth etc; because they are not defending for Prophet against His enemies.

2).Take it seriously and don't miss the chance.

3).Forwarded for widest dissemination please.

Posted 10 Feb 2009

shaista says


but arent's these messages a bit too much? I mean if i will send it to all my muslim friends it's good. Cuz u share the info. But if u say, if u don't send it to 25 people then this and this will happen.

Mere khayaal main yeh ghalat hai
Posted 10 Feb 2009

sun_shine says
Assalam O Alaikum

*Jazakumu'Allah khair
Thanks For sharing it with All of Us

*Yaa Right Miss Shaista jee
We can say it like"Forward this To All Muslims"
Its More Better...!
Posted 11 Feb 2009

lildude says
yeh sahi hai bilkul, kisi per pabundi nhe hai k 10 logon ko bhejeye ya aur.
mery pas to jo email aai thi main ne wo msg sub ko share kia that's it.that's was my responsibility
Posted 11 Feb 2009

lildude says
Walekum As-salam!
sorry baad main yaad aya mujhe):)
Posted 11 Feb 2009

shaista says

woh aap ko nahin keh rahi's good that u shared it with us.
bas jo loog yeh messages banate hain, unko keh rahi thi.

hope u didn't took it personally

Posted 11 Feb 2009

lildude said:

Message for Every Muslim          &nbs p;         &nbs p;         &nbs p;         &nbs p;   
Prophet(Muhammad)(peace be upon Him).

1).The Danish man who has insulted and abused our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on drawing funny offended cartoons last year was found deadly burned (expired) with all members of his family. The relevant authority (Danish Government) has hidden this news (did not disclose it). All who has love with Prophet (PBUH) are requested to disseminate this information to other 25 persons after receiving this e-mail; as a religious and pious Palestinian girl and other devout man witnessed that they have seen Prophet (PBUH) in dream and were advised to circulate this news to others. Those who do so will see bright changes in their health, wealth home and have all happiness and pleasure ; while those who don't circulate it to others will get so sad and gloomy and will face problem in home, health, wealth etc; because they are not defending for Prophet against His enemies.

2).Take it seriously and don't miss the chance.

3).Forwarded for widest dissemination please.


how are you so sure about this news? Where would we verify your statement?

Not that you are spreading rumors, but I would rather have authentic news sent out to others. I hope you understand that we don't want to become a laughing stock again. it brings greater harm than benefit if news like this are circulated without authentication and later proved to be just a rumor.
Posted 12 Feb 2009

lildude says
yes i dont mind!u don't worry
Posted 12 Feb 2009

lildude says
yes i know that we don't want to become a laughing stock again smooth dady i got this msg through emails
Posted 12 Feb 2009

valandrian says
Posted 29 Apr 2018

Posted 26 Sep 2018

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