NFAKFan said:dont expect too much..i have cousings living in uk..thre were more dissapointed..coz the expectations was very high..u also read larki punjab review made by hoppo..WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOKS LIKE SAYED NOOR'S DONE IT AGAIN!!!!
shahrukh khan said:ffm tumhare paisay jate hain... aisi karo gie gey koi bhi nahi aiye ga next day
rrkky said:ok i saw this movie in india yesterday. it says shashilal nair is the asst director . seems like we have a team here. anyways the story isnt bad but technically its a weak film and my friends u have a long way to go . it s bein pulled off the theatres in india cause its a huge flop. and u know givin an unbiased movie critique s a weak movie put it modestly. i mean there are better lookin tv serials on indian channels. it just looks like a tacky regional film. sorry no offence.
charizmatic said:rikkky u know what i want to say to u right now sadly i cant write it here cuz i have some kind words for u buddy these rumors cant last for too long okk and plzz keep watching those sh*tt which u called indian drama serials lolz and dont bother watching any paki movie again got it
ffm said:glad to see ur friendly response ffm...whats the position of ur head now?bowing or what???
<font color="red"> RELAX
paki lion said:
ffm said:glad to see ur friendly response ffm...whats the position of ur head now?bowing or what???
<font color="red"> RELAX
rrkky said:ok i saw this movie in india yesterday. it says shashilal nair is the asst director . seems like we have a team here. anyways the story isnt bad but technically its a weak film and my friends u have a long way to go . it s bein pulled off the theatres in india cause its a huge flop. and u know givin an unbiased movie critique s a weak movie put it modestly. i mean there are better lookin tv serials on indian channels. it just looks like a tacky regional film. sorry no offence.
rrkky said:we are laughing that after 100 years ur country is still full of poverty and aids virus despite the fact that ur country attacked us three times..but it didn't affected us..and ur country is bigger then ours still then u were not succesful to cause harm to PAKISTAN!WUHAHAHAHAhahahahgoin ..and ur still stuck to ur medival equipments tryin to make an ass of urself in ur own people s eyes in the name of cinema. hahahahah lolly is such a f**kin joke and pakistan laffs the most on it.