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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Larki punjaban is out friday 21st november I cant wait to see it. But i m going to go saturday to see it as I m working. The producer gave me 3 mini posters of the movie!!

Also other goss I have heard naseebo lal is working in films that sounds abit funny doesnt it? But I like her songs she has a cool strong voice go Naseebo!!

Another topic i WANTED TO TALK about is bollywood.
That is why do they use our gods name in Allah in their songs? They make movies against our religion. Cant they use their own gods name we lollywood doesnt use guru or bhagwan do they?
There are songs like
hi-ya allah kaisa hua, koi mil gaya
kaisa humaar hai yeh allah allah

there are many other songs
so wat they playin out?

Posted 20 Nov 2003

thats true . if they hate muslism and make film on us why use out gods name. saddos
Posted 20 Nov 2003

see da movie...n tell's dat...i desparately waitin for it....
    c ya......
Posted 20 Nov 2003

Posted 20 Nov 2003

i just got bak from the cinema and yep the wait is over . got to go seee it tomorrow . one proble its the last day of travee and i carnt miss it so proble on saturday . inshallah
Posted 20 Nov 2003

u guys in the uk r making me jealous. lol. make EXTRA sure u post a review once u see the movie!!
Posted 20 Nov 2003

shaby says
i thought it will release on eid on 28th november.

plus there still isent a sign of the movie in england.

if you remember wen ydakh released ary was promoting it like mad but theres no sign of lp.
Posted 20 Nov 2003

shaby says
it wasent a good move to release it in ramadan, very bad one.

i have asked many ppl if they will watch it and they says maybe after ramadan.
Posted 20 Nov 2003

verey true shaby . the reason ary showed a lot of ydakh was because they was sponsoring it . . and i also think syed noor should have waited after ramadan . but yere in the uk new movies come out on a friday . so this way everyone can watch it on eid day. shaby where u in england . from where am from theirs posters up in cinemas and on film shops.
Posted 20 Nov 2003

Jiya_k says
movies should be band in Pakistan during Ramadan....tomorrow is Shab-e-Qadar night.. the last friday...and they r releasing movie...m against it...!!!! thats not right...HOW MANY GUYS WATCH MOVIES DURING RAMADAN?!?!?
Posted 20 Nov 2003

Jiya_k says
they should not band it, but yeah, stop releasing movies for a month atleast..!!!!
Posted 20 Nov 2003

paki lion says
jiya_k said:

they should not band it, but yeah, stop releasing movies for a month atleast..!!!!

listen one stops u for praying during ramzaan or living u dont bother what we pakistani peoples are doing...u just carry on wid ur live..but leave the other peoples we dont interfere wid ur live nor do we have to right to tell u what to do or what u better dont do the same wid other peoples...thanx!
Posted 20 Nov 2003

paki lion said:

jiya_k said:

they should not band it, but yeah, stop releasing movies for a month atleast..!!!!

listen one stops u for praying during ramzaan or living u dont bother what we pakistani peoples are doing...u just carry on wid ur live..but leave the other peoples we dont interfere wid ur live nor do we have to right to tell u what to do or what u better dont do the same wid other peoples...thanx!

Hey PL why r u rude to JK? How doya kno jk iz not paki?
Everybody has the right to express their view point and so did JK.
...and tell me why movies are not shown in Muharram in Pak?
Posted 20 Nov 2003

shaby said:

it wasent a good move to release it in ramadan, very bad one.

i have asked many ppl if they will watch it and they says maybe after ramadan.

So God's only awake in Ramadan? God's respect can be spared in other months? bad is permissible after Ramadan or is of lesser intensity? What do we gain from your fasting? nothing but hunger and thirst becuz if our heart longs for bad things and can't wait for this restrictive month of fasting to be over and we will be free to do anything. FYI, "There is no compuslion in the religion, but the clear way is manifested from the wrong. One who choses to adopt the right one as opposed to the rebellious way and believe is surely anchored to a sound footing which will never weaken..."
Remember, by staying away from bad things in Ramadan we are testifying against ourself that we do have the strength to counter the desire to watch bad things but we choose to accept em in other months with free will. Gosh, we are so much into rituals w/o understanding a bit of it.
Posted 20 Nov 2003

noor is gone mad...ramdan main kaun dekhne aye ga?????????
Posted 21 Nov 2003

i also think no ones gonna watch it tomorrow because its
Shab-e-Qadar but after that ppl will . . we all watch T.V in ramazan and t.v in ramazan and most of as listen to music . i think he released it so that people can watch it on eid . in the uk new movies come out every riday and this is the friday before eid next friday will be after eid . thats wot i think.
Posted 21 Nov 2003

Jiya_k says
Paki wasn't just for u..u seems like u ain't pakistani or u dont fast at all....i interfared or wrote my comment cuz i am also paki and it was just a damn comments...ager idher comments nahi likh saktey tu why do we post things here jab agey se itney rude jawab aatey hai ??? that's f**kEd up !!
Posted 21 Nov 2003

Now jiya y r u foul mouthing? What's the diff. ur as rude as PL. Again this is Ramadan. If you fast then don't destry it w/ cursing.
Posted 21 Nov 2003

Hoppo says
I full give my full review on saterday!!!! So be here. I will give u every single detail and what score out of 10! ok.

Yeh that is abit wrong though the film bein released in ramadan but I dont why they couldnt wait till next week.But I know most sikhs in the uk will be watching it when it comes out.
Posted 21 Nov 2003

paki lion says
jiya_k said:

Paki wasn't just for u..u seems like u ain't pakistani or u dont fast at all....i interfared or wrote my comment cuz i am also paki and it was just a damn comments...ager idher comments nahi likh saktey tu why do we post things here jab agey se itney rude jawab aatey hai ??? that's f**kEd up !!

but why do u want us to follow ur ideology?if i am gonna watch movie during ramzaan..does it hurts u?does it stops u for praying namaaz?so all diz request is stupid! and i am a muslim as well ok..wether i am a good muslim or not..u cant judge its only God...thats why i dont interfere wid other persons life....even u cant judge stop all diz request..!lets other do what they want..but u carry on!
Posted 21 Nov 2003

cummmmmmmmmmmmmon yaaaaaaaar dont fight plzzzzzzzzz jis ko dekhni hai woh dekhlay jis ne nahi dekhni woh na dekhay hadh hogaye yaar
Posted 21 Nov 2003

valandrian says
Posted 03 Jun 2018

Posted 28 Sep 2018

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