M ness

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Age: 124
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Iiiiiiiiiiiii cantttt helpppppppppp falling in lovvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeee withhhhhhhhhh uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Posted 22 Oct 2003

sweetie says

manii ye to batao who is it for
Posted 22 Oct 2003

Mani says
to ma baby galllllllllll:D
Posted 22 Oct 2003

slik chik says
Posted 22 Oct 2003

sweetie says
whos ur baby gal?
Posted 22 Oct 2003

Mani says
dont u know?
maybe i shud post my nikkah nama here.
Posted 22 Oct 2003

slik chik says
sweetie said:

whos ur baby gal?

ummm.....mus be hot4u i guess! poor gurl!
Posted 22 Oct 2003

sweetie says
hehe.. yesh yesh i know its her
Posted 22 Oct 2003

slik chik says
u do? wow, isnt that sumthin now!
hehehehehehe, im shoooo hungry, u got anything there with ya to eat?
im shtarvin!
Posted 22 Oct 2003

Mani says

ditto sweetie pan ckaes!

any hows....how is u tofay?

Posted 22 Oct 2003

sweetie says
yaar if i had anything to eat.. i wud have had it myself first hehe

why dont ya get somethign for us both.. oh yeah.. for mani too

u want something mani??

me.. im not too bad today mani.. what about ya??
Posted 22 Oct 2003

slik chik says
ummmmm........cant be bothered goin down to da vendin machine nw, plus i dun wana eat chocs n crisps, can do without da extra calory intake!

il get ya sumthin and i duno bout behnjee, dont think she'd like me getin her things!
Posted 22 Oct 2003

Mani says
m goooooooooood!

yo sweetie wens u taking me to lunch ??
Posted 22 Oct 2003

MrDeath says
mani= girl

baby gall= girl

too much confusing..
Posted 22 Oct 2003

Mani said:

Iiiiiiiiiiiii cantttt helpppppppppp falling in lovvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeee withhhhhhhhhh uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
M ness = manhoos ness....hahahahahahahha
Posted 23 Oct 2003

Mani says
depends on the person....see what u are is what u think ...er...yeah..u know wat i wanna say
wad up
Posted 23 Oct 2003

hahahahahahhaahha....well nm........jus' doin' nothin' in lab...:S....u tell me....how ya doin'.....
Posted 23 Oct 2003

Mani says
ive already said wat m doing.....
this lab is fulll man
and not a single pretty face
ma eyes hurt
Posted 23 Oct 2003

sweetie says
Mani said:

m goooooooooood!

yo sweetie wens u taking me to lunch ??

ermmmmmmmmm NOWWW :p

Posted 23 Oct 2003

Mani said:

ive already said wat m doing.....
this lab is fulll man
and not a single pretty face
ma eyes hurt

Posted 23 Oct 2003

Mani says
kinda last minute isnt it?

ive got to go atent this sh*tty meeting wid me lecturer in a bit........

fine fine

i see wat u getting at!
Posted 23 Oct 2003

sweetie says
getting at what
man its lunchtime.. isnt it?
Posted 23 Oct 2003

Mani says
not where i am!
see in a uni u can eat luch whenever u want after u had ur break fast depending when u is free......u knew i wasnt free dats why u offerred me.....sad!
Posted 23 Oct 2003

sweetie says
what can i say hehehe

wesaay tumhe sharam to nahi aati
u asking ME to take U out?

Posted 23 Oct 2003

Mani says
What da hell?


tum ko sharum aani chahiyaay for making me starve for so long....tsk tsk...kia ho gayah hay aaj kul logoonko.......
what bout dinner?

dn worry ill let yah pay

and ill bring cute too if u dun mind
Posted 23 Oct 2003

sweetie says
oh yeah sure.. bring cutie as well

but then

i dont wanna be kebab mae haddi na

so u take her out

i'll stay at home
Posted 23 Oct 2003

Mani says
we is come at ur home
u make us dinner
finish baat!

can u like serusly cook anything at all that wont leave ur gests dead?
or feeling like being dead?
Posted 23 Oct 2003

sweetie says
at ma home?
i still gotta do ma shopping
oh yeah i can cook errrmmmmm temme what do ya wanna eat

i'll see if i can cook
Posted 23 Oct 2003

Mani says
oh man
a simple NO wudve sufficed
tsk tsk
oh well
Posted 23 Oct 2003

sweetie says


Posted 23 Oct 2003

Mani says
yes...thats it...no can do now....
barq afsoos huva
hum kon sa aa jatay
Posted 23 Oct 2003

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