Bro Riza

Age: 125
7824 days old here
Total Posts: 31
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Salaam again, i have an article here by sheik al-guzahli. Some reflections of the late Shaykh (Rahimahu-llah) on why he believes, and what strengthens his iman.
Its a little long, but it will be very knowledgable for you to read it inshallah. jazakallah.
Muhammad Qutb: 'The Way of the Messenger', Islamic Horizons, Indianapolis, USA: Islamic Society of North America, issue. Published with permission for Journey Through Islam, second edition, volume 1 – to be published
I am one of the many thousands of people who believe in Allah, recite His praises, avow His glory and majesty, and are strengthened by His bounty and support. I have come to know the Almighty through the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace. I read the Qur’an and I studied the prophet’s biography; then I discovered my inner self-harmonising with his message. My heart and mind were refreshed by his call. Thus, I became one of the vast multitude who have accepted Allah as their Lord, Islam as their way of life, and Muhammad as their guide and Prophet.
There were people who knew nothing about Allah at all but Muhammad illumined the way for them, and led them through their own hearts to their true Master. And those who knew Him, but did so mistakenly, thinking that He had a son who could intercede, or a partner who could be of assistance, to them also Muhammad came and re-established the belief in Absolute Oneness, refuting once and for all the supposition that Allah could have a son, or daughter, or a partner, or an opposite, or an analogue in majesty.
Or have they taken protectors apart from Him? Allah - He is the only Protector; He revives the dead, and He is capable of everything. No matter how you have differed on anything, the Judgement is still with Allah. [Say, therefore:] ‘Such is Allah, my Lord; on Him have I relied, and to Him do I turn.’ Originator of heaven and earth, He has granted you spouses from among yourselves as well as pairs of livestock by which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him! He is the Alert, the Observant. He holds the key to heaven and earth; He extends sustenance and measures it out to whom He wills. Surely He is aware of everything (42: 9-12).
THE Prophet's Knowledge of Allah
No one, past or present, knew their Lord the way that Muhammad knew Allah. Indeed, his knowledge sprang from shuhud, or witnessing. The Muslim who is keen to emulate the example of the Prophet will be able to discern certain special characteristics of Muhammad's knowledge and awareness, in the penetrating and emotionally charged words he used when speaking to, or about, Allah. Clearly, there was nothing either doubtful or contrived about his utterance. Whoever reads or hears the words which Muhammad used when addressing his Lord will immediately sense a quickening of his pulse to the flow of those words, and a corresponding rise in the intensity of his emotions. In the end he will have no alternative but to be humble and to submit to the Lord of all the worlds.
I remember on one occasion trying to follow the distances mentioned in a study of astronomy, distances so great that they raced beyond my ability even to imagine them. Indeed, I felt myself growing ever smaller until I looked down to the earth at my feet and thought of what lay hidden beneath its surface. I realised then that I was capable neither of comprehending nor even of perceiving anything. Have we any idea of the number of things there are in this world about which we know nothing at all?
Then, as I was reflecting on these thoughts, I recalled how Allah, Exalted is He, has described Himself in the Qur’an:
The Merciful is established on the Throne: to Him belongs all that is in heaven and earth and all that is between them, and all that is beneath the surface. If you speak aloud [or not, it is all the same to Him], for surely He knows the concealed and what is even more hidden. Allah, there is no god but He. To Him belong the Glorious Names (20: 4-8).
The sublime radiance of the lote-tree in the seventh heaven and the tiniest seed in the darkest recesses of the earth are as one in His Knowledge, may His Name be praised! I found myself so filled with awe for the Great Creator that I was at a loss to put it into words. But by His will I did discover the words to express what I felt. These were words used by the Prophet in his salah. In the hadith, Ali ibn Abi Talib related:
'And when he assumed the ruku or the bowing position, he would say: 'O My Lord, for You I have bowed down, and in You I have placed my faith, and to You I have committed myself. My ears, my eyes, my marrow, my bones, and my sinews have humbled themselves before You.' When he raised his head from the ruku position he would say: 'May Allah listen to those who praise Him. Our Lord, may Your praises fill the heavens, and fill the earth, and fill everything between them, and fill whatever else remains to be filled after that.' When he assumed the sajdah or prostrating position he would say: 'Our Lord, for You I have made sajdah, and in You I have placed my faith, and to You I have committed myself. My face lies prostrated before the One who created it, and fashioned it, and opened within it its sense of hearing and its sight. Blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators.'
In ruku and sajdah before the Creator of heaven and earth, an inspired servant kneels and whispers exemplary words - what every being should utter by way of greeting to the Possessor of the Perfect attributes - for in this supplication, one may discern perfect Divinity and perfect servanthood.
Without a doubt, the first Muslim - and that is the station of Muhammad among the prophets, the believers, martyrs, and righteous - was an expert in the art of dhikr and dua, without equal in giving thanks or seeking forgiveness. We shall endeavour to clarify this truth by examining something of what has been preserved of the dua of the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace.
Recently I looked again through the sacred scriptures of the other religions, and found none of them the equal of the Qur’an in its glorification of Allah, and its exposition of His splendour and majesty. In the Qur’an, the exquisite names of Allah are mentioned hundreds of times in the course of its narration of the stories of the prophets, in its verses of legislation, in its description of the wonders of nature, and in its description of the events of Judgement Day and what is to come thereafter. Furthermore, the Qur’an refuses to allow its glorification of Allah to be merely abstract, without the energy to stir a heart or project a way of life. Indeed, the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace, translated the way of the Qur’an in every aspect of his daily life, and became the ideal - 'a man of God', focusing his attention on Allah alone, and doing everything that he did in this world in His Name.
The person to whom Allah has granted spiritual strength and richness will not be shaken by fear or desire, nor by considerations of numerical inferiority or superiority. The spiritually observant person will be equally at home whether alone or at a wedding feast. If his only concern is the life to come he will never be daunted by the setbacks and obstacles of the present life.
The heart of Muhammad, upon him be peace, was constantly occupied with his Lord, immersed in the sense of His Majesty. Indeed, this profound awareness was the basis for his relationship with both God and people. Follow closely his thoughts in this dua:
'Our Lord, by Your Knowledge of the Unseen, and by Your power over Your creation, grant me life so long as You know life to hold good for me, and grant me death when You know death to hold good for me! Our Lord, I ask You for the fear of You in public and in private, and I ask You for [the ability to speak] the word of truth in tranquillity and in anger, and I ask You for frugality in wealth and in poverty, and I ask You for happiness which is never exhausted, and I ask You for pleasure which is never ending, and I ask You for contentment with Your decisions, and I ask You for the finer life after death, and I ask You for the pleasure of looking upon Your Face, and meeting You without ever having undergone great suffering, and without ever having been subjected to misleading temptation.'
'Our Lord, adorn us with the adornment of faith, and make of us guides who are rightly guided.'
And still there are those with the insolence to claim that Muhammad was a pretender to prophethood! How they regard the truth! From the beginning of time to the present, no human being ever addressed Allah with words nobler than his words, nor ever devoted himself to Allah with greater ardour than he. Who then can be accounted truthful if Muhammad was a fraud? The truth is that those who seek to discredit him are themselves so deficient in intellect and religion that they try the patience of even the most forbearing souls. What they say about Muhammad is comparable to what a flying insect could tell you about the suns of the galaxy!
And those who believe not [despite the clarity of the evidence], in their ears is a deafness [so that they hear not], and to them it [the Qur’an] remains obscure; they are [like people who are] called from a place too far away (41: 44).

Age: 2024
1857 days old here
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