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If u had 2 save someone from drowning who would it be,

(this was a commonly asked question when 'Chalo Ishq Larahain' came out and as 'Salakhain' is coming out soon maybe the quetsion will be asked again as it features these two)

Posted 21 Nov 2003

IMAN says

as 4 veena malik...u OBVIOUSLY have not seen 'saas bhi ek ma hai.' lol. otherwize u'd change u're mind...!!

yup u never know...i'll definietly watch it then
Posted 07 Dec 2003

its finished yaar...(on PrimeTV)...

maybe u could go 2 karachi bazaar or brother's halal...they may have it?

speakin of which...where do u go 2 get pakistani videos (if u get any at all)?! just curious....
Posted 07 Dec 2003

none of em..i wud pray to god to send both of em ta hell.....lolzzzzz
Posted 07 Dec 2003

IMAN says
NFAKFan said:

its finished yaar...(on PrimeTV)...

maybe u could go 2 karachi bazaar or brother's halal...they may have it?

speakin of which...where do u go 2 get pakistani videos (if u get any at all)?! just curious....

I do go to karachi and also there is heena video we know that person very well and he gets new movies from pak ...are there any new dramas out.??
Posted 07 Dec 2003

paki lion says
NFAKFan said:

lol. i can't see how u hate saima so much, yet u like sana. lol. i guess u're wondering the same abt me tho. lol.

(abt noor)...oh le! i like her yaar. she's not THAT good, but better than sana, in my opinion. lol. u see what i mean when i say u and 1 have COMPLETELY different taste when it comes 2 actresses?! lol.

what do u think of sadia imam and veena malik, my personal favorites?!

well i can understand iman very well..why she dislike saima....and u cnat compare sana wid sana is more beautiful then ur taste is very very quite different wid 99% of the rest..but i do like sadia imam and veena malik 2 and i hate noor, coz she cant act, nor she cant dance..i always feel ashamed when she is dancing on stage wid pakistani pop stars!
Posted 07 Dec 2003

IMAN says
paki lion said:

NFAKFan said:

lol. i can't see how u hate saima so much, yet u like sana. lol. i guess u're wondering the same abt me tho. lol.

(abt noor)...oh le! i like her yaar. she's not THAT good, but better than sana, in my opinion. lol. u see what i mean when i say u and 1 have COMPLETELY different taste when it comes 2 actresses?! lol.

what do u think of sadia imam and veena malik, my personal favorites?!

well i can understand iman very well..why she dislike saima....and u cnat compare sana wid sana is more beautiful then ur taste is very very quite different wid 99% of the rest..but i do like sadia imam and veena malik 2 and i hate noor, coz she cant act, nor she cant dance..i always feel ashamed when she is dancing on stage wid pakistani pop stars!

Posted 08 Dec 2003

paki lion said:

well i can understand iman very well..why she dislike saima....and u cnat compare sana wid sana is more beautiful then ur taste is very very quite different wid 99% of the rest..but i do like sadia imam and veena malik 2 and i hate noor, coz she cant act, nor she cant dance..i always feel ashamed when she is dancing on stage wid pakistani pop stars!

i don't want 2 get into this AGAIN, but if you've bothered 2 see a movie with both saima and sana in it...u would have noticted that sana has a MUCH bigger face (mouth and chin especially), and is bigger physically (length AND width. lol). so if u judge saima by her looks....y not sana? sana should be #1 on your hitlist, cause she's bigger (fact) and uglier (my opinion). but then again, you are very backwards my friend, when it comed 2 judging actresses. lol. ah well...atleast we agree on sadia and veena...!NFAKFan37963.2166087963
Posted 08 Dec 2003

IMAN said:

I do go to karachi and also there is heena video we know that person very well and he gets new movies from pak ...are there any new dramas out.??

i hate the dude @ karachi bazaar. lol. he's such a retard. watch...when u go next time...u'll notice he has these pakistani dvd covers on the counter. when u ask 4 some of the movies, and he says he hasn't copied 'em yet 2 rent out. lol. i've been there a billion times and i ask 4 the same movie, and he never has it. jackass. lol. y put the cover out, if it ain't available 2 rent?! talk abt misleading a

where's heena video?! if they have pakistani stuff...i gotta go! do they have (new)lollywood movies??

as 4 drama's...i have no idea. sorry. have u been 2 brother's halal on gerrard st.? they'll have ANYTHING...u name it. latest drama, movie, anything! NFAKFan37963.2243402778
Posted 08 Dec 2003

IMAN says
NFAKFan said:

paki lion said:

well i can understand iman very well..why she dislike saima....and u cnat compare sana wid sana is more beautiful then ur taste is very very quite different wid 99% of the rest..but i do like sadia imam and veena malik 2 and i hate noor, coz she cant act, nor she cant dance..i always feel ashamed when she is dancing on stage wid pakistani pop stars!

i don't want 2 get into this AGAIN, but if you've bothered 2 see a movie with both saima and sana in it...u would have noticted that sana has a MUCH bigger face (mouth and chin especially), and is bigger physically (length AND width. lol). so if u judge saima by her looks....y not sana? sana should be #1 on your hitlist, cause she's bigger (fact) and uglier (my opinion). but then again, you are very backwards my friend, when it comed 2 judging actresses. lol. ah well...atleast we agree on sadia and veena...!

Hahahaa....nfak...saima is pretty n so is sana im not saying there ugly...sana has kashish on her face u know what i mean...sana is better lookin then saima ...well anyways and which karachi bazar are you talkin about if ur talking about the one i am near parkway mall...well heena video is near it only few stops away...its in Victoria park...
Posted 08 Dec 2003

yaar....lets drop the saima/sana thing, outta respect 4 others posting in this topic. afterall, it's supposed 2 be abt meera/zara. lol. we'll agree 2 disagree. but if u REALLY want 2 continue it...we'll do so in the saima topic. lol. u know where it is!

as 4 karachi bazaar....thats exactly the 1 i'm talkin' 'bout (VP AND ELLESMERE)! so heena video is a few stops away, on VP?! i'm goin' there on friday! lol. is it past ellesmere or b4 it?!
Posted 08 Dec 2003

IMAN says
ya i kinda knew u were talkin about the same karachi bazaar cuz that is excatly what the guy does as u said before that he has the covers but no movies...and heena video i belive its before ellsemere....i can give u the number if u want before going i don't want u going to a wrong place...lolzzIMAN37964.2250347222
Posted 09 Dec 2003

lol. good idea. i don't want 2 get lost either. lol. can u please gimme the phone #?! i definately want 2 check this place out.

have u ever been 2 missisagua recently? they opened a new store there called 'movie time.' u heard??
Posted 09 Dec 2003

valandrian says
Posted 03 Jun 2018

Posted 28 Sep 2018

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