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slik chik

Age: 125
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ok......................my frnd has a major problem and i was wondering if anybody can suggest anything, cuz i duno wat to say to her!

she really loves this guy wid all her heart n soul, and the guy is really very interested in her aswell, but only physically!
he sez he doesnt believe in marriage and he doesnt wana be tied down to juss one gurl!
shes really does wana marry him like hell, but he sez, that u dont have to keep in touch with me, and he is a very nice guy n all, and very honest and frank and to the point, he sed, i really care for u as ive known u for such a long time, and i dont want to lead u on r anything, its beteer we dont keep in touch, and hopefully ul forget about me with time!
she really respects him for being honest and not lying and all, and not cheating on her later on!
but they havent been n contact for about 2 yrs now, and she seems to love him more everyday!she only ever talks about him and everything seems to remind her of him! i dont think she can ever forget him, since her love is totally pure and true!
im sick n tired of thinkin of wat to do to make them get back together and make him realise how much she loves him, and make him realise that he cant escape reality for too long!
any suggestions?
Posted 19 Nov 2003

Cute_gal says
if it's love....he shud've realize it by now....& no1 needs to point dat out to him......tell her to move on....
Posted 19 Nov 2003

slik chik says
easier sed than done gurl!
i thot dat aswell, but now i see wat shes goin thro, but sumtimes, u gota direct sum1 to the right path aswell, i mean, so many a times the right is so obvious but we still dont seem to see it!
dats his problem!, rather than leaving them both in this dilemma, id like to help them out cuz they r both very close friends!
dont wana tell her to move on like everybody else does, becuz dats not the solution to their prob, i thot is was but its not, so i wana know wat i can do to make him see the truth and to face upto it,becuz i think he really does like her aswel, but his pride is gettin in da way, since he already told her he doesnt believe in marriage, so now he wants to stay true to his word!
Posted 19 Nov 2003

Cute_gal says
hmmmm......well i donno wat to tell ya now.......
Posted 19 Nov 2003

slik chik says
same here,im tired of thinkin wat to do about it, but i know 1 thing, there must be a way to this,there has to be, n i just aint givin up right now!, thanks fo trying tho!
Posted 19 Nov 2003

MrDeath says
can i get her contact number?
Posted 20 Nov 2003

forget that fool guy, things happen for a reason, its good for them to broke up now.its better than they broke up after they get married....if that guy agree marrying her.

      tell her he is not the only guy in this planet. Dont depend on him too much.
Posted 25 Nov 2003

MrDeath says
well said
Posted 25 Nov 2003

MrDeath says
so wat u goona do
Posted 26 Nov 2003

slik chik says
MrDeath said:

can i get her contact number?

y do u want her contact numbaa?

n jupiter, its easy for u to say all that, but its not soo easy to do!leaving a relationship is not always the only way out!
n im lookin for the other ways, the leaving and forgetting the guy has been done befo aswell, n its not always the right way out!
the thing is, she isnt attracted to him juss physically,shes luvs him for the person he is, and i know there r other guys on dis planet, but the way she sees it is, that there isnt anyone like him, and she doesnt want anything to do with any other guy!
i mean, shes gotten so many offer from soo many sexy n gorgeous guys, who wana marry her, but she juss sez: im sorry, i cant!
i got in contact wid him a few days ago n he went quiet for a while n then he asked: how is she?lolz
lets see wat happens!
Posted 26 Nov 2003

they are really good friends arent they?? but tell her.... Good friend cannot always be good HUSBAND!!!!!

Posted 27 Nov 2003

btw..... words for that guy...: the ball is in your hand, its all up to u....u wanna play it or not.
Posted 30 Nov 2003

PumpKin says
maybe time will change him
he wont think something like i dont want to get married for a lifetime when he's already 40-50 years old
just hope that he'll change his mind before too late.
no body wants to be alone
one day he'll realize that
it's the gal who want to wait or move on n find a better man
Posted 05 Dec 2003

sharara says
move on babes...
it'll hurt more alter...
Posted 06 Dec 2003

PumpKin says
but she doesnt wnat to move on...coz she said it's not easy for her...u seee...gal
Posted 07 Dec 2003

slik chik says
PumPkin said:

maybe time will change him
he wont think something like i dont want to get married for a lifetime when he's already 40-50 years old
just hope that he'll change his mind before too late.
no body wants to be alone
one day he'll realize that
it's the gal who want to wait or move on n find a better man

lolz.....dats wat i told him aswell, i sed, listen,u tink marriage is a joke now, n dat u tink all ur frndz r wid u n ur havin a blast,ur able to get any gal u want widout even approaching her urself first, but like do u honestly tink ur frndz r gona be there n by ur side at any time u need them?noway man, they r gona move away n have families of there own, now a days ppl hardly have time to spare for there family, let alone frndz. n also, u tink dese gals r gona be willing to have anything to do with u in da next 4 or 5 yrs, noway, they will all settle down n u wont be able to get any young gurl u want at dat age!
i told him dat hes only tinkin bout da present, but he aint tinkin bout the times wen hes gona be needing a companion da most, n dat is thro the old age.
he kinda got all deep into wat i was sayin. i tink it might start showin some effects. lets hope it does.!
n as fo pimkin, man, ur really getin da point, while alot of them aint!
Posted 10 Dec 2003

well.....all I can say now is.....if you have something to fight for....work it out!!! but u gotta know when to stop.
Posted 14 Dec 2003

$$dreams says
slik chik said:

PumPkin said:

maybe time will change him
he wont think something like i dont want to get married for a lifetime when he's already 40-50 years old
just hope that he'll change his mind before too late.
no body wants to be alone
one day he'll realize that
it's the gal who want to wait or move on n find a better man

lolz.....dats wat i told him aswell, i sed, listen,u tink marriage is a joke now, n dat u tink all ur frndz r wid u n ur havin a blast,ur able to get any gal u want widout even approaching her urself first, but like do u honestly tink ur frndz r gona be there n by ur side at any time u need them?noway man, they r gona move away n have families of there own, now a days ppl hardly have time to spare for there family, let alone frndz. n also, u tink dese gals r gona be willing to have anything to do with u in da next 4 or 5 yrs, noway, they will all settle down n u wont be able to get any young gurl u want at dat age!
i told him dat hes only tinkin bout da present, but he aint tinkin bout the times wen hes gona be needing a companion da most, n dat is thro the old age.
he kinda got all deep into wat i was sayin. i tink it might start showin some effects. lets hope it does.!
n as fo pimkin, man, ur really getin da point, while alot of them aint!
if u think tht this guy was really thinking on wht all u said then talk to him again & keep on saying good & nice things abt ur frnd & make him realize tht how much ur frnd loves him & tht he might not do anything now on whch he has to regret at a later stage of his life when its too late.tell him tht its hightime he shd seriously think abt his future & tht he also liked & loved ur frnd at some time or other & thr was summin special in ur frnd whch he loved & liked so think abt it & make a decision before its toolate
Posted 14 Dec 2003

PumpKin says
its nice if it shows any effect on him
but at the same time u got to make ur friend to understand that she cant expect him too much

go make a social life meeting new people
Posted 15 Dec 2003

basil09 says
Posted 15 Dec 2003

basil09 says
Posted 15 Dec 2003

$$dreams says
PumPkin said:

its nice if it shows any effect on him
but at the same time u got to make ur friend to understand that she cant expect him too much

go make a social life meeting new people

ya u shd also try to make ur frnd realize tht thr r other beutiful things i life to look to ask her tht give him some time to think mght possible tht he 'll come bk to her & if he don't then she can't just force him to love her & marry her she must not hurt herself if tht guy doesn't care at all for her feelings her emotions she shd try to concentrate on other things & tell her tht unless & untill u'll try to do & concentrate on summin else she can never come out of this prob once she decides she shd try working on it i know its not easy to froget first love but then nothing is impossible she shd not give tht guy so much of space so much of rght tht he thinks tht he thinks he is summone the best instead she shd try to make him feel tht she is the best & she can get & do anything she wants
Posted 16 Dec 2003

Bijli says
hello guyz
Posted 17 Dec 2003

PumpKin says
u see....is all depend on the gal

she has the choices on her hands

hello huma, where have u been ?
what would u do if u r in the post of this gal ?
Posted 17 Dec 2003

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