Age: 125
8325 days old here
Total Posts: 8696
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helloo guyes!......yup yup ive met emm all....they were having a fahion show in lahore and u know ive got like i went back stage or whatever u call it....and thats how i met plz dont ask me...kon sa fashion was long time i dont remember anythin so yeah ..thats how i met em
and nfakf.....they were all very nice...i had a lot of fun!!!!!!!!
Age: 125
8325 days old here
Total Posts: 8696
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hehehe!!!....seriously i have connections.......umm oh yeah ive met SHEHZAD ROY...that guy is so i dont know hez a flirt!!!!! .....uff....where did i meet him!..well i saw him in murree..... *burband* was yes Ive got connections... u know who i wanna meet PAKISTAN CRICKET TEAM!...seriously i wanna meet em!
Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
shehzad roy. he looks like a bumb. lol.
so its final. sanam's my hookup 4 celebs next time we're both in pk at the same time! lol.
as 4 the cricket team...4-5 years ago they came 2 toronto 4 some tournament. my uncle hung out with them (he knows some player) and the entire team ate food cooked by my mom. lol. no joke! so u scratch my back, and i'll scratch yours! lol. humaira 4 the cricket team! (j/k)
Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
i've had nothing but bad luck in islamabad tho. lol. out of the 4 times i've been 2 pk, twice we stopped over in islamabad 2 change b4 heading over 2 lahore. BOTH times, my luggage got lost. LOL. the other two times we flew direct 2 lahore, and the trip went without a hitch. but the city itself (islamabad) is nice, just like all of pk!
Age: 125
8325 days old here
Total Posts: 8696
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hahahah!! THAT SUCKSS!!...lost ur luggage.. 2!...hahahahah!!.... ...yeah the city itself is nice....i miss that placee.....oh i luv lahore....liberty chock...and all that...luv it....anar kali....photress..(spelling error..i think!!!).etc.....hheh!....i wanna go back
Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
lol. yeah it was pretty bad (islamabad experience). lol.
as 4 lahore....if i was 2 choose a place outside of t-dot 2 would be that city, no questions asked. the lights, sights, people, atmosphere, celebs, and last but cretainly not least...the FOOD...lahore's got everything!! afterall lahore, lahore eh bai! i miss pk. ! my favorite spots gotta be fortress and the new food street!
Age: 125
8325 days old here
Total Posts: 8696
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lol!.........yes FORTRESS...with all the boutiques..its fun down their...and well liberty is fun too..i mean saleem fabrics...nice clothers...hehe!!!and right next to it therez that food place i dont remember the name...french fries FUUL OF MASALA..yumm!!..oh and ever been to that TAKA TAAK u know what im talkin about ... they have like God knowz how many resturants where they make TAKA TAAK.....where like u know a guy sittin outside with like big fat belly and makin taka taak or whatever. ...i dont remember the name of that place.....but ummm i luv lahore.....and yes I MISS PAK
Age: 125
7800 days old here
Total Posts: 1287
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
i just remember pamorama shopping center in lahore get all your versace clothes for just 100 rupees.
and bets of all was pace, excellent center.
one place i went to was also anarkali. my aunt went pakistan after 8 years and she was saying how much it has improved and then wen we went anarkali out of no were 2 gundas came on a motorbike and snached her hand bag and went off.
Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
LOL @ shabby. love how u built up anarkali and its improvement only 2 finish off on a note like that (aunt's purse)! lol.
LOL @ mr. nice guy! islamabad islamabad eh...HAHAHA! i guess so!
and sanam, u're right man! i know what u're talkin abt but i myself can't remember the name either! there's 2 many food places! if any of u guys r in lahore, go 2 a joint on moni rd. (right next 2 data saab) called 'CHAUDRY TIKKA'....i promise u...u wont want 2 come back 2 north america or wherever else u might reside! simply amazing bbq.
and lol @ sanam 4 the 'guy with the big fat belly' comment! but don't judge a book by its cover! these fatso's know how 2 make some killer food!! the funny thing is, on tv they grose u out. up close they do the same, but its ironic...we end up eating what they've made without hesitation! LOL. aaahhh pakistan! u gotta love it!
Age: 125
8325 days old here
Total Posts: 8696
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hahaha!!!thats right....we end up eating what they;ve made without oh yeah they sure know how to make *Killer* food.....:P....ahh man i wana go back to pakistan..oh yeah imm goin to pakistan this summer *INSHALLAH* cant wait....i know its goona be hot down their....but oh well...*AC* u have a house in pakistan...
Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
u're lucky sanam! we're not allowed 2 go during the summer. my nani/family says we won't make it out alive. lol. my reply 2 them is: if pakistani's can come here and survive a canadian winter...we can go there and get through a pakistani summer! hai ke nahi?!
as 4 a house in pk - yup! we stay at our grandparents' place (on my dad's side). then we got family scattered all over lahore, so housing is not an issue! lol. how abt u? u stay with relatives 2?!
and who u goin' 2 meet, celeb-wise!? u said u have connections!! lol.
Age: 125
8325 days old here
Total Posts: 8696
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Hhahaah!!...that sucks!...well ur nani is kind of right...its hot down their IN SUMMER..but then u know if pakistanI'S can survive canadian winter...then like u know u can go there and survive pakistani summer...u know therez alwayz its not a problem..I SERIOUSLY cant wait NAFAKFAN!! cant wait to go...
orr haan who am i goonaa meet..well imm thinkin of meetint the cricket team..soo umm i dont know how im goona do it..but ill find a way!!!.. one of my aunty's brother knowz ADNAN sami...and hez like oh i go to their house everyday...this n that...jealous here!..and oh yeah then therez u know ARBAZ KHAN..he can hook me up tellin ya i got connections...and oh yeah did i tell u one of my lahorei friends...her father knowz this guy...its his friend.. who does like these concerts and stuff..u know the people who sponsors like the celebrites he is somethin like not like its easy for me to meet all the celebrities u FAKHIR...AND OH YEAH imm all good!...and oh yeah imm goona try to meet HUMAIRA..hahah!! its goona be fun..CANT WAIT!! ka khwaish mein pura ker doon ghi...u know meeting humaira...haha!..or haan IM TELLIN YA THE TRUTH...u might not believe me..but oh well..mein sach keh rahi huin...lolz...GOD...kithna lamba reply!