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Posted 09 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
thanx for sharin...its nice to know that
Posted 09 Oct 2003

ricky boy says
Posted 09 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
is there ne one who can translate arabic
Posted 09 Oct 2003

~Fragi~ says
well i agree... i 100% agree, not only k im Orthodox .. per ... deir is no proof na ...

so we shud Avoid Bidah
Posted 09 Oct 2003

Cute_gal says
ricky boy said:


think woteva u want.....coz i ain' gonna translate all dat .....
Posted 09 Oct 2003

Cute_gal says

is there ne one who can translate arabic

:S....u don' need no1......everythin' is translated to urdu already!!....
Posted 09 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
not for me lol...for ricky boy
Posted 09 Oct 2003

Posted 11 Oct 2003

Posted 11 Oct 2003

shab-e-baraat was yesterday in holland, en today in pakistan.
Posted 11 Oct 2003

NADZ18 says
Amaal Shab-e-Barat & 15 Shaban

By: Syeda Bint-e-Zahra

The night between 14 and 15 Shaban, known, as ‘Shab-e-Bara’at’ is the night of blessings and glory.

Hazrat Imam Jafer-e-Sadiq (AS) reported that Imam Muhammad Baqir (AS) was asked about the merit and excellence of this night then Imam replied, “ It is one of those nights being bestowed with honour and dignity. In this holy night Allah grants His servants and forgives them with His graciousness, kindness and favour. So try to find out nearness to Allah. In fact this is that glorious night that Allah Almighty swore by Him ‘not to turn back any one empty handed.’

The honour of this night touches heights and elevation as in the same night at the time of seher (pre-dawn) Hazrat Saheb al Asr-e-Wazzaman - the 12th successor of Holy Prophet - was born in the year 255 A.H. in Samarah, Iraq.

There are many Aamal reported to be performed in this night - some of these are as under:

-To take bath;

-Cease to sleep and spend the night in ibadat, prayer, recitation of Holy Quran and istighfar as was the practice of Hazrat Imam Zain ul Abedeen (AS);

-To recite ziarat of Imam Hussain (A.S) which is the best amal of this night and a source of forgiveness of sins.

It is reported from Hazrat Imam Zain ul Abedeen (AS) that he who wants to shake hand with the souls of one lakh and 24 thousands prophets, should recite ziarat of Imam Hussain (A.S):

-To recite the following dua which is equal to the ziarat of Imam Saheb al Asr-e-Wazzaman:

-To recite dua-e-kumail;

-To recite hundred times:

Imam Baqir (AS) said he who recites this, will be pardoned and Allah will fulfill his all wishes of the world and hereafter.

-To offer 4-rakaat prayer with 2 Salams. In each rakat recite sura Ikhlaas hundred times after sura Hamd. Then after prayer recite:

-To recite 10-rakaat prayer with 5 Salams. In each rakat recite sura Ikhlaas ten times after sura Hamd. Then prostrate and recite following dua:

-To present Areeza-e-Hajaat in the bargah of Hazrat Saheb al Asr (ATF) at the time of pre-dawn.

15th of Shaban is the day of glory, honour, dignity and blessings as it is the Birth anniversary of Hazrat Imam-e-Zamana (Ajja lallahu farajahu). He is the Imam of our era and a hadith of Holy Prophet (PBUH &HP) goes:

‘One who dies without knowing the Imam of his time dies a death of ignorance (Jahalat).’

Hazrat Imam Mehdi, al-Qa’em, Saheb-al-Asr Wazzaman (ATF) is our Imam, Imam of our era and as the verse 71 of sura Bani Israel says:

“(Remember) the day (of Judgement) when we shall call every people with their Imam.”

We will be called and presented with our Imam on resurrection day.

His mother was Hazrat Narjis (AS). At the time of the martyrdom of his father Hazrat Imam Hassan Askari (AS) he was five years old.

The Imam has two disappearances: a short disappearance and the long disappearance.

The short disappearance was from the time of his birth until the death of the fourth deputy in year 329 hijri. The long disappearance began the year 329 hijri and is continuing until now, waiting for the command of Allah to appear, so he can bring peace and justice to earth as it is now filled with destruction and oppression.

The messenger of Allah Muhammad (PBUH & HP) said, “ If there was one day left for the world, Allah the Almighty will prolong that day so that my son, whose name is the same as mine, will arise. He will fill the world with justice and fairness as it was filled with oppression and tyranny.

During the period of Imam (AS)’s occultation, maraje uzzam have been referred to for the solution of worldly and religious problems. With the praise of Allah Maktab-e-Tashayyo has this honour that ‘darwaza-e-ijtehad’ is open in it.

Some aamal of this glorious day are:

-To wear new and fine dress;

-To keep fast;

-To recite ziarat of Hazrat Saheb al Asr (ATF);

-To pray for Imam’s haste appearance.

TNFJ has named this holy day as ‘Youm-e-Adl’, which is observed throughout the world including Pakistan with respect, zeal and enthusiasm. Mahafil, religious ceremonies and sacred jashans are held on this occasion.

Mukhtar Students Organization Pakistan (MSO) – the only representative body of students – arranges different programmes to pay rich tributes and present Areeza-e-Hajaat in the holy bargah of Imam al Asr (ATF). In this Connection the main ceremony is held under the arrangements of MSO at Rawal Lake in the capital city of Islamabad.

Muntakheb Ul Aqwaal
"Knowledge is better than wealth because it protects you while you have to guard wealth. it decreases if you keep on spending it but the more you make use of knowledge ,the more it increases . what you get through wealth disappears as soon as wealth disappears but what you achieve through knowledge will remain even after you." MORE..
(Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S)

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Posted 11 Oct 2003

Cute_gal says
thnx 4 postin' more abt Shab-e-barat @ Nadz
Posted 12 Oct 2003

I am 100% disagree,mojority of muslim Pakistan and India has done shab-e-barat and I think author is borrowed these statment from 'Tehedy' people who r not mojority of muslim in sub-continent..they also dont belive in sufism,though Hindus itself respect sufi and durgha,but I will tell u these author statement are false...15 Shaban has proved our big muslim sait sufis like 'Ghoz-e-azam',and also 'Hadees' agreed to mojority of people do it...aydakh37908.154837963
Posted 14 Oct 2003

**NOOR** says
I would like to verify the authenticity of an article that appeared in my local masjid newsletter this month. It informs the readers (over 700 circulation recipients) about the merit of fasting the day of the 15th of Shabaan, and offering extra nafl salaat on that night. The article quotes a single hadith from Ibn Majah that:

Ali (R) has reported that the Prophet said : When the fifteenth night of Shabaan comes, say nafl prayers and fast that day, for as soon as the sun sets that evening Allaah's illumination and Mercy decend on to the skies and He says, "Is there any servant of Mine who begs Me for pardon and forgiveness, so that I may decide to forgive him...(and it continues, ending with:)...In the same way Allaah's Mercy keeps calling to His servants all night from sunset to sunrise. [Ibn Majah]

This hadith is unauthentic. Any special acts of worship on the middle of Sha'baan constitute innovation (bid'ah). The only authentic hadith states, "On the miidle night of Sha'baan, Allaah looks down at his servants, and forgives all of them, except a Mushrik or a Mushaahin (one who fights with other Muslims). So what is worse than contending with the Prophet himself by innovating in his Sunnah during this night. Thus one should avoid doing so if he wishes to receives Allaahs forgiveness.

------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------

2) Please can you explain what is the dividing line between bid'ah that takes one out of Islaam and one which does not.

The first kind is that which involves major matters of disbelief, such as that of the Qadyanis whose bid'ah is that Muhammad was not the last prophet, and the ash'aris who suspend some of Allaah's attributes.

Also if someone adheres to bid'ah which is against the ijmaa of Ahl us Sunnah e.g tahreef in the attributes of Allaah and they have the daleel explained to them e.g quotations of ijmaa from ulema (e.g Ibn Abdul Barr) re:the falseness of tahreef, yet they still hold to tahreef and view this as correct then if the person has the excuse of ignorance removed do they become a mubtadi muslim or kaafir.

Not every one who does an act of kufr can be considered kaafir. You never know, maybe the truth was not explained to them properly. Thus, we must give them the benefit of doubt. This is the manhaj of the greatest scholars of ahl us-Sunnah through the ages.

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3) After the fard prayers, the imam at the mosque says a du'a out loud. Everybody raises their hands and keeps saying 'ameen'. When the imam is finished, they all wipe their faces with their hands. Is this way in agreement with the sunnah ? I always thought that when you make a du'a that it is a private affair between you and Allah, and, therefore, should be made alone. Also, is it the sunnah to wipe the face with the hands when finished ?

You are right, both of these actions are innovations (bid'ahs) since they are not reported as having been practiced by the Prophet or his companions. Wiping the face is only reported after reading the last 3 surahs before going to bed. ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- Miscellaneous I would like to know why christains and jews are considered KHUFRS and not more or less call Ahl-Kitab or People of the Book. Are these terms similiar or different because most muslims i know consider them khufrs while some consider them people of the book or some say even both.

They are disbelievers, but are a special subset of kuffaar: those to whom divine revelations were previously sent. Allah described them with both descriptions, as in Surat al-Bayyinah (98).

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4) This is in regards to the question related to hanging plaques and other such things with ayahs from the quran. Does the fact that this is a bid'a also mean that the covering of the Ka'ba with the ayahs from the quran also a bid'a? How did the weaving of the ayahs on the cover (sitara) of the ka'ba begin?

Yes it is -- unfortunately. Shaykh al-Uthaymeen stated this in one of his old fatwas. When it started? Allaah knows best, but not at the time of the Prophet or his companions.

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5) Is it bidah to make thikr with men in a circle chanting Allaah's (SWT) name?

Yes, because it is an innovated act of worship not practiced by the Prophet or his sahaabah.

------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------
Posted 16 Oct 2003

Noor ji...

Today Your Jihadi people go to fight with Guns and a lot weapons which are not present sahabah karam,not prove to sherehi,u people has become a joke about this statement...
why these jihadi people not go to with sword?because Sahab-e-Karam is only use Horse and sword? today jihad is Bidah,according to your difination...

this unauthnicated Hadees u mention has several Fuquakaram has accepted,that is true...
Many things are found in Islam today which are not found in Sahab-e-karam age...your mosque in uk is very beautiful and A/C,why? this is also a Bidah?
MOhammad(peace be upon him) has made a mosque only 'Khagor' u are in also bidah and bidah and then Shab-e-barat is Bidah is totally unfair...

Change your thought and thinking not in 'Toheedies' Mullahs..these r minorities...
Posted 16 Oct 2003

**NOOR** says
YDAKH ji..............

first in the UK we dont have A/C ? in Mosques as it is too cold ?? we have normal heating and as for beautiful mosques u only have them in Pakisan as in the UK we just use old buildings we are coverted into Mosques. so i hope that has cleared your misconception on that issue, secondly read this taken

Name Muslim -   
Title Celebrating the 15th Night of Sha`ban   

Question Dear scholars, I really need your advice! Here in Bangladesh, people always celebrate the 15th night of the month of Sha`ban, which they call “The Night of Shabe-e-Barat”. What do you think of such a practice? Please enlighten me on this issue.

Date 9/Oct/2003   

Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi   

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All thanks and praise are due to Allah and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner, We really appreciate the confidence you place in us and the great interest you show in understanding the teachings of Islam.

In the Hadith reported by Imam At-Tabarani, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says: “Truly, there are Nafahat (Blessed Seasons or Days) in which your Lord vouchsafes plentiful mercy. So, make sure that you make the best use of such seasons!” A true believer should purify himself from the fleshly inclinations and the earthly desires and make his aspirations so high and beseech Allah for mercy in such blessed seasons which witness the abundant mercy of Allah. One point here to be stressed is that a true Muslim should consider his whole life a long-term season of obedience so as to show gratitude to the everlasting blessing of Allah.

Regarding your question on the night of Shab-e-Barat, we would like to cite for you the following fatwa issued by Dr. Muzzamil Siddiqi, former President of the Islamic Society of North America, that reads:

“The month of Sha`ban is the eighth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. The fifteenth night of this month is known as Laylat ul-Bara’ah (The Night of Innocence) or Laylat un-Nisfe min Sha`ban (the Middle Night of Sha`ban) in the Arab world. In India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Afghanistan, etc., it is known as Shab-e-barat. Some people believe that in Surat Ad-Dukhan (44:3-4) there is a reference to this night as Allah says, “We sent it (the Qur’an) down during a blessed night. We are truly Warners. In that night is made distinct every affair of wisdom.” But the night referred to here cannot be a Sha`ban night because it is said here clearly that the Qur’an was revealed in this night. We know from the Surat Al-Qadr (97) that the Qur’an was revealed in the Night of Qadr and we also know from the Qur’an (Al-Baqarah 2:185) that the Qur’an was revealed in the month of Ramadan. So it is obvious that the night of the revelation of the Qur’an was in Ramadan, not Sha`ban, and that it was Laylat ul-Qadr (The Night of Power) not Shab-e-barat.

Some people also say that in the 2nd year of Hijrah, the direction of the Qiblah was changed from Jerusalem to the Ka`bah in Makkah on the 15th day of Sha`ban. This report is also not confirmed by authentic Hadiths. According to most of the exegetes, the Qur’an has not mentioned anything about the Sha`ban night.

There are some Hadiths that speak about the Middle of Sha`ban and its night. However, the scholars of Hadith say that most of the Hadiths concerning this night are not sound. They are weak (da`if) according to the criteria of the narrators and scholars of Hadith. Imam al-Mundhiri (died in 656 A.H.) in his famous book At-Targhib wat-Tarhib (vol. 2, pp. 116-120) reported fourteen Hadiths on the subject of this night. The following points can be summarized from those Hadiths:

1-The month of Sha`ban is a great month.

2-In this month Allah takes the account of His creation.

3-Because this month occurs between two other important months, viz. Rajab and Ramadan, many people do not pay enough attention to it.

4-The Prophet (peace be upon him) loved to fast during this month. He used to fast most of the month of Sha`ban.

5-After sunset on the night of Middle of Sha`ban, Allah in His great mercy and kindness turns towards His creation and asks, “Is there anyone who would seek My forgiveness and I forgive him (or her)? Is there anyone who is in need to ask Me and I provide for his (or her) needs. Is there anyone who is in pain and seeks My help and I help him (or her)? Is there…? Is there…?” until the time of Dawn.

6-The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is said to have recommended prayers during this night and fasting during the following day.

7-It reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) used to visit the Muslim cemetery on this evening and he used to pray for the deceased Muslims.

These are the things that we learn from some Hadiths about the significance of this night. However, there are many practices and customs common in some Muslim countries, such as making a sweet dish, setting off fireworks, etc. These things have no meaning and no reference in Hadiths. There are also some superstitious beliefs about this night. For example, some people believe that the spirits of the deceased visit their relatives during this night. Some believe that there is a special tree in Heaven upon whose leaves are the names of all human beings, and whatever leaves drop during this night, those people are destined to die in this year. Some think that the decisions about the life and death of people are made during this night. All these beliefs and superstitions do not belong to the authentic teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

We must try to follow the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah of the blessed Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). It is our duty as Muslims to take advantage of all good occasions to revive our faith, to purify our souls, and to increase our love and devotion to Allah (glory be to Him), but we must follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We must not do anything in our celebrations that is against his teachings.”

Excerpted, with slight modifications, from:

Almighty Allah knows best.

Posted 17 Oct 2003

NADZ18 says
Posted 18 Oct 2003

Bro Riza says
Salaam, NOOR, where abouts uk are you from? if you dont mind me asking? also have you ever heard of Islamic Society of Britain?

oh and YDAKH, are you muslim or not? i cant make you out man, one minute you are pro islam, next minute you are referring to NOORS people.. as YOUR people,
assuming when you say YOUR people you mean muslims right?
Posted 18 Oct 2003

~Fragi~ says
ydakh said:

I am 100% disagree,mojority of muslim Pakistan and India has done shab-e-barat and I think author is borrowed these statment from 'Tehedy' people who r not mojority of muslim in sub-continent..they also dont belive in sufism,though Hindus itself respect sufi and durgha,but I will tell u these author statement are false...15 Shaban has proved our big muslim sait sufis like 'Ghoz-e-azam',and also 'Hadees' agreed to mojority of people do it...a

sorry to say .... ya hava very poor knowledge ...dona mind ..per there is no authentication of shab-e-barat ...
Posted 18 Oct 2003

mr. ffm,there r much sect in Islam today,if u belongs to 'Toheedy' group,as u wish....
I have much knowlege of true Islam,I am representing a majority of muslim in sub-continent...who belive who is better?decide u?
Posted 19 Oct 2003

~Fragi~ says
ydakh said:

mr. ffm,there r much sect in Islam today,if u belongs to 'Toheedy' group,as u wish....
I have much knowlege of true Islam,I am representing a majority of muslim in sub-continent...who belive who is better?decide u?

well ...dear fellow case is dis k we dona wanna follow wat da majority follows.. we have to follow da rite path ....n follow da instructions of Allah n his messenger... nothin more....

sorry if i hurts yer feelings
Posted 19 Oct 2003

~Fragi~ says
n jahan tak baat hia sects kee ..

i m Wahabi ...
Posted 19 Oct 2003

BibiJan says
ffm said:

n jahan tak baat hia sects kee ..
i m Wahabi ...

Our Prophet MUHAMMAD said there will be 73 firkaas , he did not say make 73 firkaas.. What was our Prophet.. a Sunni, a Shia, a Wahabi... He was a Muslim.. so we should say we are Muslims.
Posted 19 Oct 2003

Yeah,before 1857 only shia and sunni found,but after that all sects is
Old sunni is performing Milaad,Shab-e-baraat further most which r found,so u decide?
who is true?all 20th century sect is crap and opinion,old is gold..
Posted 20 Oct 2003

BibiJan says
We should call ourself Muslims only.. today we have so many firkaas.. many more to come... what i think about religion is...
we should pray 5 times a day
we should obey our parents
we should give zakat, khairat and sadka
we should fast in ramadan
we should never break anyones heart
If we follow a firkaa, which maybe wrong, because some say hath band ker namaz paroo, some say hath khool ker..
Religion in about faith... what ever we do we should have faith in ALLAH, either hath khool kar or band kar nawaz.. kabool kerney wala ALLAH hai... bas neait saaf honi chaiey
Posted 20 Oct 2003

~Fragi~ says
BibiJan said:

ffm said:

n jahan tak baat hia sects kee ..
i m Wahabi ...

Our Prophet MUHAMMAD said there will be 73 firkaas , he did not say make 73 firkaas.. What was our Prophet.. a Sunni, a Shia, a Wahabi... He was a Muslim.. so we should say we are Muslims.

so true,,,

per i was not sayin in a context k me superior or wat ..

i was juz tellin him k ...

any how


ma fault i accept

sorry from all
Posted 20 Oct 2003

~Fragi~ says
BibiJan said:

We should call ourself Muslims only.. today we have so many firkaas.. many more to come... what i think about religion is...
we should pray 5 times a day
we should obey our parents
we should give zakat, khairat and sadka
we should fast in ramadan
we should never break anyones heart
If we follow a firkaa, which maybe wrong, because some say hath band ker namaz paroo, some say hath khool ker..
Religion in about faith... what ever we do we should have faith in ALLAH, either hath khool kar or band kar nawaz.. kabool kerney wala ALLAH hai... bas neait saaf honi chaiey

so true/....
Posted 20 Oct 2003

Bro Riza says
My opinion on this guys, is that we have been told that there is going to be 73 sects in islam, and only one will be right, when it was asked by a companion which one, the prophet (saw) said the ones which follow my teachings.
Now from this its quite clear that if we were to only follow the teachings correctly then we are the correct ummah, right?
Now if we were to follow his teachings but also add innovations which werent practised at that time, then we are risking a chance, because that might be bad, but maybe it might be good cos we our intentions are there, i believe the people that do do things according to sufism, do it to gain more reward and they think what they are doing is logicaly right because they are doing it for Allah. But its still a chance, because we know that if we follow only the teachings of the prophet (saw) then we are doing right, we have been told this by him(saw) So why do more, when we dont know for 100% sure that it is right? I am not saying we shouldnt try to gain more reward, we should, but only in the ways we have been told by the prophet (saw). Do you guys understand what i mean?
Posted 20 Oct 2003

Bro Riza says
Ydakh i am a sunni, and i am very well aware of sufism it is also been inherited in my family, and also through to me, but it wasnt untill i researched myself and didnt just follow what was inherrited, i realised somethings which werent right. You have to try and be open minded. At the end of the day all you need to know, is follow the ways of the prophet(saw), because if we do then we are guaranteed jannah, that is enough to know. There is also ahadith about inovations, i will look it up.
I think you need to chill out a little, dont attack other muslims, only Allah can judge, you dont know for sure if what you follow is right, as neither do i or anyone else on this planet. Only Allah knows. So have patience with others. Not try to be offensive just giving you advice. jazakallah.
Posted 20 Oct 2003

BibiJan says
Bro Riza said:

Ydakh i am a sunni, and i am very well aware of sufism it is also been inherited in my family, and also through to me, but it wasnt untill i researched myself and didnt just follow what was inherrited, i realised somethings which werent right. You have to try and be open minded. At the end of the day all you need to know, is follow the ways of the prophet(saw), because if we do then we are guaranteed jannah, that is enough to know. There is also ahadith about inovations, i will look it up.
I think you need to chill out a little, dont attack other muslims, only Allah can judge, you dont know for sure if what you follow is right, as neither do i or anyone else on this planet. Only Allah knows. So have patience with others. Not try to be offensive just giving you advice. jazakallah.

You are right Bro Riza..only Allah can judge... we dont know who will go where....
Posted 21 Oct 2003

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