hey newyorkian

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Age: 125
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u'll be glad to hear dat....ladki punjaban is releasin in new york..... ...syed noor has just affirmed it in a tv interview....lesse wots happen...if it releases...u guyzz are lucky...coz dey are releasing it on bari eid in pakistan..

   c ya..............
Posted 16 Nov 2003

n/p sanam jee!

i hate when its a sunny/cold/winter day. lol.

and it smells during the spring. lol. melting snow/mud/ect. however it does rain diring this time so its aiight!!! where's iman and gujjar sahib?! lol. they want in, on the discussion and then they leave. lol. (j/k)   
Posted 13 Dec 2003

i'm right here i don't know where iman is

maybe in school...lol...j/k

nah guyz i love snow i can handel it

sanam ji i am in atlanta
Posted 13 Dec 2003

sanam411 says
oye nf!....what mud r u talkin about!....i dont care!! ..... hehehe!

anyeayz ahhh aight ATLANTA...nice!.....
Posted 14 Dec 2003

IMAN says
it is soooo damn cold here today...my bro went to work
and he called from his cell and he said its freezzing

im not going out at all....lol

nfak did u call the video??
Posted 14 Dec 2003

atlanta.....does it snow there, gujjar yaar?!

sanam jee, the mud gets all in my car and that's a pet peeve of mine. ! and i spoke 2 soon. just 2day...it snowed like crazy. lol. mud, and slush all over. lol.

iman....i haven't gone 2 heena video yet. i've been working every day and i have no time yaar! but i'm going 2 go this week 4 sure....i'll let u know when i do!

peeps...get this. my cousins were over last week and we started 2 talk abt what kinda things we're into. i mentioned lollywood and this was the first time my uncle got wind of my interest in pakistani movies! he was amazed and very proud. lol. he told me he knows everyone and that he could introduce me 2 anyone i like the next time we're in pakistan.

naturally, i laughed and said....'yeah right, u know everyone.' lol. he insisted he really did have 'connections' and asked me who i liked the best. i told him shaan, saima, and maummar. now HE started 2 laugh and said...'to yeh baat hai?! next week i'll show u something....'

so we met again 2day and my uncle, whipped out 2 pics: 1 from a couple of months ago, with him and maummar on the set of pappu lahoriya, and another from a year ago with.......SAIMA. . lol. i was flabbergasted. lol. he really DOES have connections! and he used 'em 2 meet MY favorites. lol. i'm jealous yaar's. lol.

and btw.....he said saima was a REALLY nice person!
Posted 15 Dec 2003

IMAN says
saima a nice person plz..

Posted 15 Dec 2003

sanam411 says
really!...NF!......welll goood luck!!....cleanin ur car!!!hehe!
Posted 17 Dec 2003

lol. sanam jee, its such a drag, havin' 2 clean all that dirt. lol. every time i step into my car i have 2 tap my shoes on the side 2 make EXTRA sure all the snow/slush gets off, but still....the darn stuff dries up on the matts and looks like dirt after a while. i can't stand that!!!!!   
Posted 17 Dec 2003

have u ever tried cleanin (vaccuming) your car in the winter?! its cold yaar......lol. and thats what i have 2 do, when all that slush gets onto the mats. lol.

actually u know something....my neighbour washes his car WHILE ITS SNOWING/RAINING! i kid u not. LOL. he's mental, i think. lol. i'll walk outside and he'll be standing there in -20 degrees washing his car. i try not 2 laugh, but its hard yaar. lol. and he's wearing layers and layers of clothes 2 keep warm. it's like......dude........here's an idea.......WHY NOT TAKE THE THING INTO A CARWASH?!?!?!?!?!!!!! LOL.
Posted 17 Dec 2003

IMAN says
lol..maybe he doesn't wanna spend money
hey nfak...which car u have??
Posted 17 Dec 2003

IMAN says
heyyy apna Gujjar kidher gaya
is he lost..lol
Posted 17 Dec 2003

IMAN said:

lol..maybe he doesn't wanna spend money
hey nfak...which car u have??

i think u're right. lol. he would rather risk dieing in the cold than spend $5 on a car wash. lol.

i drive a Z24! no ferarri, but its all i have! lol.

.......yeah man, where's gujjar sahib?!NFAKFan37972.8627314815
Posted 17 Dec 2003

No worries GUJ is back..lol
yo this guy on this forum is reall stupid he says so many things about saddam u know him iman...i don't want to say no names here so about saddam eh he goes how he is reall bad and like you said iman that no one knows the truth only allah does and i'm like we can't judge ppll the guy still iss stupid he thinks he is so smart and were all dumbnerds here..lol so ya that was the tension i wasen't typing here i was busy there so ya i'm back hows it going??

where sanam now...lol
Posted 18 Dec 2003

sanam411 says
hey hey guyes!....im right here!.....its rainin!...was at home all day!!rented some movies!.....i wanted to watch yeh dil apka hua!...but they didnt have it!....and well..thas it!...ITS BORIN!....how r u guyes doin!..evrythin ok!......
Posted 18 Dec 2003

every time u talk abt the weather sanam jee, its bad. lol. but if its raining...i would love 2 be there.

YDAKH is in all video stores now, no?! even indian stores have it here in toronto....i think.... keep trying yaar!
Posted 18 Dec 2003

handsome_gujjar said:

No worries GUJ is back..lol
yo this guy on this forum is reall stupid he says so many things about saddam u know him iman...i don't want to say no names here so about saddam eh he goes how he is reall bad and like you said iman that no one knows the truth only allah does and i'm like we can't judge ppll the guy still iss stupid he thinks he is so smart and were all dumbnerds here..lol so ya that was the tension i wasen't typing here i was busy there so ya i'm back hows it going??

where sanam now...lol

lol. don't take anything 2 seriously yaar! i'm all 4 debates, but don't make anything personal! it gets us all nowhere. lol.

Posted 18 Dec 2003

sanam jee its been a while, eh?!

holidays r almost over and there's no sign of u in toronto. lol. (j/k).

khaana thandaa (cold) ho raha hai!!! lol. (j/k).

Posted 27 Dec 2003

valandrian says
Posted 03 Jun 2018

Posted 28 Sep 2018

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