Salaam brothers and sister in islam, i just registerd to this site, baby girl 18 suggested it to me, as she is my cousin, whats up cuz? This seems like quite an interesting forum, its good to see the youth getting involved in islam, and striving for the right path. I thinks it would be a good point to add hear that, Allah (swt) Loves his people most at the time when they strive to find the right path. The siratul mustakeem.
SHUJASLAM with regards to your question, about the dirtiness of cats etc, well as baby girl said, Abu Huraira means father of the kittens,as he used to always keep a kitten in his sleeve

So it is allowed for us to keep them as prophet muhammad (saw) had them as a pet too. With regards to its cleanliness, well that would be up to the owner of the cat to keep it clean, and take it to the vet for check ups regularly, this will help to keep it clean, from my knowledge i am not aware of anything else about them, and cant find anything else on it. so the rule goes, that if you cant find anything in an hadith then you check through the four schools of thought, if you cannot derive anything from that, then you make your own decision(Making sure you have tried everything to find the answer)once you have done soo,then the decision you make you should not be doubtful of it, Because the prophet (saw) said that if you doubt something then follow that whcih you do not doubt, bukhari hadith.
So i guess by keeping the cat it is ok, and it should be kept clean, if you happen to touch a dirty part of the cat, then if in doubt do wudu or ghusl.
So going back to the point i made at the begining allah loves those who strive to find the straight path, if we are not sure on something and cant find evidence anywhere, follow your heart, Allah knows your intentions. wasalam. (Anything good i have said comes from Allah,and anything wrong has come from myself,may allah forgive me)