Do u watch pak movies??

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Age: 125
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Canada, Canada
Do u guyz watch pakistani movies aren't they crap
whats wrong with the industry i've seen 3 of shaan's movies n omg..there all the same..
too much fighting!!!
Posted 17 Nov 2003

MrDeath says
dont get to watch any movie.
Posted 19 Nov 2003

actually guys lollywood is in crisis in a last 20 years due to our govt policies and some bad uneducated director,but we have good talents,we can make international level movie..
I think before watching paki movies we should see a director then watch.
I watched 12 times 'Yeh dil aap ka hawa' in the theatre in a good condition,good public and good sound,this movie deserve international standard.
Secondly "Laaj" is worth watching,this movie also impress the viewer..

unfortunelely paki industry have occupied jehal people,u see dramas or pop music have all educated people that's why they r good,so we need a educated staff.
Posted 19 Nov 2003

paki lion says
umair_mahmood said:

paki lion - my mates who are indian said that we seen one or 2 movies and they had saima init . they said shes a good actresess . am not lieing . . they said she dont look that bad in the movie . i think its more us pakistani that have a problem that indians . we want nice thine pretty good looking actresess even if they dont have a clue how to act. I also think saima is fat and need to take roles that suit her . But the fact is that she can act.

i didn't say she doesn't has talents..but dont u think a leading heroine should be thin and beautiful??and about ur indians friends..they are just saying coz u were watching too...for example...when indians are in front of pakistanis they behave like they are peaceful but when there is no pakistanis they will have anti pakistani attitude...the same wid the appreciation of saima's role..i am sure when u are not there..they were talking negative about saima...
Posted 19 Nov 2003

Iman comparison is good but if it healthy our director compare bollywood movies to copy them.I agree that resources are limited as we compare that with Bollywood.

2nd thing is all movies are alike .you must be aware of that in 2003 how many movies released with that Gujjar title and starring off course Shan.this attitude of directors and producers are taking industry to a blinf end
Posted 19 Nov 2003

IMAN says
ydakh said:

I watched 12 times 'Yeh dil aap ka hawa' in the theatre .

12 !!! times r u crazy don't get too excited
Our movies suck case closed ..out of 50 we only get five that r nice....n about saying don't watch saima's movies well u know i watched for shaan.....our industry needs to grow up they r still old fashioned....
Posted 19 Nov 2003

paki lion said:

i didn't say she doesn't has talents..but dont u think a leading heroine should be thin and beautiful??and about ur indians friends..they are just saying coz u were watching too...for example...when indians are in front of pakistanis they behave like they are peaceful but when there is no pakistanis they will have anti pakistani attitude...the same wid the appreciation of saima's role..i am sure when u are not there..they were talking negative about saima...

lol. she's fat and ugly 4 you! but 4 SOME, she's not as ugly/fat as u make her out 2 be! so 4 the time being, she's fine as a leading heroine!
Posted 19 Nov 2003

IMAN says
NFAKFan said:

lol. she's fat and ugly 4 you! but 4 SOME, she's not as ugly/fat as u make her out 2 be! so 4 the time being, she's fine as a leading heroine!

Yooo how old r u itni saima ki side leyrahey ho u sound like ur 30..somethin....saima is not all that okay get that through ur head there r other actress.
Posted 19 Nov 2003

paki lion says
NFAKFan said:

paki lion said:

i didn't say she doesn't has talents..but dont u think a leading heroine should be thin and beautiful??and about ur indians friends..they are just saying coz u were watching too...for example...when indians are in front of pakistanis they behave like they are peaceful but when there is no pakistanis they will have anti pakistani attitude...the same wid the appreciation of saima's role..i am sure when u are not there..they were talking negative about saima...

lol. she's fat and ugly 4 you! but 4 SOME, she's not as ugly/fat as u make her out 2 be! so 4 the time being, she's fine as a leading heroine!
wuhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahah.......she is fine lolz hahahahahahahahah...oh my god i cant stop laughing....
Posted 19 Nov 2003

IMAN said:

Yooo how old r u itni saima ki side leyrahey ho u sound like ur 30..somethin....saima is not all that okay get that through ur head there r other actress.

she ain't all that 4 YOU. as far as acting goes, she's all that and more, 4 me! sure there's other actresses, but none AS talented.

and i'm not 30-somthing, yaar. LOL. why is it so hard 2 belive i'm not as superficial as some and i put more stock in talent, than looks????!!!!!
Posted 19 Nov 2003

plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz let the saima be dis topic is not abt saima for GOD sake
Posted 19 Nov 2003

Yes it seems to be another saima topic we shuld discuss some thing else. saima is now old she must leave her place if she is not gping to quit then serious audiance will surely kick her off
Posted 20 Nov 2003

ok tracker sahib! we'll deal with saima, in the topic dedicated 2 her! in the meantime, lets stick 2 THIS topic. which lolly movie have u recently seen, if any??!
Posted 21 Nov 2003

IMAN says

It was not even saima's topic in the first place...nfkanfan made a big deal about it....
Posted 22 Nov 2003

lollywoodfan said:

Not all the movies are the same . they have different storys but the style is the the same especally Punjabi movies. I dont think violence needs to be cut . That is
the directers job. If u want to see violence watch a
sultan rahi movie !!!!!!!!!!

and there was a lollywood film industry when samia was
not around which is true. Lollywood has been making big time movies if u look back.

Nfakfan u sould change your nick name to samia fan.
You sould be surrporting Ustad Nusrat Fathe Ali Khan.
(may god bless him ameen)[/QUOTE
] urdu lolly movies is best difreent stories

Posted 22 Nov 2003

IMAN said:

It was not even saima's topic in the first place...nfkanfan made a big deal about it....

lemme get this straight....YOU bring her up 2 begin with, asking 4 her head (retirement from lollywood), and I'M the one who makes a big deal abt it??? lol. whatever u say.

i simply answered u're topic's question and commented on your 'solution' (get rid of shaan, saima).
Posted 22 Nov 2003

~Fragi~ says
charizmatic said:

plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz let the saima be dis topic is not abt saima for GOD sake

tu aur kiya haina one saima one topic wahan per karo saima per baat
Posted 22 Nov 2003

saima is boring
Posted 22 Nov 2003

IMAN says
guys there'z a new movie coming up pehla pehla pyar
when u see the commercials of it you'll know what i mean by they should bring new comers into movies...the movie is very good and they say zara sheikh acted pretty well.
Posted 23 Nov 2003

yaar i want to listen to the sound track of pehla pehla pyaar but they did nt put any songs on the website
Posted 23 Nov 2003

~Fragi~ says
TeenTracker said:

saima is boring

yeah me do agreeee
Posted 23 Nov 2003

valandrian says
Posted 03 Jun 2018

Posted 28 Sep 2018

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