maybe someone knows more abt this? i heard the two recently had a concert in the uk. the musicians that accompanied them were brought in illegally by the two, and they have now been arrested in connection with this?? is this tru? some lady named krishma kapoor...her name also came up...?? fact or fiction??
Age: 125
7993 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
yeah...those were the good ol' days. my favorite used 2 be hulk hogan growing up as a kid! but now the wrestlers r more real. they take more risks. don't u agree?
Age: 125
7993 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
and that makes 4 more entertaining tv (risks)!
anyhow.....armegeddon is the next ppv.
randy orton vs. rvd jericho, christian vs. trish, lita kane vs. goldberg vs. hhh (triple threat match) booker t vs. mark henry batista vs. shawn micheals and more! what u think? good?
Age: 125
7839 days old here
Total Posts: 4229
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India, India
o wow great...
i jus remember nfak.. i always wanted to ask u tat but forgot evertime..
there was a match 3-4 yr back.. when two men were in da ring.. n they both were acompained by one sexy babe.
so da rulz was dat if one of dem looses.. his girl would hav to undress one cloth fr her body..n da match continues till one of da girls is fully naked.
mr. mcmahon. was da creator of dis match ofcourse.. as u know in india we dont got to see da match.. but can ya telll me wat happend????
Age: 125
7993 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
lol. it happend 2 times....i know which ones u're talkin' abt but only 1 of them was CLEAR-CUT. the other was not. lol. why r we talkin abt this again?! LOL.