The "Little" Things ...***

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Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Assalam O Alaikum

*I Found it on Another Forum
Hope Ap sabko Pasand aye ga,InshAllah...!

T h e ' L I T T L E ' t hi ng s .

As you might know, the head of a company survived
9/11 because his son started kindergarten.

Another fellow was alive because it was
his turn to bring donuts.

One woman was late because her
alarm clock didn't go off in time.

One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpike
because of an auto accident.

One of them
missed his bus.

One spilled food on her c lothes and had to take
time to change.

car wouldn't start.

One went back to
answer the telephone.

One had a
child that dawdled

and didn't get ready as soon as he should have.

One couldn't
get a taxi.

The one that struck me was the man

who put on a new pair of shoes that morning,

took the various means to get to work

but before he got there, he developed

a blister on his foot.

He stopped at a drugstore ! to buy a Band-Aid.
That is why he is alive today.

Now when I am

stuck in traffic ,

miss an elevator,

turn back to answer a ringing telephone...

all the little things that annoy me.

I think to myself,

this is exactly where
God wants me to be

at this very moment..

Next time your morning seems to be

going wrong ,
the children are slow getting dressed,

you can't seem to find the car keys,

you hit every traffic light,

don't get mad or frustrated;

God is at work watching over you.

May God continue to bless you

with all those annoying little things

and may you remember their possible purpose.

Say: "Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us. He is our Maula (Lord, Helper and Protector)." And in Allah let the believers put their trust.

The Noble Qur'an - At-Tauba 9:51

Posted 20 May 2009

cheeta says
nyc sharing
Posted 20 May 2009

chitra says
Very helpful n inspiring, more updates plz...
Posted 21 May 2009

sun_shine says

*Thanks Alot both Of You...!
Posted 21 May 2009

valandrian says
Posted 16 Apr 2018

Posted 27 Sep 2018

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